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Official "Support Clinton Portis" Thread (merged x4) (MET)


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Don't forget Michael Turner obtained by Atlanta from the Chargers

Felix Jones

Kevin Smith

RBs can be replacable, if there is competent front office personnel in place. Unfortunately, that is not the case here.

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Don't forget Michael Turner obtained by Atlanta from the Chargers

Felix Jones

Kevin Smith

RBs can be replacable, if there is competent front office personnel in place. Unfortunately, that is not the case here.


Campbell gets killed NOW. Take out Portis, the best blocking RB in the NFL, and Campbell will get DEMOLISHED.

Comparing Felix Jones and Kevin Smith to Clinton Portis is insane. That's like comparing Desean Jackson to Randy Moss.

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Another cry baby, shut up and play when yer asked. Players now just wanna do what they wanna do..Practice he doesn't..Sounds like another Plaxico..They just wanna play in the game!!

broken record. Why must a player just shut up and play? so he's a paid drone that can never speak? get real. Clinton is nowhere near a Plaxico. So Zorn decides this week Clinton should have practiced..but weeks when he was tearing it up and hadn't practiced it was fine. Wishy washy coach. If there are problems and you're the star player and other guys wont say anything...well there you go. Should it have been in house? sure.

You can't call a man that is as tough as Clinton is, plays hurt, and is pretty much our only offense a baby. But his voicing his feelings publicly is the problem.

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I am sick of Lavar Leap....Dude...you are a "friend" of a player or players...so F'N what. Wow you knew we were going burgundy on burgundy.... congratulations!

To me your nothing but a immature crybaby mouthpiece getting your yaya's out crying on exstremeskins for some players BS me first attitude.... The coach is holding you accountable for fumbling, penalties, incorrect route running, not practicing. WA WA WA...losers complain...winners try to get better.

CP could have and should have accepted that he hadn't practiced and was playing poorly like a man and come out next week ready.

He is worried about his rushing title.

Are you helping the team? NO

Do the players want to be seen as not playing well? No

Are they at times not playing well? Yes

Do immature players vent about how "it's not their fault" because they are scared about there jobs and image? Yes

So LavarLeap...whom by the way your namesake had a problem being a player and acted like a baby as well. HMMMMM? Is he your idol?

Dude... LavarLeap your posts suck....you are not the spokeperson for the players on this board...not even close IMO and your attempt to be so in a way that is so immature and hurtful pisses me off.

DO NOT TAKE LAVARLEAP's posts as GOSPEL for the team attitude...he is just some whiny players biatch mouthpiece!

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^^ none of them are Portis. Granted they haven't been around as long but those are poor examples to me. While you can get a RB, has Denver had a RB since Clinton of any magnitude? no. Portis is our offense.

Closest one was Droughns in 2004. The team as a whole has come close to duplicating the 2 years when Portis was there, though.

Remember, in 2002 & 2003 Denver was 9-7 and 10-6. That 2nd year they squeaked into the playoffs only to get crushed by Indy.

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longshot im not mad at all bro really lol just gets old over and over again. People wouldnt be happy unless i said exactly who i am and then what happens im outed and my relationships are damaged.
Don't try to figure out who he is. Just accept it, because he's been right every single time.
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^^ none of them are Portis. Granted they haven't been around as long but those are poor examples to me. While you can get a RB, has Denver had a RB since Clinton of any magnitude? no. Portis is our offense.
Felix Jones, Matt Forte, and a couple other guys listed were bad examples by that guy.

Obviously they aren't a back of Portis' calibre. They're not really feature backs.

However, Portis IS our offense entirely because we've set ourselves up for that. We HAVE to depend on him because most of the time since he's been here our passing game has sucked, our receivers have been mediocre, and now our o-line has finally hit the collective wall with their ages & injuries.

You can have a feature back but still not have to ride him as hard as we do Portis. Just look at the amount of carries he has over the past 4 years compared to other very good backs in the league, on teams with better records no less.

If we actually built a young, tough o-line, we wouldn't need Portis to get 25-30 carries a game just to string out some wins. We could get around 20 tops. Or, like we'll have to learn by 2011, we can get a really good o-line that doesn't wear down halfway through the year and just pound teams with dual complimenting backs (see: Titans, Giants, Jets, Dolphins, Ravens, Colts the year they won the Super Bowl, etc. off the top of my head).

And I'm not saying having dual running backs is part of the equation necessarily, but we have it backwards where we have an average to above average line that requires Portis to work much harder and thus wear him down easier, rather than a great line that can plug in any above average back or two backs even with great success. If we had a better, younger o-line, we would be absolutely ridiculous with Portis sharing carries with a Felix Jones type back. And Portis would only have to get 15-20 carries a game.

If we don't start looking towards that kind of strategy towards the running game and the offense in general, we're screwed probably.

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I stand by what portis said today. Portis has been the best player on the team ever since we traded for him. Jim Zorn needs to get figure out whats going wrong and quick or we are gonna lose the the top player on the team.

You can delegate responsibility but not accountability. ZORN you are accountable! FIGURE IT OUT, OR I HOPE DAN FINDS SOMEONE WHO CAN!

You want the truth, none of you can handle the truth! Keep preaching Clinton! Even if its hard to hear! #26! HTTR!

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I don't support either of them. I think Zorn screwed up in the first place by calling out CP who was injured, and CP fired back, all in the media. These matters should remain in the locker room or in the coach's office.

Now it's over, let's move on.

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You can delegate responsibility but not accountability. ZORN you are accountable! FIGURE IT OUT, OR I HOPE DAN FINDS SOMEONE WHO CAN!

You want the truth, none of you can handle the truth! Keep preaching Clinton! Even if its hard to hear! #26! HTTR!

I do agree with you, since our FO is not accountable, I guess it probably had a snowball effect.

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