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No salary cap in 2010 means trading our entire draft to get sanchez


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I don't buy into the we need a salary cap so everyone is competitive nonsense. Strange how we won 3 out of 5 SuperBowls in the non cap years of the 80s and early 90's.

If teams want to be cheap as we see with several with plenty of cap space but an unwillingness to spend it then if they dont achieve thats their problem.

If we can get the best young talent and win multiple superbowls I'm not going to cry that several teams suck.

I would love to be the dynasty of the next decade even if it is a heavy balance of freeagents to draft picks.

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free agents would leave looking for more money especially since they know the redskins will pay alot more of a premium. i dont mind being called the yankees of the nfl, if it helps us win and generate excitement.

No, they would get drafted, sign 6 year contracts. If they suck, they get cut. If they don't suck, they stay for 6 more years and sign a lucrative contract half way through.

The great players will never be on the market.

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No cap, we suddenly get good because our talent level rises, we dominate, go 14-2 year after year and deep playoff runs against lousy competition

Where is your pride??? I would rather go 8-8 with character players that care about more than just money than BUY a Super Bowl. If you wanna go this route why dont we just get steroids for all our players and we can crush everybody or take the team to the AFL so we can dominate there.

BTW How well has this strategy worked for the Yankees lately?

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Where is your pride??? I would rather go 8-8 with character players that care about more than just money than BUY a Super Bowl. If you wanna go this route why dont we just get steroids for all our players and we can crush everybody or take the team to the AFL so we can dominate there.

BTW How well has this strategy worked for the Yankees lately?


You would rather cheer for the A's then the Yankees/Red Sox?

Character players are nice, super bowls are awesome.

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Free agency like it is now will be a thing of the past if a cap is not placed. The only free agents that a team will allow to leave are injury prone or washed up players. Without a cap a team can have a player for 6 years before he becomes an unrestriced free agent. But then the team has the option to franchise players for up to 3 years. By the time a really good player hits the market they are 30 and close to washed up. Plus, because the teams are uncapped that means they can keep their top players and just toss the crap.

No, if there is only one uncapped year expect Snyder to fix all his contract problems and have a clean bill of health when the NFL puts in a new CBA. This will mean that snyder has all of these high priced players on his team but he'll have a lot of cap room to mess around with in 2011.

If they stay uncapped beyond the 2010 season than Sndyer will have to draft better and develop his own players. NO more crazy spending only crazy trades for draft picks.

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Mortgage the future, get Sanchez now, enjoy the uncapped 2010 season, buy all the best free agents and ultimately get us back to the Super Bowl.

Sadly it won't work like that. See there's restrictions on the number of players a top team can sign, so Snyder would have to accept, even intentionally have, a poor season by the Skins. Also a player's salary can can only be increased by a certain amount.

Basically they handicapped things so much an uncapped season is worse for signing new free agents.

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If you only get choices and you could pick either

No cap, we suddenly get good because our talent level rises, we dominate, go 14-2 year after year and deep playoff runs against lousy competition


Cap stays, we continue to get frustrated with Danny and Vinny, stay mediocre, 8-8 sometimes flirting with 10-6 and the playoffs but the competition is solid league wide


14-2 against lousy competition


8-8 and the league is competitively balanced?

the second one.

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ALL picks are a crap shoot, any one can bust so why not take a chance on the one with the most return chance?

I think an offensive linemen that was rated great in college is a better translation than a QB... linemen can adjust easier than quaterbacks.

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Free agency like it is now will be a thing of the past if a cap is not placed. The only free agents that a team will allow to leave are injury prone or washed up players. Without a cap a team can have a player for 6 years before he becomes an unrestriced free agent. But then the team has the option to franchise players for up to 3 years. By the time a really good player hits the market they are 30 and close to washed up. Plus' date=' because the teams are uncapped that means they can keep their top players and just toss the crap.

No, if there is only one uncapped year expect Snyder to fix all his contract problems and have a clean bill of health when the NFL puts in a new CBA. This will mean that snyder has all of these high priced players on his team but he'll have a lot of cap room to mess around with in 2011.

If they stay uncapped beyond the 2010 season than Sndyer will have to draft better and develop his own players. NO more crazy spending only crazy trades for draft picks.[/quote']

This is a nice explanation.

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I think an offensive linemen that was rated great in college is a better translation than a QB... linemen can adjust easier than quaterbacks.

Maybe, maybe not I don't know of any facts to back that up do you? Been plenty of busts on both sides.

