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Anyone have/used Netflix on 360?


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Anyone have/used Netflix on 360? Just wondering if it's as good as Netflix in the mail, I heard the HD content is limited but is it decent HD selection? Was thinking of trying it for a few months, seems like a better deal than buying a few On-Demand movies per month.

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I have it and have used it a good bit in the past. I get 2 dvds in the mail (so I can keep seeing the new stuff and use my blu-ray player) and then can watch unlimited via the 360. Was able to watch some old seasons of Sliders and 30 Rock. I like the convenience of it but do wish they would get the new stuff on there to make it perfect. Anyone know if this is in the plans?

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Whats cool is if you happen to find a movie in your que and watch it via the xbox, it doesnt count towards the # of CD's you normally get per month. But not every movie in your que is available that way... its supposed to get bigger and better at some point i read.

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Anyone have/used Netflix on 360? Just wondering if it's as good as Netflix in the mail, I heard the HD content is limited but is it decent HD selection? Was thinking of trying it for a few months, seems like a better deal than buying a few On-Demand movies per month.

I don't know about the HD content because I don't have an HDTV hooked up to my Xbox ($$ is tight). But what I can tell you from the standard definition service is that there is a pretty good selection. Obviously not every new release will be there but enough well known shows and movies are available to make it worth it. My only gripe is that the actual player they use for the video is buggy. Sometimes it won't buffer, the video will be choppy but when I turn on/off my Xbox it will work, and other little nuances. Hopefully in subsequent updates they can fix that but it isn't to the point where it's unusable, just some minor flaws.

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