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How about a well deserved hand for the Mods!


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PCS have I ever told you that I love your pictures?

Seriously, I think you have a future in professional photography!

Hmmm. Little too easy,but acceptable. Work on it some.

PCS saved my cat from the tree again today, he's my hero...

And dont even get me started on his physique...


That last sentence gave me pause,however I do like cats so it almost evens out. Get back to you on this.

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Since it's truly in vogue to dump on Mr. Snyder, let me just say that he isn't paying any of the mods ENOUGH.

They all deserve an extra company car...and, as for the lifetime supply of IPA...isn't good enough for their baths.

It should be champagne.

Every day.

Thank you, Mr. Snyder, in advance.

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The mods quite unceremoniously hit me with NNT's all for saying that I "liked" the Skins. To get back in good graces I had to do housework for TK and I had to wash Zoony's car. I didn't really mind, but now I find myself labeled as a suck-up.

Next time I get NNT's... I go all out;

hows about...

"RUMOR: Skins Hire Witch Doctor To Hoodoo Zorn Into Retirement/Campbell Bla Bla Bla..."

***Joke Only***Please Don't Give Me NNT***

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You guys are terrible at sucking up. Sucking up requires weaving a story with equal parts awe, manly deeds, and just a hint of believeablity.

For instance, did I tell you the story of when Jumbo was so manly he chopped down a mighty oak tree and then hollowed it into a canoe with nothing but his :censored:? I didn't personally witness this act, but I have it on good faith that it happened. Then he used it (the canoe) to cross an overflowing river and rescue a family of trapped beavers.

Swear to God.

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