I do know the upside to a great QB is better.

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sorry, if this has been posted already but I tried a search and couldn't find anything about this.

The more I read about the upcoming draft the more buzz you hear about possible Mark Sanchez landing spots. If 2010 is an uncapped year as it looks then most likely Danny and Vinny are looking at this as the year to get our franchise QB and the future be damned because where most teams will need to develop players we can just buy them.

Essentially becoming the Yankees of the NFL.

Most of what I read and hear in the media says that if the NFL goes uncapped in 2010 it will be virtually impossible for them to ever impose another cap ever again. If that happens, it's easy to see what teams with money will do! Spend, spend, spend, buy top dollar free agents and why gamble on young unproven players when you can just buy proven, established players.

Everybody around here remember what Danny did when he first became owner. Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Mark Carrier, etc.......

Snyder really treats our team like a fantasy football team. But the problem I think he has is the NFL has this little subtle rule about a salary cap. How many of you were really that surprised when all of a sudden we landed Haynesworth?

Was there really any doubt that somehow, someway we would make a splash, spend the money and get the player?

My point is I think everyone can agree that Snyder likes to spend money. Personally, I want to WIN and WIN often. I want to see us get Super Bowl trophies and get back to our glory days and I for one don't care how we do it.

if it means mortgaging the future and we trade our entire draft for Sanchez so be it.

Does anyone really think we have the leader in Campbell to get us to the Super Bowl this year? i don't believe we do. And I'm not knocking Campbell I think he has upside just not enough of an upside to be an elite QB.

Can Campbell be good in this league? Yes, 10-6 type good, not 14-2 type good. So what if we have obvious holes, everyone knows we need RT, DE, LB, depth at RB, S, etc

My point is this I don't think we should worry about any of that because this year, we'll trade Sanchez, draft be damned, mortgage the future, get our franchise QB for the next 10 years and next year, we'll just buy all the best players for all the holes that we have. And believe me, if you think we have holes on our team now, next year, our O-Line is that much older, WR will be a need, MLB becomes a need, CB possibly as well, but don't worry Skins fans for the first time ever I believe Snyder has a plan.

Mortgage the future, get Sanchez now, enjoy the uncapped 2010 season, buy all the best free agents and ultimately get us back to the Super Bowl.

So what your saying is that Sanchez is an elite QB? Lets remember how terrible the pac 10 was for a moment AND he only played one year. Campbell went undefeated in college his last year, in the SEC at that.....PERIOD! If he is not the answer then thats cool but what makes you think Sanchez is? I would rather see Colt play then Sanchez. Atleast we saw him for a few years. Also, what makes you think Sanchez can or will dodge all of those defenders coming at him with no O-line? Campbell is not all the problem. If you cant block for a QB then he will never have a chance to be good. Can you atleast agree with that?

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So what your saying is that Sanchez is an elite QB? Lets remember how terrible the pac 10 was for a moment AND he only played one year. Campbell went undefeated in college his last year, in the SEC at that.....PERIOD! If he is not the answer then thats cool but what makes you think Sanchez is? I would rather see Colt play then Sanchez. Atleast we saw him for a few years. Also, what makes you think Sanchez can or will dodge all of those defenders coming at him with no O-line? Campbell is not all the problem. If you cant block for a QB then he will never have a chance to be good. Can you atleast agree with that?

You are crazy if you think Colt has better upside than Sanchez. If you really believe that, then we should be dangling Colt Brennan to Denver, Tampa, Seattle, NY Jets, etc, any team with a 1st round pick and be able to get someone's first rounder for Colt.

The problem with our offense starts with Campbell. Even when we had a healthy, stout offensive line how many times could you sit back and breathe easy knowing that Campbell would make all the plays.

I don't think Campbell is the cause of the problems on the offense but I certainly don't believe he is the solution either. If you look at our team and you cannot honestly say that Campbell can lead this team to multiple playoff apperance, super bowl runs, etc, then it's time to cut bait and go a different direction.

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This thread was a little far ranging, so I'd like to focus specifically on Mark Sanchez's future contract.

Namely, if we take him in the top 5, how in the world are we going to afford him? Supposedly, we have around 6 million in cap space. I would think that Sanchez's contract would take at least that, not to mention what our few other draft picks would need, and the cushion we'd need to sign players during the season in case of injury.

So how are we planning on getting a deal with Sanchez done if we pick him? This year under the cap, it looks like we can only afford to take him if he falls out of the top 10.

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