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Just thinking of what it would be like.. the difference between Spagnola and Blache.


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The difference?

We'd have a man who's a good defensive coordinator in charge of our defense instead of a man who's had a largely undistinguished career leading it.

Oh I'm sorry, there was that one year (that people love to bring up for some reason) in 2001 when the Bears had a decent defense.

Nevermind forgettable lines that he coached in Green Bay and Indianapolis (as well as here) or the fact that his defensive rankings as coordinator in Chicago have been the following:






This season will be his high water mark, kind of sad really.

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The difference?

We'd have a man who's a good defensive coordinator in charge of our defense instead of a man who's had a largely undistinguished career leading it.

Oh I'm sorry, there was that one year (that people love to bring up for some reason) in 2001 when the Bears had a decent defense.

Nevermind forgettable lines that he coached in Green Bay and Indianapolis (as well as here) or the fact that his defensive rankings as coordinator in Chicago have been the following:






This season will be his high water mark, kind of sad really.

Holy mother of God...did you get the ****ing memo? JASON CAMPELL WOULD HAVE BENEFITED FROM HIM COMING HERE.

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Did you not hear Madden during the Ravens game??? We send 6 players more than any other team in the NFL!!! We don't have the people to put pressure on the QB. There's a reason Spagnola did not take this job. It's going to take a couple of years to get a pass rush. Blache has done really well with no DLine. Give him some credit.

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Though Spagnoulo (sp) may not have helped because he's relied upon a great D-line, I think the OP's point was just that. We send guys more than anyone on blitzes, but all it's yielded was 8 sacks, which if I remember correctly was near the bottom of those who blitzed. If Blache disguised more, maybe we'd have better success pressuring the QB?

That being said, he's done a great job with what he has.

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