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Poll: Religious affiliation

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I live in the Baptist Bible Belt.

I also live in a very small community......3 churches. Two Baptist......1 Methodist.

Religion is important to me.....my beliefs are important and have been throughout my life.


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Originally posted by Brave

I was raised Catholic but have become somewhat of a mutt. Have tried several different denominations in recent years. I have come to realize:

Faith is great. Religions are politics.

Game, set, match!:thumbsup:

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I grew up Baptist but had a lot of serious questions about the whole Jesus/God dichotomy. In the end, I could never find a plausible answer to those questions. I later converted to Islam because it had the answers not only to those questions, but others as well.

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Interesting. I'm curious what you found in Islam that you didn't find in the Baptist religion. Maybe you can describe on Religion 4 what brought about this change? I promise I won't criticize anything you have to say. My beef is not with what individuals believe in, but with large organizations and organized religion.

I was a Baptist most of my life, but after researching the Bible, became an agnostic about 10 years ago. :)

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I am as Muslim as you can be. Believe strongly in the faith but I question when I feel confused. And at 21 you are often confused about religion

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Originally posted by Buddha

Atheist here, although I don't like the negative, anti-religion connotations of the word. I don't care about how I got here, I don't care about why I'm here, and I really don't care about what will happen when I die-- but I fully respect the beliefs of others regarding these issues. Much like Om said in the other thread, I try to live my life in a manner that can withstand negative judgment by anyone who may choose to judge me.

They really need to come up with a different label than atheist for someone like me. Perhaps "nonbeliever" would be more descriptive and appropriate.

Wow, this is almost word for word how I feel. And, you are totally right about the negative connotation of the word athiest.

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I'm right there with Buddha. And that definition of secular humanism defines me best. It's actually nice to see it summed up so perfectly.

I'm also right there with Tarhog. Not only do I have a problem with organized religion... I have a problem with "morality".

I also have a problem with "faith" and "worship". I think it's very narcissistic to believe the entire universe revolves around humanity. And I think there's something inherently wrong with "worshipping" something greater than ourselves. We can be appreciative for the gift of life but there's no need to worship.

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Where would Christians who do not identify themselves as Protestant nor Catholic fall (ie Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, 7th Day Adventist, Church of Christ)? Do they vote "Other," or do they just throw themselves in with the Protestants? Just curious......:alcoholic

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You only have 10 options per poll, so a couple of other Prostestants who were Mormon, said they voted "other."

Although obviously this is not a scientific poll and most of the 2200 registered members have not voted, its still hard to believe that so far the "agnostics, atheists, and free thinkers" outnumber

the Protestants, Catholics and a couple Mormons in "other." I thought this was a "Christian nation." :rolleyes:

I also forgot about the secular humanists. So under what category did you vote Die Hard?

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I am Catholic. And while I am by no means anything close to perfect...in fact I pretty much suck :)...I do believe strongly in my faith. It is in fact the church Jesus founded when he walked the Earth. And that's not to say the Catholic Church is perfect either...but no organized church is perfect.

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Larry Brown #43,

Although I started this thread strictly as a poll, I couldn't help but notice the statement that you made in your post, which was:

"It is in fact the Church [Catholic] that Jesus founded when he walked the earth."

When Jesus a Jew and his 12 Jewish disciples "walked the earth" there was no such thing as Christianity and certainly no Catholic church. Personally, I have no problem with whatever you or anyone else wants to choose to believe, but if you believe your statement to be true, then you should have no trouble answering the question below on the Religion 4 thread, which I am still waiting for Mardi to answer.

Posted by Inmate

I would also like to ask Mardi again, two questions he never

answered before, which is this:

1. What doesn’t make any common sense to me, from a belief perspective is this? Jesus and his twelve disciples were ALL Jewish and CHRISTIANITY DID NOT EXIST WHEN JESUS WAS ALIVE AND WALKED THE EARTH. Being that Jesus was born a Jew and his disciples only knew Judaism -- which is what they were preaching to the people and in the synagogues, being there

were no Christian churches in existence -- it only seems logical to me that if there is a true religion, that it should be Judaism and not Christianity.

So, under the circumstances, Mardi, why aren’t you of the Jewish faith, rather than the Christian faith? Especially, being that the Bible and you have already acknowledged that Jesus was sent and came not to the CHANGE or destroy but to fulfill the Jewish law [Matt. 5:17-18]

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Thank you for your patience Inmate.

But to clarify what you're asking...Do you wonder why I am not a member of the Jewish faith as currently expressed or why Christianity (at one point identified by the Roman world as a sect of Judiasm) is no longer identified as a sect of Judiasm?

Further, what about fulfilling the law would speak to either question?

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It would better I think if we confined this thread to a poll.

And it would also be better if Larry Brown #43 and you answered the question as it is asked over on Religion 4 or your "Proving God" thread, so we all don't have so many posts to keep track of back and forth.

I think my question on this subject is clear. But if not, give it a shot and I'll let you know if it needs fine tuning. :)

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

What doesn’t make any common sense to me, from a belief perspective is this? Jesus and his twelve disciples were ALL Jewish and CHRISTIANITY DID NOT EXIST WHEN JESUS WAS ALIVE AND WALKED THE EARTH. Being that Jesus was born a Jew and his disciples only knew Judaism -- which is what they were preaching to the people and in the synagogues, being there

were no Christian churches in existence -- it only seems logical to me that if there is a true religion, that it should be Judaism and not Christianity.

Posted by Inmate

I'm dumbfounded. By extension, I assume you believe that Muhammad was not really a Muslim, because Islam did not exist exist until after he came around?

Jesus clearly was the founder of a religious revolution and a new religion, as he challenged many of the accepted traditions and teachings of Judaism. In fact, he was even crucified for what was considered "blasphemy" against Judaism.

The gospel of Matthew speaks of the Last Supper: "Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.' And He took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, saying, 'Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.' Matthew 26:26-28

Jesus told the disciples to "Do this in memory of Me." In other words, "After I am gone, continue to eat of my flesh and drink my blood." Perhaps the Catholic Church was born at that moment, as the disciples continued to transubstantiate bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ through the grace of the Lord. And they taught those who followed them to do the same, as Jesus had requested.

Ask any Jewish person if Jesus and His disciples were preaching Judaism or something utterly different when they walked the Earth, and I can promise you they will resoundingly tell you it was something utterly different. If He were simply preaching Judaism, he never would have been put to death.

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