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The date was January 26, 1992. A great day to be a Redskin Fan. The team had just capped off their third Super Bowl title in 11 years. I remember the joy I felt. How proud I was to be a Redskin fan. I was a fan of one of the most well run and talented franchises in the NFL. Arguably the best team of the 1990's. The owner an old eccentric man who do not ramble in the day to day operations of the team. He hired quality people to build his franchise into a winner. And win they did.

Fast forward to December 14, 2008. The 14th game of a season that started with so much promise. The Skins had started the sean 6 and 2 and surely were going to make a run deep into the playoffs. But on this day it was not to be. Losing to a pathetic Cincinnati Bengals football team to cancel any hope of there 3rd playoff appearance in 5 years. How did it come to this. 16 years of either mediocrity or shame.

The new owner a young brash man. With limited football knowledge. Is a hands on owner. he needs to be "involved" with every decision made for his team. What poor decisions he has made. He hired his 6th head coach in 8 years before the beginning of this season. He had some success the past few seasons by tempting a legend out of retirement. But in the end was unable to secure a championship with him. This new hire surely would continue to build on the legends success. It didnt happen this season.

The Redskins routinely make poor personel decisions. They trade away draft picks like they have no value. Bring in old washed up veteren players who have seen better days. Do not build for the future as their current regime believes "the future is now." We are now seeing the results of these horrible decisions. Both lines are old and need to be rebuilt. The current quarterback is average at best and their skill position players lack very much skill at all.

My fear is there is no short term fix to the problems. We dont have enough draft picks to build through the draft. We are stuck with huge salary cap problems because of the old veterens we have on our roster. We will be average at best for a long time. The shame of being a Skins fan with the current regime hurts. I know the owner is a fan himself. But for the love of your team Dan allow someone who knows what they are doing build this team for the future.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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I feel the same way man. Unfortunately the Redskins demise coincided with me just being old enough to remember the games. I watched our SB victory but I don't remember any of it. The first season I really remember was the one after we won the SB when it all fell apart. This mediocrity, or ineptitude, is unfortunately all I've ever known as a Skins fan.

I fear that once the generation of fans that was around for the glory days is gone, our fanbase is not going to be able to keep it up with all the crap we've been through with the current generation.

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Man, these threads are gonna be everywhere this week. But I do agree. I've been saying it for weeks- It's gonna get way worse before it gets better. We are in some deep ****, and its gonna be YEARS before this team is even halfway competitive. I wouldn't be shocked if we turn into the Raiders for the next couple of years.

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Its ashame I was truly excited about this team before the season. But the age of our lines has really become apparent the past few weeks.

And I said it before the season started, and I said it even when we were 6-2, that we needed new blood on the offensive line as well as depth. So if I and many other fans can see that, why can't Vinny? I'm not saying I am qualified to be a GM, but if somebody who isn't even qualified to be a GM easily diagnosed the team's biggest problem,and the actual GM coudln't, perhaps it means that the actual GM isn't qualified to be one either.

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At least you got to experience the SB win. I was 2 years old when we won our last Superbowl.

I don't remember any of it at all.

As far as I can remember all I've been able to experience was mediocre team after mediocre team with a few playoff "get me ups" in the past few years.

It's sad when you're best memory of being a fan is winning a wildcard game against Tampa Bay in 2005.......

I'll still root for the Skins til I die, but got damnit this **** is frustrating.

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I agree with your points but I believe Vinny is no more than a puppet for Dan. He simply does what he's told to do. So all the blame cant fall on him. No I believe it is purely Snyders fault. But I may be wrong.

No you're right. Where have the Redskins gone in 10 years? They tarnished the image of Joe Gibbs with the incompetence that was Daniel Snyder and they have won 1 playoff game. I am fed up with this team's inability to get out of this rut and unfortunately it was created by one man, Snyder.

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The date was January 26, 1992. A great day to be a Redskin Fan. The team had just capped off their third Super Bowl title in 11 years. I remember the joy I felt. How proud I was to be a Redskin fan. I was a fan of one of the most well run and talented franchises in the NFL. Arguably the best team of the 1990's. The owner an old eccentric man who do not ramble in the day to day operations of the team. He hired quality people to build his franchise into a winner. And win they did.

Fast forward to December 14, 2008. The 14th game of a season that started with so much promise. The Skins had started the sean 6 and 2 and surely were going to make a run deep into the playoffs. But on this day it was not to be. Losing to a pathetic Cincinnati Bengals football team to cancel any hope of there 3rd playoff appearance in 5 years. How did it come to this. 16 years of either mediocrity or shame.

