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Kidnapper Garrido Followed Google-Map Car

Dan T.

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Weird story related to the Jaycee Lee Duggard kidnap story. When Google sent a car through the Antioch neighborhood in 2007 to shoot photographs for its "Street View" feature in Google Maps, kidnapper Phillip Garido, who was sitting in a beat-up van in his driveway as the car goes past, pulls out and follows the car for several blocks.


I checked it out on street view of google maps, and it's chilling to see.

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:yawnee: total non story. It was probably just a coincidence that he was sitting in the van preparing to pull out when the google photo car passed by.

Oh, I agree it's very likely a coincidence, but looking at the photos and knowing what we know, it's still kinda creepy to me.

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Oh, I agree it's very likely a coincidence, but looking at the photos and knowing what we know, it's still kinda creepy to me.

Yeah it was a little over dramatic -- but if I had a kid in my shed for 16 years at that time, I'd probably be a little suspicious of a car with a camera on the roof too...

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but if I had a kid in my shed for 16 years at that time, I'd probably be a little suspicious of a car with a camera on the roof too...

hmmm, so how do you know so much, about how a man would think, if he had a kid in a shed for 16 years.......suspicious, I tell ya.

JK :)

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