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NFL Videos: Cooley on JC


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Wow, that was a great Vid. Thanks for posting. I wanted to see it but I wasn't near a TV at 7PM when he was on.

I think Cooley spoke well and made a lot of good points re the relationship JC has with the team and Zorn. With all the negativity towards JC currently, it's hard to embrace that when it seems the team and the coaches still has so much faith in him.

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I think Cooley spoke well and made a lot of good points re the relationship JC has with the team and Zorn. With all the negativity towards JC currently, it's hard to embrace that when it seems the team and the coaches still has so much faith in him.

Agreed but here is my negative comment: why did it take what happened in the offseason this year to light a fire underneath him. He should had that intensity the day he got his chance to be the starter.

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Agreed but here is my negative comment: why did it take what happened in the offseason this year to light a fire underneath him. He should had that intensity the day he got his chance to be the starter.

I dunno, everytime you heard a coach or player or reporter talk about Jason Campbell they always mentioned how hard he worked/ studied/ etc.

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Maybe Jason will come out with a hint of attitude this season. He's always worked hard, but we all know that he's always had that very passive demeanor about him. It would be great if Cooley was referring to a slight attitude change.

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Yeah but that is not what Cooley said.

What are you talking about? Jason Campbell has always worked hard. No where in that interview did Chris Cooley say that Jason Campbell did not work hard, or study hard. Where does he infer this? You're just talking out your ass.

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What are you talking about? Jason Campbell has always worked hard. No where in that interview did Chris Cooley say that Jason Campbell did not work hard, or study hard. Where does he infer this? You're just talking out your ass.

Ah, I was taking about the fire under his ass and the response I got was well he works hard. Anyone can work hard and long hours because they have a job to do but doesn't mean they have the passion for it. Also if you listen to his video he says FINALLY meaning not before. Listen at 3.00 min mark.

Next time pay attention before you start taking from your ass instead. ;)

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Maybe Jason will come out with a hint of attitude this season. He's always worked hard, but we all know that he's always had that very passive demeanor about him. It would be great if Cooley was referring to a slight attitude change.

We've seen little hints of that before with JC when the fans have booed him at FedEx. Unfortunately it didn't take long for him to calm down and become the old Jason again.

Maybe pissed off Jason is what we need. Maybe the FO finally (inadvertently?) woke him up. It's never been an issue of him not working hard. It's just that it's exactly like you said, he seems to be a very passive, slow, way-too-laid-back person.

I though Cooley's comments basically confirmed that. He said it may finally have lit a fire under JC's butt.

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He used the term finally when speaking of Jason Campbell standing up to Daniel Snyder. Not when talking about "Intensity" and "Fire"

""Maybe it took a little to light a fire under Jason Campbell to say this is my team, I'm going to get it done." I don't see a finally in there.

Also Cooley never used the word intensity, either.

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I think he'd have a job after football in broadcasting if he wanted it. Good job Chris.

on the other vid though...peanut butter, ham, and yellow mustard sandwhich. whewwwww.

A sandwich with peanut butter and ham = deliciousness!!!

I was in a similar situation as Chris was, all i had was bread, peanut butter, ham, and honey. Made a sandwich, and was very pleasantly surprised.

As a wise man once said, "Don't knock the monkey love until you've tried it." :D

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Ah, I was taking about the fire under his ass and the response I got was well he works hard. Anyone can work hard and long hours because they have a job to do but doesn't mean they have the passion for it. Also if you listen to his video he says FINALLY meaning not before. Listen at 3.00 min mark.

Next time pay attention before you start taking from your ass instead. ;)

Well to answer your question.. Jason Campbell came onto a team that already had established leaders. Portis, Moss, Jansen, Samuels, were all veteran leaders on the offense. He didn't see the field until half way through his 2nd year. The next year he was hurt the last five games. Last year he was the starting QB in a new offense with a new coach. So I think we must realize that he hasn't had the opportunity to settle down and be the leader because our organization is so unstable. The organization has not set a table for Jason to sit at the head. You can be the most confident QB on the field and still not be the leader of a team because certain things are missing. In the Redskins case it was a foundation. He has that now being a 4th year player and has earned the respect of the veterans from his mature play last year (0 ints in 8 games). The organization's commitment to a foundation will be tested when we find out just how good our WR/TE draft picks become and how innovative our sophomore head coach can be. Very few QBs become leaders right away and on their own.They need help. There is a QB in our own division that suffered the same scrutiny until he got some help from his front office whom built them into a defensive powerhouse. Eli Manning is the leader of the Giants only because he had time in the system and the organization built a team around him.

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That was a great video. Thanks for sharing B.Rob.

It is unfortunate that it took all of the Redskins offseason trade talks and the contemplating moving up in the draft drama to get JC into that "listen,this is my team and I'm gonna get it done" kind of mindset. If he had had that attitude from the door, who knows, maybe we might have won a lot more games than we have.

I know that I am sure as hell thankful that Campbell is displaying a take charge type of attitude now. Maybe that together with him playing in the same offense for the second year in a row for the first time in his professional career will make enough of a difference to enable this team to get to the post season.

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Good video! Good interview!

I think CC speaks the truth. JC is the guy and they all need to rally around him.

It is JCs play that will prove to be one of the primary factors as to whether or not we do well this upcoming season.

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If what Cooley says is true and Campbell does respond, it'll actually be to the credit of the team for putting enough pressure on him to take his game to the next level. Though, as some have said, it's kind of unfortunate he hasn't done that already. My biggest question about Campbell still comes from Al Saunders and Todd Collins. We were putrid, stagnating, sluggish offensively with Campbell. Then he gets hurt and no one can do anything to stop us until weather and noise took us down a notch in Seattle.

Last year's offense went into a similar category. It just seems like teams can figure out how to defend Jason and limit our offense. Then, BAM, you see how it can be run differently and better, even by a guy with less ability.

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If Gibbs had allowed Al Saunders to start Todd Collins like he had wanted to instead of Mark Brunell, I think we have an entirely different team right now.

"Different" is a very vague word. Are you saying that Saunders would still be around because of the success we would have had under TC? We had success under TC, and Saunders was still let go. It is possible that, in the case that TC consistently performed well throughout an entire season or two we would not have the new coaching staff and likely a different set of young players. After ST though, I think Gibbs II would have been over no matter what. New HC's often mean new coordinators.

....or you meant something completely different.

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A sandwich with peanut butter and ham = deliciousness!!!

I was in a similar situation as Chris was, all i had was bread, peanut butter, ham, and honey. Made a sandwich, and was very pleasantly surprised.

As a wise man once said, "Don't knock the monkey love until you've tried it." :D

I like to try different food but that sandwich i cannot.

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Wait wait wait...the wedge is out of pro football? Did I miss a memo about this? WTF?

Yep. The arms locked wedge is gone. You'll probably see teams bundle people together just without arms locked, but, it'll vastly change returns. There'll be a premium on more athletic, lighter people now. You'll see more tricks and reverses and the rest.

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