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I say again, Campbell is NOT the problem!


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Sun, Nov 30 Moss caught four passes for 55 yards in Week 13.

Recommendation: The 'Skins took very few chances downfield in this game. The offensive line has struggled to provide Jason Campbell time to go through his progressions over the last few weeks. This has limited Moss' ability to get downfield and make plays.


I realize it's easier to blame Campbell (all you JC haters/Brennan lovers), but the QB lives and dies by his O-Line. And our O-Line is DEAD!

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Steelers and the patroits have given up many more sacks than the skins and there QB play is 10 times better.Falsons sucked last year with average QB's they draft a rookie and now look 8-4 and Matt Ryan makes Campbell look like a pee wee Qb

It all starts with Campbell

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6 playbooks in 7 years. Numerous head coaches. Dan Snyder as an owner. A major knee injury. Randle El as a #2 WR. A depleted O-Line. Shall I go on?

I realize other then President of the United States, the Redskins QB is the most criticized position in the DMV, but come on people!

Has Jason made some bonehead plays? Sure. But how many of us would be THIS angry had ARE, Kelly, and Thrash made those catches yesterday? And if we'd won?

I really hate to admit it about my team's fan base, but you guys are some of the most unfair fair weather fans I have ever seen! We're not even supposed to be 7-5 THIS YEAR with a rookie HC, yet here we sit, playoffs still possible. I mean not even a few weeks ago, JC was considered an MVP candidate, our Skins were 5th in the power rankings, and every one of you loved this team and its QB. Now look at you. Now you want Brennan. Now you want a QB competition. Now you want Matt Cassell. LOL!

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A QB can spark a team and Campbell is not doing that. You're basically admitting that he can only play even decently when all else around him is going well. Right now he can't even play an average game when things around him aren't great.

He has NEVER made the playoffs here yet he's being given a lot of leeway. Its time to be fair to the rest of the team and give Collins a shot. Collins has proven that with THIS TEAM and the personel we have, he can do more than JC can.

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We're not fairweather Redskins friends. We just aren't fans of Jason. Just because Brandon Lyold was here doesn't mean I have to like him either. Has nothing to do with being a Redskin fan so worship jason all you want but don't bring Redskins fans into it.

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A QB can spark a team and Campbell is not doing that. You're basically admitting that he can only play even decently when all else around him is going well. Right now he can't even play an average game when things around him aren't great.

He has NEVER made the playoffs here yet he's being given a lot of leeway. Its time to be fair to the rest of the team and give Collins a shot. Collins has proven that with THIS TEAM and the personel we have, he can do more than JC can.

so we pull JC and don't even give him a shot to finish what he started and take us to the playoffs? but collins wins 4 games last year and hes proven? what are you talking about??

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I agree Campbell isn't the problem. Zorn even mentioned the fact that the WR's aren't getting consistent separation in particular on 3rd downs. The offensive line isn't consistent. There are throws that Jason makes and he's getting drilled. The Skins IMO have been over do to rebuild in the trenches on both sides. Thats the main problem to me.

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Campbell's release is wayyyyy too slow. Though he is poise in the pocket, it wouldnt matter because the by the time he was going to release it, the play would be gone or the rush would pressure too close. I don't blame JC totally, but he is part of the problem.

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true but even the rams, lions, seahawks, bears, score more points than us and complete passes at a quicker rythm and they have worse lines than us..

I hope you aren't insinuating that those teams have quarterbacks equal to or better than JC. Also, the Skins average 17.3 ppg whereas the Seahawks only average 18. The Lions average 16.9 and the Rams 13.2 putting both of them below us. Its important to check your facts before trying to make an argument.

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I will agree that JC isn't all of the problem. It lies not only with him, but our O-line and our receivers making plays. There is a definate issue when the team is at 3rd and 9 and throws the ball 6-7 yards or when the receivers dont run routes past the 1st down marker. Something is wrong there.

JC is not reading the field well, and he's so afraid of throwing a pick or making a mistake that he's holding onto the ball too long. Of course the pitiful pass protection doesn't help either.

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I hope you aren't insinuating that those teams have quarterbacks equal to or better than JC. Also, the Skins average 17.3 ppg whereas the Seahawks only average 18. The Lions average 16.9 and the Rams 13.2 putting both of them below us. Its important to check your facts before trying to make an argument.

