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http://news.yahoo.com: FACT CHECK: Obama's health care claims adrift?


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Factcheck: Speaks for itself



OBAMA: "You haven't seen me out there blaming the Republicans."

THE FACTS: Obama did so in his opening statement, saying, "I've heard that one Republican strategist told his party that even though they may want to compromise, it's better politics to 'go for the kill.' Another Republican senator said that defeating health reform is about 'breaking' me."

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OBAMA: "If we had done nothing, if you had the same old budget as opposed to the changes we made in our budget, you'd have a $9.3 trillion deficit over the next 10 years. Because of the changes we've made, it's going to be $7.1 trillion."

THE FACTS: Obama's numbers are based on figures compiled by his own budget office. But they rely on assumptions about economic growth that some economists find too optimistic. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, in its own analysis of the president's budget numbers, concluded that the cumulative deficit over the next decade would be $9.1 trillion.

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I suppose it can.

If you follow the one quote the President was referring to it went on to talk about defeating the President on that issue and "Providing" Freedom of choice in the medical community?

So i guess Yahoo is shading Obama who is shading the Republican.

Its a tangled web we weve.

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At best a vague contradiction.

Certainly he can't blame Republicans (if HC reform isn't passed) because Republicans are irrelevant right now by virtue of Americans kicking them out of office. But I don't see where he did that in the quote.

So what is it you guys are saying he is blaming Republicans for?

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I'm putting out a call to Obama supporters to weigh in on this.

He said last night "You haven't seen me out there blaming the Republicans."

Here's a headline from CNN right now: Obama rips GOP in health care forum


"We have never been closer to achieving quality, affordable health care for all Americans," Obama said in a packed town hall meeting outside Cleveland, Ohio.

"But at the same time, there are those that would seek to delay and defeat reform. ... We had one Republican strategist told his party that even though they may want to compromise, it's better politics to 'go for the kill.'"

Another Republican senator, the president said, had argued "that defeating health reform is about 'breaking' me -- when it's really the American people who are being broken by rising health care costs and declining coverage."

The president also set his sights on Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.

Steele, Obama said, is "seeking to stall our efforts" and "recently went so far as to say that health insurance reform was happening 'too soon.' ... I think that's a little odd. We've been talking about health reform since the days of Harry Truman."

He is clearly saying Republicans are trying to stall health care reform. He blamed Republicans last night and he's blaming them again today. Obama critics have been saying for a while that he says one thing and does the exact opposite. Do you admit that he's lying through his teeth or is there some defense for this statement?

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OBAMA: "If we had done nothing, if you had the same old budget as opposed to the changes we made in our budget, you'd have a $9.3 trillion deficit over the next 10 years. Because of the changes we've made, it's going to be $7.1 trillion."

His 9.3 Trillion also takes into account the same troop level in Iraq over 10 years. Funny because befor Bush left office he made and agreement to have all troops out in 3 years.

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