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Can we talk BCS?


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Just asking! Under the shadow of the almighty NFL lies college football. Not a fan in the past, but recently really been anticipating Saturdays.

This week, #1 Alabama vs #4 Florida (or AP poll's #2 Florida):

Alabama is 11 point underdog...never have I seen a #1 play short to a #4...I understand with Tim Teebo playing like a rabid dog and running up the score on opponents. Not to mention the mud bowl last weekend against the Sooners...wow!

but 11 point favorite?

What's your thoughts on this and other games?

*or can we talk college football here!?!*

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What's your thoughts on this and other games?

*or can we talk college football here!?!*

I dunno.

But...regarding BCS...it's a dumb system. BUT, it works. All you have to do is:

a) Win all of your games,

B) Don't schedule cupcake teams to try to achieve "a)".

c) Pray that no one else achieves a) & B).

The playoff system won't work because then there will be people whose team is ranked 5th and they weren't in the top 4. It happens in the NCAA Basketball tournament - people think THAT should be expanded.

Just enjoy the 47 bowl games and don't stress about it. I'm a PSU fan and I'm not, because they made the mistake of not taking care of "a)".


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I decided 5 weeks ago that I'll never watch another college football game until the system changes. The pricks in charge of it get exactly what they want when people like me complain and ridicule the system but continue to watch all the games anyway.

I'm not sure anything will ever change, but I know I can come up with a better way to spend my time than to watch a "sport" that has absolutely no interest in competition.

This also means I can no longer voice an opinion on any draft pick of any team. A small price to pay.

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I decided 5 weeks ago that I'll never watch another college football game until the system changes. The pricks in charge of it get exactly what they want when people like me complain and ridicule the system but continue to watch all the games anyway.

I'm not sure anything will ever change, but I know I can come up with a better way to spend my time than to watch a "sport" that has absolutely no interest in competition.

This also means I can no longer voice an opinion on any draft pick of any team. A small price to pay.

Well you could just boycott the BCS games, I think that would send a stronger message.

Should my Hokies make it to the Orange Bowl, I'm not entirely sure I'd watch anyway, as its sort of a joke that they would be one of the top ten teams in the country, and they always choke in BCS games anyway.

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The whole Rankings thing is a mess as it is. Even if there were an 8 team playoffs, teams would complain about not getting a higher ranking to play lower ranked teams, and teams ranked 9 and 10 would complain about 7 and 8.

But at least with a playoff system, its better than appointing two teams to duke it out for the Championship, because it isn't always just 2 top teams.

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It's a complete false equivalency to claim that teams 9 and 10 complaining about being excluded from an 8-team playoff is the same as team 3 complaining about being excluded from the current arbitrarily selected title game.

Would a playoff system be perfect? No, definitely not. And college football unquestionably has the most difficult task of any major sport. But the difficulty of the task does not absolve them from settling on a system that is corrupt and illegitimate in every conceivable way.

The coaches hate it, the players hate it, the media hates it, the fans hate it, and the athletic directors hate it. The only people who like it are the College Presidents and the corporate giants.

What to call a coalition of Presidents and corporate giants who collude to maintain a system that is universally detested? It's a cabal, and there isn't a drop of hyperbole in my saying so.

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I dunno.

But...regarding BCS...it's a dumb system. BUT, it works. All you have to do is:

a) Win all of your games,

B) Don't schedule cupcake teams to try to achieve "a)".

c) Pray that no one else achieves a) & B).

The playoff system won't work because then there will be people whose team is ranked 5th and they weren't in the top 4. It happens in the NCAA Basketball tournament - people think THAT should be expanded.

Just enjoy the 47 bowl games and don't stress about it. I'm a PSU fan and I'm not, because they made the mistake of not taking care of "a)".


How can you enjoy 47 bowl games when 46 of them mean NOTHING,...to anyone but a damn alumni. PLAYOFF SYSTEM....!

8 teams ...the 9th team will be left out but its better than the damn 3rd and 4th and 5th teams left out.

PSU should have a shot as should the 3 BIG 12 teams, and the 2 SEC teams..USC should also get a shot. The 8th team would be UTAH I guess...(would probably get smoked) ...

Point is, how can ANYONE honestly say which of these teams are better. What a farce.....sad.

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One of the main arguments for the BCS is that it makes every regular season game that much more important...but what it also does is make every BCS bowl game besides the championship game mean absolutely nothing. I liked the old way personally. Conference ties to bowl games and 1 doesn't always have to play 2. That would make the other big time bowl games actually mean something. And if you think "oh no that doesn't work because then you'd have confusion at the end of the year." Well that happens anyway and there's more confusion and debate before the bowl games are even played.