Please post a link of confirmation that the Redskins are currently averaging 17.3 ppg, cause I can guarantee that the average has gone way done from that from the past 4 games.

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6 playbooks in 7 years. Numerous head coaches.

Eli Manning won a Super Bowl with a new OC (Kevin Gilbride) last year.

Tom Brady had one of the best season's in NFL history last year, with a new OC.

Donovan McNabb has been in the same system for 10 years now. How's that worked out for him recently since T.O left?

So is it the system? Or the personnel?

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"We didn't read or throw well on several occasions." Listen to the coach. He was a former quarterback and he don't lie :D. Campbell has issues and is just not good enough to be a Manning, Brady, Palmer, Romo sits to pee, Garcia,...

Stop the presses! "We haven't reached that ELITE status..." Sounds like someone I know. How many times have I and many on this board said that?

JC is part of the problem and I don't have to justify this statement by saying that I've been a supporter or whatever. Zorn was and is considered a great qb coach, and if he says that Jason is having problems with reads and drops and throws, than Jason is part of the problem. Yes, the O line is an accomplice but JC is to blame as well.

Maybe Zorn needs to be a qb coach and not a HC. I don't know about that, but the fact remains that Jason is either not getting it or is just not gifted enough to get over the proverbial hump that will get him into that elite status. Zorn also said today that he believes Jason does have what it takes, but I wonder if he is just protecting him at this stage. I'm not saying that is the case, I'm just speculating that he very well may be seeing how much Campbell can handle.

I believe that Zorn is testing Jason, as was implied today in the presser. If Campbell doesn't show well in the next four games, I can see an open competition being implemented in the plans for the next training camp. Jason IS indeed part of the problem. :2cents:

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..... Not the WHOLE problem, but he's a BIG part of the continued problems on offense.

If your gona' bring up fair, valid points like an ageing O-Line, receivers dropping passes etc, you've got to be equally fair and look at Jason's continued personal failings, which are equally as valid.

Otherwise, your just burying your head in the sand and accepting continued mediocrity.


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Jason may not have as many sacks as some teams, but the pocket is very small and closes quickly. There are no throwing or runnin lanes for the qb. Generally the line is the problem. I saw three men on DWARE at one point in the CBoys game. That's what we had to do. We rolled out many times to get away from the rush.

Campbell plays great with an average line, but this line is really bad at pass protection at this point in the season. Portis production has dropped too, since the passing game fell apart.

Allso, I think Campbell is doing better thatn Hasleback did in his first games with Zorn.

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"We didn't read or throw well on several occasions." Listen to the coach. He was a former quarterback and he don't lie :D. Campbell has issues and is just not good enough to be a Manning, Brady, Palmer, Romo sits to pee, Garcia,...

Stop the presses! "We haven't reached that ELITE status..." Sounds like someone I know. How many times have I and many on this board said that?

JC is part of the problem and I don't have to justify this statement by saying that I've been a supporter or whatever. Zorn was and is considered a great qb coach, and if he says that Jason is having problems with reads and drops and throws, than Jason is part of the problem. Yes, the O line is an accomplice but JC is to blame as well.

Maybe Zorn needs to be a qb coach and not a HC. I don't know about that, but the fact remains that Jason is either not getting it or is just not gifted enough to get over the proverbial hump that will get him into that elite status. Zorn also said today that he believes Jason does have what it takes, but I wonder if he is just protecting him at this stage. I'm not saying that is the case, I'm just speculating that he very well may be seeing how much Campbell can handle.

I believe that Zorn is testing Jason, as was implied today in the presser. If Campbell doesn't show well in the next four games, I can see an open competition being implemented in the plans for the next training camp. Jason IS indeed part of the problem. :2cents:

I can also see this and I am an avid Campbell supporter hence in my signature below.

Campbell has really been disappointing to me because as many have declared, he simply plays with no desire and no innovation (this can be the markening of a true quarterback).

I believe that we should hold off until next season to decide whether or not Campbell is right for this team. At this point, I really do not give a **** who the quarterback for this team is, only as long as we're competitive.

All the fairweather Skins fan can kiss my *** on this post by the way because I am in no consensus with you ass****s. ;)

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Campbell lacks the "it" factor. He doesn't show any emotion...and as a supposed leader, shouldn't he assist in lighting fires under other player's @sses? His release is slow, which makes the O-line look worse than it really is. Say what you want, but Campbell is a HUGE part of the problem.

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