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Darkfall Online - Anyone Playing It?


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The shop has officially been open for a few weeks now. The North American server is still being developed and they will allow character transfers from the European server. I just purchased the game this past Saturday and downloaded the client.

Anyone here currently playing?

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I haven't totally given up on MMO's but I definitely don't think I'll buy into one anymore if I don't get a chance to play in an open/closed beta. I really haven't kept up with this one as I would others...probably stems from the fact that they've done absolutely no marketing for the game whatsoever.

Just took a look at their forums also...seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

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I haven't totally given up on MMO's but I definitely don't think I'll buy into one anymore if I don't get a chance to play in an open/closed beta. I really haven't kept up with this one as I would others...probably stems from the fact that they've done absolutely no marketing for the game whatsoever.

Just took a look at their forums also...seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

It's the closest rule set to old school UO, so I think it will be great. I'm having a little trouble adjusting to the play style which is first person.

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I looked at it but have absolutely no interest. Seems like there is a fad going on a FPS MMO's these days. AOC had me hooked for a minute but of course FUNCOM ruined that just like they ruined AO. I heard it has gotten better but just don't have the desire. I have been playing WOW casually as something to do. I love EVE but they really need to make another server, its a pretty crowded place these days.

They need to hurry up with the Warhammer 40K MMO.

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I looked at it but have absolutely no interest. Seems like there is a fad going on a FPS MMO's these days. AOC had me hooked for a minute but of course FUNCOM ruined that just like they ruined AO. I heard it has gotten better but just don't have the desire. I have been playing WOW casually as something to do. I love EVE but they really need to make another server, its a pretty crowded place these days.

They need to hurry up with the Warhammer 40K MMO.

What FPS MMOs? Planetside was the only real one and i've been waiting for something like it. Huxley isn't a true MMO from what I've heard, battles take place in designated areas which to me means carebear BS.

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My guild is in there playin but I haven't given it a go because I was busy with my school semester.

Heard good things.

Baculus plays, though he also was busy and don't think he's been playing long.

Cool, I figured Baculus was playing. Baculus, what is your characters name and race and are you in a clan?

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Im gonna pass. With the next wave of MMOs just around the corner (FFIV, New Blizzard MMO, Star Wars) Im not going to invest in another MMO just yet. Darkfall does look pretty good though. Goodluck
What is the Blizzard MMO and a new Star Wars?
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What is the Blizzard MMO and a new Star Wars?

The blizzard MMO no one is sure yet other than its a new IP so it wont be based on anything they have already done. New Lore, Setting, the works. Blizzard i think makes the best games no exceptions so ill be looking forward to it along with Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2. The Star Wars MMO is based on the Star Wars Old Republic games. Its being made by Bioware who has made some pretty damn solid RPGs. They made The old republic games for xbox, the baldurs gate games, Neverwinter Nights, and Dragon Age: Origins which comes out later this year and promises to be good. So the market should be flooded with good new MMOs which kind of sucks because i hardly have enough time to play one MMO, let alone 3. Sadly ill have to miss out on one of them because ill probably play FFIV until the new Blizzard MMO comes out.

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What is FFIV that a couple people have mentioned? Is it Final Fantasy-related?

I just went back to WOW a week ago after about 7 months away.

And I can't wait for The Old Republic! I will drop WOW in a heartbeat for that...Bioware is amazing.

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Are you playing and can you get me in the guild? I need some serious help with this grind of skills.

Post on the DFO Membership board and let them know that "Jahz" pointed you in their direction. I'd read up a bit on the guild history first so you have an idea of what type of guild you would be getting into.

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