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Brett Farve - do you think this lowly of Packer fans?


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Moreover, it NOT just about sticking it to Ted Thompson. He proved last year that he can be VERY effective on a team with a poor running game and defense for X amount of throws. Now, the poor running game and defense and coaching scheme forced him to exceed that X amount.

In Minny he would have peterson and an amazing defense. Between Chester Taylor and Adrian Peterson they could easily keep him under 30 passes a game and the dude could easily still have a phenomenal season. He's still WAAAY better then Rosenfels or Jackson.

That he is. I have to agree with your assessment 100%. He's old in football terms and the Jets just over-used him last year. He can still play at an elite level, just not for a ton of throws. I hope he does go to the Vikes and beat GB. I think McCarthy is a dick and that he and their GM pressured Favre to make a decision he lived to regret. I hope they don't win the SB, though; that's ours! :point2sky

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I don't care if it's a business or not he has been practically worshipped by his fans for nearly 2 decades and now because he got his little girl feelings hurt by a gm he's gonna go play for their hated rival he might as well go door to door in green bay and spit in everyone who answers face while he's at it I hope he does play for the vikes and I hope he goes in to green bay on monday night and gets one of his legs badly broken

You would actually derive pleasure from someone getting injured playing a GAME, you know, entertainment? That's messed up. I'm all for someone I don't like getting whacked on the football field, but I didn't think most people would actually hope someone would be seriously injured.

As to OP, from a football & fun standpoint, think of what Brett playing for the Vikings would do for the league and especially for that MNF game ratings. The NFC north, IMO would instantly be the second best division in the NFC, and possibly challenge the East, in SPITE of having Detroit in their division. I'm all for it, as long as they lose to the Eagles in the playoffs again.

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I just really don't understand the big deal. The organization made it plainly clear that they didn't want it, so he thought he'd hang it up. Then he realized he still wanted to play and wanted to hang it up on his own terms, not someone else's, and asked to be traded. It happened, now he's a free agent and can sign with anyone.

I always empathize with aging athletes, and their difficulty in deciding when to call it quits. For some players, the fun is no longer in their game, so the decision might be a bit easier, assuming they're set financially. But, for those that love to play the game, enjoy the competition, and know that once they leave they can't compete at this level again, it's extremely difficult for them to throw in the towel.

I honestly don't think Favre could/would come back only to "stick it to GB management". The preseason/season is too long and grueling (especially for an older guy) to have that be his only motivation. To me, he obviously still wants to play ball, and although they don't have the best receivers, the OL & RBs have to be the best of teams that Favre could play for. JMO.

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I don't know why everyone is getting all upset about this. It's business. He'll always be a packer, but if he still loves to play and be useful, more power to him.

If he wants to play so bad, then why retire. Besides, he wouldn't consider playing for any other team other then the Vikings....period!!!

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