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Program alert: NFL Access 6/29


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I caught the last 15 minutes of NFL Access. They are doing 32 teams in 32 days. Redskins came in as #17 (this was done by votes). They had a brief interview with Orakpo, and discussed the D and O briefly. There is a replay at 11pm, and tomorrow morning.

I looked and didn't see this mention hope I didn't miss it.



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They spoke mostly about Fat Al' and Orakpo. Woodson gave our D alot of props. Regarding Campbell, they basically said what everyone else knows. He needs to step up in order for the team to have success. But part of his success will be how the young recievers develop.

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I would like to see that, too bad Comcast gave NFLN the boot.

Did they really i was just in VA where they have comcast about two weeks ago and they had then...i thought that they where going to keep it cause they said that both sides were in talks with eachother..

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Did they really i was just in VA where they have comcast about two weeks ago and they had then...i thought that they where going to keep it cause they said that both sides were in talks with eachother..

I think they are bringing it back in August.

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