I mean honestly, if Oklahoma loses to Missou, and Alabama loses to Florida, the National Championship will be between 2 One loss teams, one that didn't even have a chance to play for their conference championship and one that lost to a rebuilding Ole Miss team at the swamp.

If USC then went in and wrecked Penn State in the Rose Bowl, wouldn't they have a legit arguement for a share of the championship? It's just so dumb, the system doesn't work and it's no better than what we had before. It's probably worse.

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How can you enjoy 47 bowl games when 46 of them mean NOTHING,...to anyone but a damn alumni. PLAYOFF SYSTEM....!

8 teams ...the 9th team will be left out but its better than the damn 3rd and 4th and 5th teams left out.

PSU should have a shot as should the 3 BIG 12 teams, and the 2 SEC teams..USC should also get a shot. The 8th team would be UTAH I guess...(would probably get smoked) ...

Point is, how can ANYONE honestly say which of these teams are better. What a farce.....sad.

I watch football (ALL football) for entertainment, not because I care about who is the "true" #1. I really could care less about that. What I care MOST about is that they are competitive games and exciting to watch.

PSU DID have a shot - all they had to do was beat some farm boys from Iowa who weren't even ranked. THAT's the playoff system. It's called a 12 week playoff. Lose 1 time and you have to hope you get a second chance, but very rarely do teams get that chance.

Paloffs is NOW (starting September 1).


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I watch football (ALL football) for entertainment, not because I care about who is the "true" #1. I really could care less about that. What I care MOST about is that they are competitive games and exciting to watch.

PSU DID have a shot - all they had to do was beat some farm boys from Iowa who weren't even ranked. THAT's the playoff system. It's called a 12 week playoff. Lose 1 time and you have to hope you get a second chance, but very rarely do teams get that chance.

Paloffs is NOW (starting September 1).


That is crazy. First off even if PSU DID beat Iowa, who says they are truly deserving of being in the hampionship game? They never played anyone in the Big 12 or SEC so how can they be considered ahead. What about USC? Na, you can justify this crap system all you want, but until all these teams and conferences PLAY each other, you cannot justify NOT having a playoff.

As for liking to watch meaningless exhibition games? All the more power to you if you enjoy it. But to me, sitting down to 4 Bowl Games on New Years Day would be the BIGGEST day of the year in sports. It would make networks a ****load of money and I for the life of me don't get the hold up on it. Can you imagine settling in at noon on Jan 1st ready to watch 12 hours of football that have meaning? WOW

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I watch football (ALL football) for entertainment, not because I care about who is the "true" #1. I really could care less about that. What I care MOST about is that they are competitive games and exciting to watch.

PSU DID have a shot - all they had to do was beat some farm boys from Iowa who weren't even ranked. THAT's the playoff system. It's called a 12 week playoff. Lose 1 time and you have to hope you get a second chance, but very rarely do teams get that chance.

Paloffs is NOW (starting September 1).


Total BS. You are an enabler.

Last year, Ohio State finished its season as an afterthought in the championship discussion. Teams in front of them start losing all over the place and Ohio State is thrust into the most important game of the year BY DEFAULT.

That would be like the Cowboys making the Super Bowl after being eliminated in the playoffs based on what they did in the regular season.

The first person to come up with the hackneyed idea that "the whole season is a playoff" was no doubt a scientologist or an "Elvis lives" conspiracy theorist.

It fills me with rage to know that otherwise intelligent people buy into that corporate drivel.

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... It's just so dumb, the system doesn't work and it's no better than what we had before. It's probably worse.

It is worse ... BCS = Bogus Championship Series

Every other sport in the NCAA, including the other football divisions, have a playoff system. You're seeded and you play through a bracket. How complicated is that?

So here's what you do ... determine how many weeks are needed to run a championship based on the number of teams. Use the BCS rankings to seed the Top 16 teams and have a four week playoff starting the first or second weekend in December that sets the championship game a week prior to New Year's Day.

Return the New Year's Day Bowl games to their traditional conference affiliations and have the teams play in them for the glory and tradition of earning it by winning a conference. Set the championship game for one week later and it's all done.

With a 16-team playoff system, you've opened 14 more games to lead up to the National Title game. Now you've given the chance for non-BCS conference teams like Boise State and Ball State to get in the mix with the big boys. And there's sure to be some interest which means TV ratings and revenue, even if the early round games are on the ESPN networks.

In turn, we really need to scale back some of the bowl games. With the other 120 bowl games out there, I'm still waiting for the Toilet Bowl, Porcelain Bowl, and the Soup Bowl games to be added. We have a bowl game for just about everything else ...

Until a playoff system is developed and implemented, the Division I-A (I can't bring myself to call it the FBS) will continue to be a sham.


