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Eagles Fans...the Sky Isn't Falling!


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After yesterday last night, alot of emotions regarding not only the Eagles, but the entire NFC came out. I was upset that the team let its heart and soul leave. That they are allowing a pretty good WR who wants to play here head west. Our opponents are spending money like it's going out of style on good players who will give us problems. All this is going on, yet we have over 48 million reason not to allow our "grip" on being in the race slip away.

So I slept on it, and thought about what it means to be a fan of a team, not of a player. I have always felt that the Eagles did what was best for team, even though sometimes (actually quite often recently) it has blown up in their faces. When you look back, the team has also kept certain players past their primes such as Trotter, such as Runyan, and in this case, sadly Dawkins. As much as I hate to say it, Dawkins no longer being an Eagle might be a good thing for the team. Here are my reasons....

1 - Though he was the emotional leader of the defense as well as the entire team, he began to become a liablity. Teams would often direct their attack to exposing him in coverage. No game proved this more than the 1st game against Dallas.

2 - We are holding on to the Dawkins that crushed Crumpler, not got trucked by Sellers and almost by Peterson. Before his reckless play was something to behold, but now, especially over the last two years, his big hits have been coming few and fewer. I can't remember the last time he made a big game changing play....and as one of his biggest fans, that's hard to fathom.

3 - Q....simply put Q. He in the heir apparent and his play last season proved that he was and is ready to take his play to the next step. His build and style of play will make some of the sting from the "potential" lose of Dawkins hurt less on the field, but it will still hurt.

Now, to the other moves or lack of moves. Rather than go thru each and every one, I just wanted to bullet a few that stood out.

- Lito gone is wonderful, but the fact that they are getting a 5th this year and potentially a 2nd next season is a steal. I wish him the best trying to stay healthy.

- Stacy Andrews signing helps the team on several fronts. It will help his brother Shawn for certain having him there with him, but more importantly, it could give the Eagles the best right side of the OL in the NFL.

- The Redskins might have spent a lot of money, but in my eyes, both were good moves. Haynesworth gives the pass rusher that they have lacked for years and frees up Taylor. The signing of Hall gives them a CB who has the potential to be a dominant corner and hopefully he will live up to it for the Skins sake. What I found humorous was the fact that it was the National Capitial that went out and blew up the Budget...lol Danny Boy must have gotten his stimulus check early huh?

In closing....it's too early to get all upset about moves that have been made and those that haven't. We Eagles fans would by now understand that yes, this FO is cheap, and that other teams try to buy Super Bowls or at least a playoff spot. Some heroes go and some legends stay, but the bottom line is and has been always about winning and the fact is that this organization has a pretty good track record of doing that (well, at least until the NFCGCs...lol)

So relax, it's not like we traded McNabb and Westbrook for a bag of Lays and bottle of Ranch salad dressing.

If that happened, then there would be a whole lot of this.... :saber:going on in the streets of Brotherly Love....

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I'm ok with the first day of FA. It pisses me off that Dawk finishes his career somewhere else but I know that he is a deep liability that is often targetted.

Love love love the Andrews move for a few reasons. First, I think Big Jon has also been a liability. You don't win games by keeping mid-30s fan favorites whose play has noticably dropped off. Jon has been below average at RT for 3 seasons. The only good thing I can say about him is that he doesn't miss a game. However, in the NFL, you need more out of your starting tackle.

Shawn Andrews is the best interior lineman in the NFC when his head is in the game. Signing his brother is going to work towards getting him back in order. Stacy isn't a slouch either. He has a huge frame and the powerful hips and punch that Andy wants out of his lineman.

If we get 2 of Pettigrew/Moreno/Hicks in the 1st round this year, I'll be pumped.

Remember, Eagles fans, teams like the Skins and Raiders make FA splashes. Show me the last team to make a splash in March that translated to success.

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I'm ok with the first day of FA. It pisses me off that Dawk finishes his career somewhere else but I know that he is a deep liability that is often targetted.

Love love love the Andrews move for a few reasons. First, I think Big Jon has also been a liability. You don't win games by keeping mid-30s fan favorites whose play has noticably dropped off. Jon has been below average at RT for 3 seasons. The only good thing I can say about him is that he doesn't miss a game. However, in the NFL, you need more out of your starting tackle.

Shawn Andrews is the best interior lineman in the NFC when his head is in the game. Signing his brother is going to work towards getting him back in order. Stacy isn't a slouch either. He has a huge frame and the powerful hips and punch that Andy wants out of his lineman.

If we get 2 of Pettigrew/Moreno/Hicks in the 1st round this year, I'll be pumped.

Remember, Eagles fans, teams like the Skins and Raiders make FA splashes. Show me the last team to make a splash in March that translated to success.

It's good that you posted in this. I wanted to MAN UP and apologize to you. as an Eagles fan, a brother and over the last few years, you are a friend. You didn't deserve the fussing from us. I'm sorry....(not that you lost sleep over it....:D) I know I should have sent a PM, but that's not me, and I wanted to make sure you got it.

