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JOKE!! ---- You Never Know


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So, I was out for a walk this afternoon when I happened to spot a Dallas Cowboys season ticket for next season nailed to a tree.

"Hmmm", I thought to myself, "I'm going to get that" and so I took it.

Well, let's face it, you never know when a nail might come in handy. :dallasuck

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1. It's a joke.

2. It was pretty funny.

3. Nobody cares whether you thought it was worth a thread.

1. A joke that sucks

2. No it wasnt funny at all

3. Yes people do care

4. Its in the WRONG FORUM and has been reported

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me know humor, that unpossible! ;)

I'm guessing you're from one of the other military colleges? don't tell me its the Citadel :silly:

Of course El Cid...the only real military college left. You guys barely go a semester before you "break out". You're almost as bad as Norwich.

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Of course El Cid...the only real military college left. You guys barely go a semester before you "break out". You're almost as bad as Norwich.
ouch, almost as bad as Norwich? I don't want to pick a fight, but you've got to put a :D or ;) on the end of a statement like that. when it boils down to it, our schools are the only places like themselves in the world. we're practically brothers.

even if your school is more pussified than ours ;)

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ouch, almost as bad as Norwich? I don't want to pick a fight, but you've got to put a :D or ;) on the end of a statement like that. when it boils down to it, our schools are the only places like themselves in the world. we're practically brothers.

even if your school is more pussified than ours ;)

Yeah, you guys are like the clumsy little brother that wants nothing more than to be like their big brother when they grow up.

Its cute, really. ;)

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Yeah, you guys are like the clumsy little brother that wants nothing more than to be like their big brother when they grow up.

Its cute, really. ;)

lol. well, we were founded first, so I understand your point :)

Honestly though, I hear about the stuff they're taking away from you guys because of legal issues (same here, but we've managed to hold out a little bit longer, its only a matter of time though) and it's really sad. both schools are loosing their character.

lets move this conversation to PM and stop hijacking this thread

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OK, I don't know much about The Citadel, except I like their mascot, but I do know some bad ass commanders went to VMI, like General George S. Patton.

The joke was bad and during the season, certainly not worth a thread but hey, we are at the end of June. Let the moderators moderate but come training camp, if we see a thread like this? Roast away ladies and gentlemen.

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