The new owner a young brash man. With limited football knowledge. Is a hands on owner. he needs to be "involved" with every decision made for his team. What poor decisions he has made. He hired his 6th head coach in 8 years before the beginning of this season. He had some success the past few seasons by tempting a legend out of retirement. But in the end was unable to secure a championship with him. This new hire surely would continue to build on the legends success. It didnt happen this season.

The Redskins routinely make poor personel decisions. They trade away draft picks like they have no value. Bring in old washed up veteren players who have seen better days. Do not build for the future as their current regime believes "the future is now." We are now seeing the results of these horrible decisions. Both lines are old and need to be rebuilt. The current quarterback is average at best and their skill position players lack very much skill at all.

My fear is there is no short term fix to the problems. We dont have enough draft picks to build through the draft. We are stuck with huge salary cap problems because of the old veterens we have on our roster. We will be average at best for a long time. The shame of being a Skins fan with the current regime hurts. I know the owner is a fan himself. But for the love of your team Dan allow someone who knows what they are doing build this team for the future.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Well said my friend....

U did forget one to add the day Dan decided to take the Skins out of RFK and moved them to lovely PG County in Fed Ex Field. The only "non-home" advantaged stadium. :doh:

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The issue is most yonger fans don't remember those teams and have only seen the redskins at their worst. It is very difficult to support this team when they play like this year after year after year. I'm holding on but for what? Another year of Snyder raising my hopes and then kicking me right in the gut. This has been the season that has tested my fan-hood the most. I felt hope after every season. I believed that with a couple of moves they could be back next season. This year is different, I don't feel that hope...

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Read the sig. As far as I'm concerned, there were no glory years. Only second hand memories.

You young guys are really making me realize how old I am. I feel for all of you who havent felt the joy of a championship season. I also feel for you because as i said in my post I believe we are in for a few more years of at best mediocrity.

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The issue is most yonger fans don't remember those teams and have only seen the redskins at their worst. It is very difficult to support this team when they play like this year after year after year. I'm holding on but for what? Another year of Snyder raising my hopes and then kicking me right in the gut. This has been the season that has tested my fan-hood the most. I felt hope after every season. I believed that with a couple of moves they could be back next season. This year is different' date=' I don't feel that hope...[/quote']

It's actually easier for you all because you should not have lofty expectations. I've seen or been to all the superbowls(Yes I was in Florida in 72). I've seen mediocre QBs lead us to the promise land through great coaching and the team concept. At 6-2 you want to believe in this franchise again, but it is what it is......sad to say were not even just mediocre anymore.

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It's actually easier for you all because you should not have lofty expectations. I've seen or been to all the superbowls(Yes I was in Florida in 72). I've seen mediocre QBs lead us to the promise land through great coaching and the team concept. At 6-2 you want to believe in this franchise again, but it is what it is......sad to say were not even just mediocre anymore.

Yeah I was 3 for the 72 game. So I dont really remember it. Thats why I didnt include it.

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Well said my friend....

U did forget one to add the day Dan decided to take the Skins out of RFK and moved them to lovely PG County in Fed Ex Field. The only "non-home" advantaged stadium. :doh:

I do not think that was Snyder, if I remember correctly the Redskins were in the new stadium when he bought the team... you are right about RFK, it was definitely an advantage.

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I really hope that whatever fans that show up next week (besides the thousands of Eagles fans) start chanting "Sell the Team" loud enough for it to be heard on TV and certainly in the owner's box.

I agree, but Danny will never sell it if it's making him big money. If the headache of it outweighs the profit then maybe. As long as he's the owner we'll probably never win a championship. 25-30 years from now we'll be like Detroit did with the "Paper Lions" from 1957 and celebrate the 40th or 50th anniversary of our last championship team.

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I agree' date=' but Danny will never sell it if it's making him big money. If the headache of it outweighs the profit then maybe. As long as he's the owner we'll probably never win a championship. 25-30 years from now we'll be like Detroit did with the "Paper Lions" from 1957 and celebrate the 40th or 50th anniversary of our last championship team.[/quote']

I can totally see the SnyderSkins experience another decade of futility and he'll trot out some lame 20 year celebration of our last division winner in 2019.

"Go to Redskins.com and be the first to buy you're commemorative 1999 NFC East Champion hats now!!!!!"- Larry Michael

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