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The Cowboys, Steelers, Giants

herb mul-key

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have kicked our ass on 3 straight nationally televised games...I am very disappointed in our performance in all three games...however

The Steeler's are so nasty right now and on a roll..they just crushed the Patriots in NE. Tomlin has turned out to be a fantastic head coach in the NFL.

The Giants are just clearly a great team clicking and of course they are the world champs.

So I would not be surprised to see a Giants vs Steelers Super Bowl. Maybe the Titans are close.

The Cowboys game though pisses me off... we should have, could have handled that.

So given the Steelers and the Giants are the class of the league right now I am tending to give Zorn and company a little slack. We are not in their class. Those two teams are a super handful for anyone. Now we know where we need to be and have we learned from this?

Hopefully we are in the class of the Buc's and Panther's and not the Browns and Bengals.

The Ravens game will tell a lot.

Obviously we need to man up and make a run or the natives are going to get even more restless.

The 'skins have been placed under tremendous pressure now with the early surprising run.

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Point taken......the three teams you mentioned are all solid.

However, the mantra is getting a bit old.

Before two divisional opponents crushed us at home at the end of 2003 and Spurrier phoned in his resignation from the golf course, everyone was talking about how close we were in a lot of games that season (which we were), how we were on the cusp, etc.

What's going to be the excuse this week when the Skins score 10? Gee, but we were playing one of the best defenses!

Yes, these teams above are good, but you know what? Believe it or not, they do get beat from time to time. And even if they don't, sometimes teams do manage to score. The Cardinals, even in a losing effort, did put up a lot more points against the Giants than we did.

At some point you've got to step up. Losing three games in our own park like that is not what up and coming teams are supposed to do (yes, people will mention the Giants were bad at home last year, etc). And in two of those games, we were soundly beaten. Not good.

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I will say this, there is no reason we should have lost tho the Cowboys. That was more than winnable

this is the truth, sucked to be at that game and watch the fans pile out of the stadium with 6 minutes left in the game ... what sucked even more was the non-existence of our OL.

Sorry, but the Dallass defense is not that good, in fact I'd say they're just slightly under us in terms of what we do for our team. The 3-4 scheme helps their players bring pressure against, especially against a team like ours, and teams that can go long and pass with crisp execution ... usually beat Dallass.

Unfortunately we still haven't learned how to run correct routes, hold blocks for longer than 2 seconds and make accurate throws. I'm just sitting here waiting for us to surprise someone and beat a good team before the season ends. We have 2 more shots against Bmore and Philly. I also hope we can muster enough consistency to take care of Cinci and SF, thouhg SF worries me with Singletary at the helm. You know they are gonna lay it all on the line.

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We average 20.2 points on the road...that ought to be enough to win!

....riiiiiight. If we score 20+ points this sunday, best believe the Ravens will match...we don't want a shoot out of any sort with any team in the NFL right now.

We've exceeded expectations this year, I think we go for it all these last 4 weeks...away from our norm' and look towards next year. Everything needs to be pulled out of the bag in the next 4 weeks in order for us to pose any threat to any team making it into the postseason.

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