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Q for UVa students


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are parking rules enforced on Saturdays? I have to take an LSAT on the campus (Mechanical Engineering building) this saturday, and while I could park in the visitor lot, I'd rather not spend the money if they don't enforce the rules anyway.

So any ideas where I can park? (there is no football game at Charlottesville this saturday )

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where do you plan on applying, or I guess you wouldn't know til you know your score?

Yeh, I took the test in that building too, have you graduated by now or sticking in another year in undergrad?

5th year at JMU... kind of just piddling around, but most of my peers who graduated got bs jobs and are doing much the same thing with a much lower quality of life.

As for schools, if I don't bomb the LSAT and do about as well as I have been doing on timed practice tests then I am going to go for

W&M, GW, GT, USC, UC Davis, UC Hastings, UMd, W&L, GMU, or if I really kill the test then maybe UVa. USC and W&M being top choice. Hell I'll probably apply to UCLA and UC Berkeley too.

I got a fee waiver so most of my apps will be free

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It's been more than twenty-eight years since I had to worry about this problem. :D

If history is any indication, you should be fine for parking on Saturday during a non-football weekend. I was talking with my daughter a short time ago (she graduated a little over seven years ago) and she said the same thing.

sounds like a plan

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are parking rules enforced on Saturdays? I have to take an LSAT on the campus (Mechanical Engineering building) this saturday, and while I could park in the visitor lot, I'd rather not spend the money if they don't enforce the rules anyway.

So any ideas where I can park? (there is no football game at Charlottesville this saturday )

I wouldn't worry about it too much. The first ticket you get here is just a warning ticket and you don't have to pay it. The thing is I've been seeing a lot of parking signs talking about how you can't park at the stadium, until 10/4 or something like that. You are probably better off just parking around the Aquatic Fitness Center.

Good luck man. I'm taking the test, too. Same building even.

Oh man, don't do it. Save your immortal soul.

Big law? Is it really that bad? Do you think law school is worth going to, from a purely monetary standpoint, if you go to a school like GULC? Some people have told me that even HYS kids are getting killed in this economy.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. The first ticket you get here is just a warning ticket and you don't have to pay it. The thing is I've been seeing a lot of parking signs talking about how you can't park at the stadium, until 10/4 or something like that. You are probably better off just parking around the Aquatic Fitness Center.
I agree with this. You're most likely not going to get a ticket on Saturday anyways parking behind any of the buildings in that area of campus. The AFC is a good fallback option - there's always space there.
Good luck man. I'm taking the test, too. Same building even.
Good luck to the both of you.
Big law? Is it really that bad? Do you think law school is worth going to, from a purely monetary standpoint, if you go to a school like GULC? Some people have told me that even HYS kids are getting killed in this economy.
P has a cushy government job, so he shouldn't be complaining. Big Law isn't really that bad either ... depends on the individual. The economy is killing everyone, but jobs are still out there. I would hate to be graduating law school right now, but who knows where the economy will be in 3 years.

Just remember, if the Redskins have 11 roster spots for 3 quarterbacks, 4 running backs, and 5 wide receivers, the answer is (E) Put Colt Brennan on IR.

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