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The Loss to the Rams was Crippling


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It took the wind out of the team and the fanbase. Exposed our Skins offense, or lack thereof. If they had won that and kept the momentum going, we would not be calling slient counts at home games.

Every game I have been to after that loss felt like an away game. No pep from the fans. No fight in the Skins. I think everyone realized we were just a medicore team and not what we appeared to be during the first part of the season.

It pains me knowing that we have the talent to dominate but we can never piece it all together.

Campbell, Portis, Cooley, Randle El, Moss, 3 second round receivers????

Someone in that lockerroom needs to give everyone a reality check soon if they want to have any chance in the homestretch. Who's it going to be?

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It took the wind out of the team and the fanbase. Exposed our Skins offense, or lack thereof. If they had won that and kept the momentum going, we would not be calling slient counts at home games.

Every game I have been to after that loss felt like an away game. No pep from the fans. No fight in the Skins. I think everyone realized we were just a medicore team and not what we appeared to be during the first part of the season.

It pains me knowing that we have the talent to dominate but we can never piece it all together.

Campbell, Portis, Cooley, Randle El, Moss, 3 second round receivers????

Someone in that lockerroom needs to give everyone a reality check soon if they want to have any chance in the homestretch. Who's it going to be?

i think the problem is the talent level. portis and cooley are the only real talented people on the team. moss is pretty good, but he is just too small. he seems like a slot receiver.

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I was there, and while that loss stung big time, I don't think it was crippling. The crippling loss could prove to be the Cowboys game at FedEx.

At 4-1 and coming off an emotional 4 games, the Redskins were a bit due for a bad day. Also keep in mind that the Rams were coming off a BYE and that was Haslett's first game. They probably put forth their best effort of the season that day or the next week against Dallas. Coaching changes usually energize a squad for a week or two when they first happen-- then reality comes back. We caught the Rams at a bad time in that regard.

But here's how I see it:

Let's say Josh Brown misses that FG and we win the game...

Well, then maybe we lose to the Browns or Lions? Circumstances change from week to week. Changing the outcome of one game may very well change the outcome of others.

It simply isn't overly realistic for a team like the Redskins to start a season 7-1. Odds were, IMO, that we were going to lose one of those three games against the Rams, Browns, or Lions. We did exactly that.

The loss that may haunt us will be the Dallas loss because of what it did for each team's playoff fortunes and confidence.

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Yeah the game against Dallas was a more crushing loss, in my opinion...

I agree. The Rams game was a let down that was understandable after two tough divisional road games.

The Dallas game was a chance to bury the pukes and establish ourselves as the top wildcard contender. We really blew that one.

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I don't agree that it exposed anything. Look at the stats from that game and if you watched it the skins dominated the game. It was as if the teams focus was gone. Weren't there 4 turnovers lost in that game by the skins? They still almost won.

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Hard to score alot of points when you mount long drives and turn the ball over 4 times. if they would have scored on 3 of those plays your looking at at least 9 points more probably more like 17 the way they were moving the ball.

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Yes, They should have won that game. It seems as though this team only plays hard when backed against a wall though. Sorry to say. Don't get me wrong, there are a few guys on the team that lay it on the line every week, like portis and rock to name two.

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I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It was a horrible loss to a team that had no business beating us. A loss like that is indeed crippling and takes all momentum away. We could've been 7-1!!!

That Pete Kendall play was just :doh:. A potentially 14 point swing, and at least a 10 point one. And let's not forget Leigh Torrence, the worst CB in the history of the game. Way not to look for the ball guy. :stick:

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I don't agree that it exposed anything. Look at the stats from that game and if you watched it the skins dominated the game. It was as if the teams focus was gone. Weren't there 4 turnovers lost in that game by the skins? They still almost won.

Pittsburg, exposed how to beat us. Stop the run and our passing game stinks. Moss cant grab a deep pass unless its in stride, used to make the body adjustment catches, but dont anymore, ARE is a slot/gimmick guy. Start the young guys and Davis too. Hes a receiving threat, more then Yoder and let him work on the blocking. Yoder dont see too much time, so WHY NOT Davis?

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We are who we are. You can point to this or that, but why? We have an offense that is still learning basics, let alone the intricacies of the new system. We have a QB who is still learning to be a NFL QB, and a HC who is learning to do his new job. Then we go against coaches and players who know their own systems like the back of their hands, and have seen it all. We should be happy for any success we've had, really.

This team could make the playoffs, and we are still playing meaningful football after 12 games. The passing game will take a long time to get to the point where we can beat a dominant defense, and that's to be expected. We should all get used to that.

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