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MVN: Top 10 Most Valuable Washington Redskins


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Interesting. I would have had the top ten this way:

1. Fletcher: Leader on D, extremely productive

2. Haynesworth: Going to be that huge push up the middle

3. Samuels: Keeps the blind side in check, still a top tier guy

4. Portis: Keeps the offense running

5. Landry: Allows everyone else in the secondary to slip up every once and a while

6. Campbell: Inconsistent, but he's the QB

7. Moss: When he does well, we win

8. Rogers: Beginning to shut down top tier WRs

9. Cooley: Scape goat for the QB, flat out playmaker at TE

10. Sellers: Isn't flashy but clears the way for CP better than anyone could

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That's the problem with these lists, there too subjective.

But seriously, besides the likes of Fletch being ranked only 6, no Hall, and Big Albert topping the list when he's yet to even suit up, #4 is the "very least of the Redskins worries on offense."

He only happen's to be the most important person on the team who can't put up those point thingies for ****, but he's the "very least of the Redskins worries on offense."

Nice, subjective list there Mr. Trippiedi. :doh:


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Interesting. I would have had the top ten this way:

1. Fletcher: Leader on D, extremely productive

2. Haynesworth: Going to be that huge push up the middle

3. Samuels: Keeps the blind side in check, still a top tier guy

4. Portis: Keeps the offense running

5. Landry: Allows everyone else in the secondary to slip up every once and a while

6. Campbell: Inconsistent, but he's the QB

7. Moss: When he does well, we win

8. Rogers: Beginning to shut down top tier WRs

9. Cooley: Scape goat for the QB, flat out playmaker at TE

10. Sellers: Isn't flashy but clears the way for CP better than anyone could

I agree with this list.

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Mine would be this, not going to include players that have not shown any value to use yet (never played?)

1. London Fletcher - Keeps the D in position, leader, shoes are hard to fill (none of our LBs could come in at Middle Linebacker and do near as good a job.)

Tied for 2. Clinton Portis/LaRon Landry - Portis is our offensive MVP, the offense is at its very best when he is playing. The reason he is not #1 is because Betts could replace Portis better than someone could replace Fletcher. Landry is tied with Portis because without Landry, the ENTIRE defensive scheme would have to change. (At least until Moore proves he can be our lone FS roaming 25-30 yards deep if Landry couldn't go.)

4. Chris Samuels - Our best OL hands down, protects the QB and can run-block both with equal excellence. On an already worn-down line, Samuels is essential.

5. Carlos Rogers - He needs to play at his very best now that it is just him and Hall (Smoot has started to decline). Hall is a gambler and will give up plays, Rogers needs to play shut-down as he did early in 08.

6. Santana Moss - Our offense's only true explosive, big play guy. When he can make those plays, our offense looks completely different, such as early 08.

7. Chris Cooley - Moves the chains, has for the most part great hands, and is typically our biggest redzone threat on a team that lacks redzone production. The Redskins need to throw more in the redzone, and need to realize that just because they are near the goalline, does NOT mean they have to be in that goalline formation.

8. Jason Campbell - Has not proved to be the franchise QB yet, but has shown flashes. He would be ranked higher if I were more confident with his ability, as the QB is one of the most important parts of every team.

9. Chris Horton - Here because he is good, but more because of the position he plays. SS is a pretty important player in our D, must come up and play almost like a LB, but has the responsibility of covering the TE. If our D has one weakness, it's the shorter to middle range passes, and SS has to be the guy that prevents those plays from happening.

10. Rocky McIntosh - Emerged as a force on defense until he started to fade late. Does not have any glaring holes in his game and helps the D be what it is. If he can stay strong an entire season, he could become one of our D's best based on some of what he did early last year.

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I'm starting to get list overload. Every day there's new lists, people arguing over the list, then putting out their own lists.

I do like seeing Carlos getting some recognition though. He's gone up against some of the best WRs in the entire league, and had some pretty good success. I trust him as much as I would any CB against any WR.

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Interesting comment here for some Extremeskins fans to note:

When narratives are written about the 2008 Redskins, and why this 6-2 team through November finished up 2-6, you tend to get names like how Jason Campbell's play declined, or how Jim Zorn failed to adjust to teams adjusting to...NO! Here's your narrative:

In Week 6, the Redskins were 4-1 with four quality victories facing the 0-4 Rams when Samuels hurt his knee and had to miss a series. This series ended with a strip-sack of Jason Campbell from the left (Samuels') side, a recovered fumble by a Guard, who was then stripped of the ball and it was returned for a game-deciding TD. Samuels played the rest of the season with limited mobility in his knee, limited effectiveness, until Week 14, when a 7-5 Redskins team was trying to comeback against the Baltimore Ravens, and Samuels suffered a torn tricep, effectively ending the Redskins season. That's a narrative.

The first 5 games up to (the point where Samuels got injured), the team was averaging 1.6 sacks/game given up. That went up to 2.7/game after the injury bug hit, so that seems to bear out his theory (although the 7 sack debacle against Pittsburgh throws that stat off a bit--throw out that game, and the team still was at almost a 2 1/2 sack/game clip after week 6).

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I do like seeing Carlos getting some recognition though. He's gone up against some of the best WRs in the entire league, and had some pretty good success. I trust him as much as I would any CB against any WR.

Except he has no hands

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Haynesworth is going to single handedly make our defensive line great and hes getting paid tons.

Landry is feared. People change their game plans around him.

But I do agree that Portis is #1. What are the stats on our record when he rushes over 100 yards?

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Man, I can't believe this thread made it this far without someone saying the following:

1) Colt Brennan

2) Colt Brennan

3) Colt Brennan

4) Colt Brennan

5) Colt Brennan

6) Colt Brennan

7) Colt Brennan

8) Colt Brennan

9) Colt Brennan

10) Colt Brennan

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If Rogers didn't have concrete mitts for hands, I'd definitely say he belongs in the top 5.

I echo your sentiment. The biggest problem that I have with Carlos is his inconsistent playmaking. There are games where he plays like he belongs, and then the very next game and sometimes play he does things that makes you want puke!

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