Now to respond to your post....I'm excited at the potential 1st round picks. My gut say they will go hard after Pettigrew and so many folks are now screaming for Beanie Wells....but I say they go RB in the 2nd round...if not, I can the kid from U Conn. And the fact that Sean Jones is out there.....interesting!

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Yeah, Fat Andy owned that reporter.

I just hope beyond hope that something crazy happens and Dawk comes back at the last minute. I know this isn't feasible but he hasn't signed yet.....

I say, just get it over with.....stop playing around and sign him or let him walk. Seems like the idiots over the EMB....(Big shout out to the dope Philadelphia76....lol, sign up homie....we could debate Dawkins all day....in fact, I might PM you big fella....:chair:) don't realize the difference between being Eagles fans and Dawkins fans....

POINT BLANK....we love him, but he isn't the guy we all fell in love with. TE's droll when they played the Eagles over the last few seasons....he isn't the player he used to be, good, but not great....and more importantly, he will be what, 37 years old when the season starts? We need youth.....legs....we want Dawkins, but he isn't what the team needs......sorry, but it's true.

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what a complete ghey fest in here. you 2 are worse then tom hanks and denzel in that movie named after your city.

you keep trying to act like youve done a thing but the truth is you havent. you havent made a move yet to help that horrible offense that is competely depended on wetbrook carrying the entire load.

and you 2 may have made up NOW, but let it be next year when you choke once again when it counts you 2 will be going back and forth like 2 old ladies on a stoop.

have fun in the off season when you dont have to back up the trash talking :cheers:

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what a complete ghey fest in here. you 2 are worse then tom hanks and denzel in that movie named after your city.

you keep trying to act like youve done a thing but the truth is you havent. you havent made a move yet to help that horrible offense that is competely depended on wetbrook carrying the entire load.

and you 2 may have made up NOW, but let it be next year when you choke once again when it counts you 2 will be going back and forth like 2 old ladies on a stoop.

have fun in the off season when you dont have to back up the trash talking :cheers:

Thanks for that Mike....and now back to our regularly scheduled messages! :cool2:

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There appears to be a chance one of the greatest and most popular players in Eagles history will depart the team. Free agent Brian Dawkins visited with the Denver Broncos yesterday, but the 35-year-old safety had not signed with the Broncos as of early today, an NFL source familiar with the negotiations said. "It is not done," the source said. The Oakland Raiders were apparently also interested in Dawkins, and the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Dawkins had agreed to a two-year deal with the Broncos. A Broncos spokesman told The Inquirer that no announcement was scheduled. A report out of Denver, where Dawkins attended last night's Nuggets basketball game, speculated that Dawkins might resume negotiating with the Eagles.


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Remember, Eagles fans, teams like the Skins and Raiders make FA splashes. Show me the last team to make a splash in March that translated to success.

As long as it makes you feel good about your own team in disarray :evilg:.

Remember Skins fans the Eagles went out in FA '08 an brought an OVERPRICED Assante Samuel who didn't live up to the hype in an already suspect secondary.Same secondary lost the only person on the defense with some pride and passion yesterday while holding onto 48 mil and losing key players right and left.

*splash* *splash*

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BigMike, the Eagles offense is horrible? How many points did we score last year? How many did the Skins? Where did the Eagles rank in offense? Where did the Skins? Haynesworth should be able to help the woeful Skins offense, lol.

yeah, you have as many excuses as you ever did.

where was all of that offense when we swept your asses this year?

aaww did you forget that already westy? come on dude...

3916 yards and 23 TDs for McFlabb

3245 yards and 13 TDs for Campbell

Portis 1487 yards and 9 TDs

Wetbrook 936 yards and 9 TDs

you really think youre that much better with one more win and no ring?

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yeah, you have as many excuses as you ever did.

where was all of that offense when we swept your asses this year?

aaww did you forget that already westy? come on dude...

3916 yards and 23 TDs for McFlabb

3245 yards and 13 TDs for Campbell

Portis 1487 yards and 9 TDs

Wetbrook 936 yards and 9 TDs

you really think youre that much better with one more win and no ring?

The Eagles offense was measurably better than the Skins in 08. It's not even worth discussing. If you don't believe that, you are in denial.

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The Eagles offense was measurably better than the Skins in 08. It's not even worth discussing. If you don't believe that, you are in denial.

so much better that you just happened to lose to us twice. I guess when it comes down to it you Iggles fans dont really have anything to grasp on to so you come up with insignificant stats to help you feel better.

truth of it all is we beat you both times last year. we swept you. you were not able to beat us. so for ALL of this magical offense you have you couldnt do the job against us. even though we are SO much worse then you on offense. :doh:

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Mike, you beat the Eagles twice yet we won two playoff games. You will lie to yourself and everyone else and say you'd prefer to sweep a division rival than to win 2 playoff games. It's ok, we won't tell anyone.

like I told you...youre the Buffalo Bills of the NFC. you choke every single time you are in the position to do something great. how many times did you get to the NFCCG and LOST before you finally made it? just to lose that one too!!

I never said that by the way, I just let you know that for all of your BS and lies that you are spewing that you couldnt beat us head to head. so that "better O" isnt really anythin gbut a bunch of hot air coming from you.

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