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Don't Let Rogers Become the next Pierce and Clark


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Interceptions are game changing, but the FACT remains that he was the #3 DB in the entire league with defended passes. He may not have caught the ball, but neither did the receiver he was covering.

That stat should really include the percentage of passes defended.

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Any for the people saying he can't catch....SO?!?!?!?!?! We have Hall, who can catch well enough. Why not keep a lockdown corner who only gave up TWO td's all year, despite covering #1 WR's a majority of the Season. He freakin shut TO down. Not many corners can do that.

You know it is only BS people spew because they are bitter about that Seattle playoff game when he dropped that one pass that he should have caught. They blame 'Los for us being out of those playoffs, STILL. Heck, they blame him for the whole season. And he has never shaken this rep because of that. The rest is made up in their heads about balls "flying between his numbers" all the time and him dropping them. A bunch of bunk. It's not like ALL the corners and safeties don't "almost" get interceptions ALL the dang time. 'Los has this rep SOLELY because of that ONE dropped pass, and everyone knows it.

EXCELLENT THREAD, by the way. I agree 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 quadroopakawazillion percent.

Thank you for posting!

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I am the biggest Rogers fan and dread the day we let him go. I was talking to a friend tonight who is a Bears fan and he was saying how much he would love to have him on his team and saying that if we got a second round pick in this years draft that would not be enough. The only knock on him is his hands but that is why he is on defense, as cliche as that is. He is such a good cover corner. Everyone ****es about that TD he gave up against the Ravens, I don't, they had just run like 13 straight run plays and did a PA and double move and he bit, every corner in the league would have bit on that. It will be one of the worst moves if we let him go.

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Thanx skoalskin you couldn't of explained it any better. Los isn't worth what he wants and isn't one of the 2 best corners currently on the team.

It's kinda hard to claim springs is better than him when springs constantly misses half a year. And yes, while we're at it, springs is our future at cb so we can just get rid of rogers. Springs is 34 next year. He's the 4th oldest starting cb in the league. Springs has maybe one year left in him.

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Because IMO, to be a true #1 corner you have to excel in man-to-man coverage.

I agree and Carlos satisfies this requirement. Our secondary, for the most part, uses mostly man-coverage schemes, but you do need to mix coverages to keep QBs guessing. Carlos is one of the better man corners in the league.

And I believe Carlos is a zone corner....just like Tampa Bay's Ronde Barber.

Just because he plays off doesn’t mean he’s playing a zone.

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What??? Good young starting corners of high caliber are worth big money in the NFL. Look around the league. Look at how much an antique like Springs gets from us. Carlos Rogers can start for the next 5 years. He is worth a sizable contract. We need to stop throwing big money at dumb ideas like Jason Taylor, Randle El, and S. Moss. Old guys that don't contribute. We need to invest in our young long-term talent. The draft is a crap shoot. This guy can cover a #1 or #2 wideout.

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About your sig "I'm a fresh fan" Those shoes are on photobucket buddy!!!Not in you closet,I could snatch a photo of a million bucks and say"I'm a rich fan",but then I would be full of :pooh: !!!!!!:stop:
The shoes were a symbol of "freshness". I dont have to possess them to have them in my sig....If you want to make assumptions then should we all assume you are a weed fiend judging from your sig???
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Oh and to the people knocking his hands, what about the 62 yards int return against the cards, where he made a diving catch and got up and returned it. He had hands then didn't he? He isn't a WR, so he shouldn't be judged by his hands.

I like Rogers but you can't point to one interception and say "there, that proves he has good hands." when there are numerous instances of him dropping passes that should have been interceptions.

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I like Rogers but you can't point to one interception and say "there, that proves he has good hands." when there are numerous instances of him dropping passes that should have been interceptions.

I understand that, but what CB doesn't drop int's? There are few corners in the NFL that have great hands. There are even fewer Cb's in the NFL who have great hands AND great coverage ablilty AND great tackling ablilty.. Actually, I can't think of many at all. Rogers has great cover ablilty great tackling and poor hands. But, he has caught some of the INT's that have gone his way, and made a GREAT int vs. the Cards.

He is far too good to trade away for merely a 2nd round pick. How can we bank on a 2nd round pick, picked by VINNY, will be better than Rogers? Rogers was a top 10 pick. So these people wanting to trade him, will bank on a 2nd rounder being better than him as a rookie???

What about our three 2nd rounders this year??? They didn't do ****. And we want to trade Rogers for a 2nd round pick???? Pass me what you guys are smoking.

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Even if we were to get a top 5 pick for Rogers, who is to say that top 5 pick isn't a bust. Obviously we won't get more than a 2nd or 3rd rounder, but it's just for the sake of conversation....Why bank on an unknown vs. a known commodity? We KNOW Rogers is good. we DO NOT KNOW if a given draft pick will be good. Why trade someone who we drafted and have developed for another draft project?

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Our FO is so backwards it drives me insane. They bend over backwards to overpay for other teams guys despite the fact that they end up becoming busts(or at least underachieving)just as often as they pan out. Yet for our own guys that we have homegrown and developed, we treat like dirt. I don't mind overpaying if it's for your own guys, as it shows the team that you're loyal to those that play for you. What does bringing in other teams stars do for morale?

And yet people wonder why we're never a consistently great team. The rare times we do manage to draft and develop our own guys we let them go. With the exception of Cooley this has been the case. Pierce, Smoot, Clark, Dockery(yes he was overpaid but if we were smart we would have resigned him a year or two before he became a FA like all the smart teams do)...

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Absolutely too good of a corner to let walk unless the price is PERFECT. His hands probably piss him off more than they do us. Truth be told he is a good and proven commodity. How ever if we did trade him it would have to be for another player who is young and talented just like him.:2cents:

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