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DMN: Dallas Cowboys' Crayton seeking more degrees of separation


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Column by TODD ARCHER / The Dallas Morning News |

CARROLLTON – As Patrick Crayton comes off the line of scrimmage, he looks like he is gliding, but in an instant he takes off, leaving the defender a step behind and just enough space for a Tony Romo sits to pee pass to slide into his hands.

It was a subtle move but part of what Crayton has worked at intensely this off-season as he prepares for his sixth season with the Cowboys.

"He looks faster, more explosive," tight end Jason Witten said.

In addition to his work with strength and conditioning coach Joe Juraszek, Crayton has trained at the Michael Johnson Performance Center in McKinney with Juraszek's former assistant, Lance Walker.

At the heart of Crayton's workout is improving his running form and hand-eye coordination.

"He's figuring out, 'You know what? I need to start looking for some ways to continue to separate myself,' " Walker said. "That's part of his game. How can he be more efficient? He's not a 4.2 40 guy, but that's not his deal. He wants to learn the tricks to help with acceleration."

Crayton spent time learning about shin angles and knee lift in hopes of turning a sliver of space on a defensive back into more separation and more yards after the catch. After dropping three passes in 2008, Crayton used Nike SST vision testing, wearing Strobe Specs where lights blink on and off to help with focus.

"I'm trying not to put any on the ground this year," Crayton said.:rolleyes:

In Crayton's first four seasons, his catch, yards and touchdown totals increased each year, topping out at 50 receptions for 697 yards and seven touchdowns in 2007 in a career-high 13 starts. He was rewarded with a four-year contract extension that included a $6 million signing bonus signed on Dec. 28, 2007.

But last season, he had only 39 catches for 550 yards and four touchdowns.

Part of Crayton's drop in production had to do with Romo sits to pee's three-game absence because of a fractured pinkie and the acquisition of Roy Williams from Detroit that chewed into Crayton's playing time.

"You bring a guy in and you give up three or four [draft] picks for him, it means you've got to put him on the field and make him play," Crayton said. "I understood."

Much of the Cowboys' focus this off-season has been replacing Terrell Owens' production. Williams is being counted on to be the No. 1 receiver. Witten has averaged 80 catches a year the last three seasons. Miles Austin has been mentioned as the possible No. 2 receiver, but he has missed the last three weeks with a hamstring injury.

Crayton's name has hardly been mentioned.

"He's not out of the conversation at Valley Ranch, I promise you that," Romo sits to pee said.

That's good news for Crayton.

"I'm just like a stealth plane," Crayton said. "I'm under the radar, which is good. I don't have to be in the limelight like that. I'm a low-key kind of guy. I'm blue collar."

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Craytons not a bad player, better fit in the slot but an alright number 2, he just really needs to shut up.. for a guy whose never even had over 700 yards receiving he sure talks alot of crap.

He's not a good player either. Certainly not worthy of an article.

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I just keep laughing at the thought of the cowboys relying on Crayton to be a true # 2. The great thing is that the more people write about him and think about him, the more his ego and mouth inflates . . .


He doesn't even have the spot locked up, but I hope he gets it. Not worried about him at all. Miles Austin would give teams more trouble.

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I just keep laughing at the thought of the cowboys relying on Crayton to be a true # 2. The great thing is that the more people write about him and think about him, the more his ego and mouth inflates . . .


Seeing as we have nobody else that can even make a claim to the spot, Crayton wins by default.

Like many others, I think that his best play comes from the slot position.

The kid really does have good hands and great athleticism. He's about the only NFL'er who is slower than me.

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Talks a lot, never had over 700yds receiving, polarizing player, and drops too many balls. Sounds like a cheaper version of TO. Maybe that is why he idolizes TO. Crayton seems to work hard but he can't get out of his own way. His name is never mentioned because he isn't as good as he says he is and he is far from stealth when the reporters are around. He fits the typical mold of a Dallas WR, motor-mouth.

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His mouth is what makes him a polarizing figure. Some people enjoy his brash attitude and some don't.

I can't stand the dude. Way more mouth than talent.

Can't argue there. His mouth and brash attitude would be a little more forgiveable it he had the talent to back it up.

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It seems like Crayton has been around forever but just can't make that leap to a consistent reciever.

I think that he's been consistent. I just don't think that other teams spend much time gameplanning for him. He's got good hands and is an excellent option for us as most teams have had to focus on our RBs, TEs, and T.O. He usually (minus Giants playoff game of '08) makes clutch catches for us.

I'm curious to see how he plays if either Roy or the other WRs don't step up. My guess is that his production will drop as opposing teams will be able to give him more attention. I don't think it would take much to shut him down (especially if he plays in the #2 spot).

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I think that he's been consistent. I just don't think that other teams spend much time gameplanning for him. He's got good hands and is an excellent option for us as most teams have had to focus on our RBs, TEs, and T.O. He usually (minus Giants playoff game of '08) makes clutch catches for us.

I'm curious to see how he plays if either Roy or the other WRs don't step up. My guess is that his production will drop as opposing teams will be able to give him more attention. I don't think it would take much to shut him down (especially if he plays in the #2 spot).

Good post, I agree that he's a solid and fairly consistent 2nd-3rd reciever, but he's definetly not a guy people gameplan around. There's just nothing really special about him.

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