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Blinded by Bush-Hatred


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OPM......since I happen to work in the security field....well...never mind...as for working for you.......I'm sure you would be a great task master.........but you couldn't afford me.........

my point is that those who play in that world know........if you are arguiing that it is all probabilistic and hence uncertain...well...yea...but that doesn't get us very far.....lot of folks pay big bucks for a rational approach to security that supposedly reflects real threats, real protections and real benefits.......and there are certainly venues in which threats can be demonstrated, attempted attacks verified, prevention/mitigation technologies/processes assessed

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Maybe we need a thread entitled blinded by Clinton-hatred :shootinth Pretty ridiculous. It seems everything wrong in the country and the world is a direct result of Cinton's actions or inactions 4 years ago and everything right in the world is either a layover from Reagan 16 years ago or due to the current administration. Pretty shocking really.

President Bush did a good job rallying the country. He orchestrated two good millitary campaigns. In the meantime, his country has seen industrial scandel after scandel, a tremendous drop in economic confidence and the stop... stock market, no change or no significant change in health or educational policy, and an economy that has produced a higher jobless rate and slower rate of job production in twenty years at least. There are reasons to be dissatisfied with George W. Bush. Has is presidency been a failure. No. Has it been a success. Only in limited fashion. Have these tremendous tax cuts seen any short term or midterm effect after three years. Nope. Have the tax cuts been coupled with any other policy that has aided the economy. Not that I can see. Are even Republicans Congressmen uncomfortable with his new budget and cuts... yup. Is the defecit once again increasing at a tremendous rate as it did under his father and Reagan? Is all this happening when the Republicans are generally in charge of all three branches of Government? However, the truth is that all of this is directly a function of Clinton's policies and if we wait... eventually ten, twenty years down the road... Bush's policies will improvements will be evident.

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blinded by clinton-hatred... sounds as accurate as bush-hatred.

i for one have no love for either. not "slick willy" and not "top gun".

what were the bush (release 1.0) approval ratings after the first gulf war? if i remember correctly they were over 90% at one point. yet he lost the election.... who would have forseen that? it guess he inherited the economy that turned bad because of carter's policies. or maybe the polls were inaccurate?

i would say that i approve of the job release 2.0 is doing right now, only because i thought we needed to be in iraq and we succesfully completed the first phase of that mission. i was glad to see it go so smoothly. and am really looking forward to us finding those WMD. yet i will not vote for him. i approve of the job he is doing, but won't vote for him. so to think that he'll get 70% of the vote is ridiculous, it's like saying a majority of americans voted for him in the last election. not so.

as the public starts to focus on the economy and domestic issues and the war takes back seat bush's approval rating WILL DROP. unless he decides to invade some other country (which i wouldn't be suprised by) in the name of protecting americans and stopping terrorism. he could get the golden sombrero in one term!! we still have over a year until the next election and a lot will happen between now and then. it should be a exciting to watch the mud fly.

oh yeah, has anybody seen bin laden? did everybody just forget about him?

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what were the bush (release 1.0) approval ratings after the first gulf war? if i remember correctly they were over 90% at one point. yet he lost the election.... who would have forseen that? it guess he inherited the economy that turned bad because of carter's policies. or maybe the polls were inaccurate?

Actually, it was the effect of raising taxes that stifled the economy.

oh yeah, has anybody seen bin laden? did everybody just forget about him?

He's dead.

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Aj...you're right in that he is vulnerable (Bush) although I think the economy would have to worsen even more for him to lose...the real issue is that, as yet, the dems don't have a candidate with any real traction......none of them make one stand up and think "wow...this guy's a real leader who knows what he is about and can be trusted with my security"....

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The short term removal of terrorist threats, Sadam Hussein, and Osama Bin Laden, in my opinion, are more imporant than longer term goals such balancing the budget, providing healthcare, or stablizing the economy. Those things take time and are not always tied to partisan politics.

I applaud Bush for his efforts in Iraq and global leadership (in the face of severe opposition both abroad and back home) against terrorism.

-- Ted

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Originally posted by Tmoney03

The short term removal of terrorist threats, Sadam Hussein, and Osama Bin Laden, in my opinion, are more imporant than longer term goals such balancing the budget, providing healthcare, or stablizing the economy. Those things take time and are not always tied to partisan politics.

I applaud Bush for his efforts in Iraq and global leadership (in the face of severe opposition both abroad and back home) against terrorism.

-- Ted

Amen brother Ted!! :party: :cheers:

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

Air Sarge: on what authority do you have it that Osama bin Laden is dead?

You seem to be confident in your back channel of information. What do you know, and on what basis do you believe it?

Asking he provide hard evidence for his theory ASF?


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Originally posted by fansince62

Aj...you're right in that he is vulnerable (Bush) although I think the economy would have to worsen even more for him to lose...the real issue is that, as yet, the dems don't have a candidate with any real traction......none of them make one stand up and think "wow...this guy's a real leader who knows what he is about and can be trusted with my security"....

the dems sure as hell don't have anyone who can match up with bush. i don't know who they could get....? bush has a better chance of losing out in the Repub primary-- and that's not gonna happen. i would actually much rather vote for McCain or Powell than any other R or D candidate. i think they are both men of great principle who have distinguished themselves through their services to the country. wish i could feel the same way about GWBush.... he never struck me as a "wow...this guy's a real leader who knows what he is about and can be trusted with my security".... kind of person in the slightest. i truly believe he is a creation of special interests, speech-writers, some solid cabinet members (except for Tommy Thompson), and a pretty effective group of PR staff (necessary to every president).


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Four things I admire about Bush. First of all, he's personally flawed but overcame his problems with alcohol to become successful. He's a loyal husband and father. Enough said there. And he rallied and comforted the US after 9/11 in a way that belies a 'lack of leadership'. Finally, he's decisive. He makes a decision and thats that. I'll admit I admire stubborness, and dogged determination, and leaders who make decisions and carry them through without agonizing, hand-wringing self doubt.

I've never bought into the overly simplistic view of him as a dumb puppet of corporate America, propped up by those more 'capable' such as Cheney. Its clear that Cheney and company don't tell this President what he should and should not do. He backed Powell in his approach to Iraq despite what was no doubt great pressure from those supposedly 'running' his administration. I think he's his own man, like him or not.

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Basically, the right wants to always blame the left for everything and the left wants to blame the right for everything... (I wonder how long it will take everyone to figure out that politicians are generally corrupt and are more about serving those who back them financially rather than representing the people??)

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