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Gilbride Got The Best of Blache Today


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Didn't it seem Giants' offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride got the best of Greg Blache today? I mean, the Giants didn't really do anything special today. No trick plays or anything. It just seemed Gilbride knew exactly what Blache was going to do, and had the play to counter it perfectly.

-Blache blitzed our entire right side, Gilbride called the screen to Boss right where it came from.

-Blache dropped everyone into a zone, Gilbride ran the draw up the middle with Ward.

It seemed to happen all day today, but seemed to be for the first time all year. I know our offense was miserable today, but everyone is talking about that, and frankly I'm quite tired of doing so.

Did anyone else get this feeling? That Gilbride was in the defensive huddle or something.

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Kindof. I kindof think that Blache has been making wine from water all season. So he has my respect for that. They held the Giants to 23 points, which is good. What bothered me is that they had 2 drives that were like 90+ yards, they just COULD NOT get off the field in the first half. The first Giants punt was in the second half.

I think the question that you raise is, was it coaching or is it players. I think that Blache is completely handicapped by the fact that 4 guys from the local flag football team could get a better push than any 4 D-Linemen that the 'Skins put out there. So he has to gamble at times to get pressure, and with a good opposing QB and OC, they can make you pay.

I think also Eli is comfortable change some plays at the line to get into situations that are better for his team.

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I'm not putting the loss on Greg Blache. I know the players play the game, not the coaches. I'm just saying, when Blache made a call, maybe a all out blitz or something like that, that got us great results in the past, the Giants had the perfect play called to counter it.

That's all I'm sayin.

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I don't fault Blache for the blitzes he called but the execution of them was horrendous. The pundits will credit the Giants O-Line but very few of our blitzes involved stunts or ways to open holes to get to Manning. The blitzes were all VERY easy for their O-Line to pick up. Manning had time to throw because our guys were either running into each other or ran right into where the blitz pickups were. We were too predictable and it killed us.

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I felt the same last week with Garrett dinking and dunking 3 yrds over the middle to Barber for entire drives since we kept Landry 90 feet off the line. I'm sorry but Landry cannot tackle...he doesn't even attempt and just goes for a hit and misses 40% of the time...its damn frustrating.

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I didn't like the 7/8 man lines we were using. It wasn't leaving anyone back off the line of scrimmage to save the big run or cover the short passes.

It's good to attack the line but that was overdoing it and leaving too many wide-open spaces.

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Totally misleading.. If the offense doesn't get going then everyone looks like they get the better of Blache. The Redskins were totally dominated in the first half and really should have been trailing 13-10. So say what you will about Blache and the defense, but they weathered the storm and kept the game close. I used to think that the DE's were the problem but if you watch the game the ends are not responsible for tearing off of the edge to generate a pass rush.

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I didn't like the 7/8 man lines we were using. It wasn't leaving anyone back off the line of scrimmage to save the big run or cover the short passes.

It's good to attack the line but that was overdoing it and leaving too many wide-open spaces.

i agree blache blitzes too much. it would be OK if it worked, but it's sad to see. it looks like our guys are running into a brick wall all the time. he needs to disguise his blitzes more. he did that a little in the Seattle game and it worked.the only good thing today was Jason Taylor was getting some pressure.

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This team need to replace blache with someone from one of the following teams defensive staff: Eagles, Ravens or Steelers. And this teams lacks a "hit you in the mouth" mentality. I really miss Sean Taylor style of play and his presence.

With out a good front four the best secondary in the world will falter

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