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All of this taken for granted, the ONLY way I'd "approve" of a playoff system is if it just takes each conference champion, selects the top 8 (based on their BCS ranking), seeds them based on their BCS ranking, and play 3 weeks of playoffs. I assume there are some independents (ND?), but tough. Join a conference. Same goes for Div 2 - play for the Div 2 Championship as you're not welcome here.

Also would reduce the regular season to 11 games, including bowls, except for the playoff teams.

Day after Christmas: 4 playoff games

New Year's: 2 playoff games

January 8th: Championship

There, I compromised. Good?

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Total BS. You are an enabler.

Last year, Ohio State finished its season as an afterthought in the championship discussion. Teams in front of them start losing all over the place and Ohio State is thrust into the most important game of the year BY DEFAULT.

That would be like the Cowboys making the Super Bowl after being eliminated in the playoffs based on what they did in the regular season.

The first person to come up with the hackneyed idea that "the whole season is a playoff" was no doubt a scientologist or an "Elvis lives" conspiracy theorist.

It fills me with rage to know that otherwise intelligent people buy into that corporate drivel.

Ohio State has done the Big Ten a disservice in the last few years. They are part of the reason Penn State isn't ranked higher.

I don't know. The whole playoff system in college football. Do we really need it? I mean it won't be perfect ever. What we have now is better than 5 years ago. I'm going to enjoy it, knowing it isn't perfect, but still. Not everything has to be a march madness.

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Total BS. You are an enabler.

I do like playing devil's advocate, but I think there's a lot of brewhaha over little. I do agree with a poster before who condoned the way teams used to, and still do if not in the top 2, send teams to the bowls. Reduce the number of bowl games, and the winners of conferences go to their respective bowls.

Last year, Ohio State finished its season as an afterthought in the championship discussion. Teams in front of them start losing all over the place and Ohio State is thrust into the most important game of the year BY DEFAULT.

I happen to think OSU was very good last year, but their coach sucks at coaching bowl games and having his team ready. There are/were blowouts in NFL Super Bowls for many years, but fortunately they didn't change that method of selecting the two teams.

BCS is great for talk radio and sports "journalism" and I happen to think they get it right more than they get it wrong. If teams don't like being ranked #3, DON'T LOSE A GAME!

Might be BS, but it's what I think.

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I don't know. The whole playoff system in college football. Do we really need it? I mean it won't be perfect ever. What we have now is better than 5 years ago. I'm going to enjoy it, knowing it isn't perfect, but still. Not everything has to be a march madness.

Just because it won't ever be perfect does not justify maintaining something that is completely illegitimate.

Give me two weeks in a secluded cabin and I could come up with something better than the current system (albeit still imperfect). I'll do it for free, just so I can have the pleasure of enjoying Saturday football again.

This is what I mean by the false equivalency argument that allows this silly system to continue. We should strive to make things better, not to settle for mediocrity because perfection is unattainable.

I know there'd be a public outcry that its a waste of time, but I'd actually be very, very supportive of Obama if he followed through on his pledge to fix the corrupt system that we currently have to live with.

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I happen to think OSU was very good last year, but their coach sucks at coaching bowl games and having his team ready. There are/were blowouts in NFL Super Bowls for many years, but fortunately they didn't change that method of selecting the two teams.

This has nothing to do with if Ohio State was good. This has to do with whether they deserved an opportunity to play for a championship. When they had played their final regular season game, 100% of college football observers would have said "NO!", but because of the system in place, they were vaulted into the position without even putting on a helmet.

That's not only unfair, it also bears no resemblence to your idea that "the whole season is a playoff."

BCS is great for talk radio and sports "journalism"

Yes, and that's why the system exists. Not because it's the best way, but because it generates the most discussion. That's not what athletics are supposed to be about.

If teams don't like being ranked #3, DON'T LOSE A GAME!

Might be BS, but it's what I think.

Yes, it is BS, particularly that final "point".

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All of this taken for granted, the ONLY way I'd "approve" of a playoff system is if it just takes each conference champion, selects the top 8 (based on their BCS ranking), seeds them based on their BCS ranking, and play 3 weeks of playoffs. I assume there are some independents (ND?), but tough. Join a conference. Same goes for Div 2 - play for the Div 2 Championship as you're not welcome here.

Also would reduce the regular season to 11 games, including bowls, except for the playoff teams.

Day after Christmas: 4 playoff games

New Year's: 2 playoff games

January 8th: Championship

There, I compromised. Good?

This is good! 6 conference chamos and 2 at-large bids...

Start the ball rolling get this implemented :)

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I say take the 11 conference winners and then 5 at large bids and have them play for a national championship If the confernce has a championship game the conference champion gets to go and the loser might get in on an at large bid

basically get rid of all the bowl games except for the purpose of playing the playoffs rotate them each year with the the championship game going to one of the 5 current BCS bowl sites

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