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Obama plans major shifts in spending


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Again, another educated thought-out response. The only problem is that I am BAD when it comes to this stuff. All I do is state my opinion and ask questions that hopefully can get answered. Most likely, you're more intelligent than I am in these matters. One question I have is...when these folks get "help", when does the "help" end? Is it forever? Eventually they have to realize that they can now go to college or get a better job because they have been saving all this "help" from Obama.

I don't think I'm more intelligent than you are in these matters. I hope I don't come off that way at least. I feel like an economic nobody on these boards very, very often. I am basically stating my opinion as well, a fairly uneducated opinion.

I, sadly enough, don't have the answers to your questions. I don't know how much "help" to give to the poor folks and I don't know when to stop giving them "help". One thing that I do know though, is that I could use some "help". I'm not what most would consider as "poor". If I have it this bad, it must mean that folks of lesser means have it much worse. That is only my perspective though.

Another thought though... I think you can only throw so much money at a problem until it's returns diminish. Soon enough, no matter how much money you throw at a problem, the problem won't get any better. You can help people with money but you can't turn their lives around, that is up to them.

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Again, another educated thought-out response. The only problem is that I am BAD when it comes to this stuff. All I do is state my opinion and ask questions that hopefully can get answered. Most likely, you're more intelligent than I am in these matters. One question I have is...when these folks get "help", when does the "help" end? Is it forever? Eventually they have to realize that they can now go to college or get a better job because they have been saving all this "help" from Obama.
I don't think I'm more intelligent than you are in these matters. I hope I don't come off that way at least. I feel like an economic nobody on these boards very, very often. I am basically stating my opinion as well, a fairly uneducated opinion.

I, sadly enough, don't have the answers to your questions. I don't know how much "help" to give to the poor folks and I don't know when to stop giving them "help". One thing that I do know though, is that I could use some "help". I'm not what most would consider as "poor". If I have it this bad, it must mean that folks of lesser means have it much worse. That is only my perspective though.

Another thought though... I think you can only throw so much money at a problem until it's returns diminish. Soon enough, no matter how much money you throw at a problem, the problem won't get any better. You can help people with money but you can't turn their lives around, that is up to them.

During the Clinton administration, we made great strides in getting on the right side of the "help for too long" issue. welfare had created a virtually permanent underclass dependent on the government: multiple generations of the same family born into, living and dying on government assistance. One of the saddest parts of the under debated, rushed stimulus package is that it rolled back most of the changes to the welfare system enacted under Clinton.

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Sweet! Give more money to Federal oversight of education! California allocates .71 cents of every dollar (you read that right) to education already and California has one of the worst schools programs in the Union. I can't wait to hear how more money will make it better. Regale me please. Only a young fool believes you can soak the rich for what is needed to fund programs this 'all encompassing.' But please, regale me.
You throw figures like that out there either without understanding them or trying mislead people with them. Of course California spends most of their tax money on education (assuming that 71/100 is correct, which is questionable), that is a primary function of state government. They probably spend most of the rest of it on transportation (though much of those funds come from the feds). What else are state governments in charge of that would require them to spend a lot of their money on?

A better figure to use is the number of dollars spent per student. D.C. is one of the nations poorest performing school systems, though it spends the most per student in the country. More money is not the problem, the way the schools are run is. Obama made a mistake when he threw money into education in the stimulus bill, with no forced reform attached. either that, or he's in the pocket of the teacher's unions, in which case he left out the reform part on purpose.

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How many people out there were hired by a poor person and now get your pay check from that poor person? Soak the rich so they can lay you off!:silly:

Not quite on topic, but as a freelancer I've actually been hired by many "poor" people and been paid a check from that poor person. Small gigs. Useful gigs. Most of the jobs generated in this country are done so by small businesses and many of those in small business certainly ain't "rich" even using today's bizarre definitions. So, there are lots of relatively poor people who are hiring people and paying them. Happens every day.

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We'll just take it from the rich!

It will be interesting to see the results.

The rich know how to both protect their money and make you pay for their expenses.

My money is on the rich coming out ahead,most have shown more intelligence than the government.;)

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I'm not necessarily a fan of what I read as it stands on its own, but as a counterweight to the last 8 years, I think it will be a good thing.

A lot of these industries have grown so fat and bloated I have to admit I will smile a bit at watching them scurry like roaches. Especially in the Healthcare field. :munchout:

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For all of the 71 cents on the dollar in CA people, I call BS.

From a quick google: http://www.ebudget.ca.gov/pdf/BudgetSummary/SummaryCharts.pdf

figure sum-07

It's about 40 cents. I would point out that it's 40 cents on every dollar not spent on certain big ticket items like medicare, medicaid, etc.

So yes, it's a lot. It's just the 71 cents on the dollars is way overstated. Sorry, obviously misleading numbers just bug me.

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