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Was Moss ever fined for his punch?


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most fines aren't publicized but I'm sure JLC is asking the NFL if moss got fined...

"Yeah. Hi. NFL offices? This is Jason La..."

"WTF do you want this time douche bag? Is Dan Snyder poisioning the opposing team's water supply? Is Vinny Cerrato using a ouija board to contact the spirit of Vince Lombardi to get an unfair edge?"

"Well yes...but I wanted to ask if Santana Moss was going to be fined like he should be...errr...like some people thought he might be. Because, you know, I don't want him to get fined...but...you know. So is he? Hello...hello?"

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Moss should have been ejected or at least suspended for next week's game. His bahavior should not be tolerated.

Meanwhile scumbags like Matt Light punches a guy in the face repeatedly without a facemask and all he gets a mild fine. :rolleyes:

Give me a break. Santana should be suspended for hitting a guy in the helmet once and then dropping it for the rest of the game? A fine is more than enough for that "punch." These guys are playing football for Christ's sake! It's a violent game and tempers run hot some times. I'm not saying he did the right thing...but to be ejected or suspended...that's ridiculous. It's not like he stomped a guy, spit in a guys face or punched someone who wasn't wearing a helmet or kept it up the whole game or anything.

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Moss should have been ejected or at least suspended for next week's game.

Wow, I think his behavior was less than desirable, but human at worst.

A fine and a sore hand should be plenty enough retribution for that for that.

I would have hated to have seen it, but if he were ejected after the incident, I'd understand.

No reason to suspend a vet with a squeaky clean rep that

punched a dude in the helmet after a play.

Happens all the time, and it's not a big deal!


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Wow, I think his behavior was less than desirable, but human at worst.

A fine and a sore hand should be plenty enough retribution for that for that.

I would have hated to have seen it, but if he were ejected after the incident, I'd understand.

No reason to suspend a vet with a squeaky clean rep that

punched a dude in the helmet after a play.

Happens all the time, and it's not a big deal!


Moss was lucky that the ref didn't see him punch Wilson. It was a stupid move, and if the ref had caught it, Moss would have been tossed from the game. It doesn't matter if the player has a squeaky clean rap sheet, if any player is dumb enough to throw a punch out on the field, he should be ejected from the game.

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"Yeah. Hi. NFL offices? This is Jason La..."

"WTF do you want this time douche bag? Is Dan Snyder poisioning the opposing team's water supply? Is Vinny Cerrato using a ouija board to contact the spirit of Vince Lombardi to get an unfair edge?"

"Well yes...but I wanted to ask if Santana Moss was going to be fined like he should be...errr...like some people thought he might be. Because, you know, I don't want him to get fined...but...you know. So is he? Hello...hello?"

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Moss should have been ejected or at least suspended for next week's game. His bahavior should not be tolerated.
Moss was lucky that the ref didn't see him punch Wilson. It was a stupid move, and if the ref had caught it, Moss would have been tossed from the game. It doesn't matter if the player has a squeaky clean rap sheet, if any player is dumb enough to throw a punch out on the field, he should be ejected from the game.
Maybe you two should watch a nice quiet game, like golf or duckpin bowling.
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"Yeah. Hi. NFL offices? This is Jason La..."

"WTF do you want this time douche bag? Is Dan Snyder poisioning the opposing team's water supply? Is Vinny Cerrato using a ouija board to contact the spirit of Vince Lombardi to get an unfair edge?"

"Well yes...but I wanted to ask if Santana Moss was going to be fined like he should be...errr...like some people thought he might be. Because, you know, I don't want him to get fined...but...you know. So is he? Hello...hello?"

:D:D I'm sure it's coming

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Maybe you two should watch a nice quiet game, like golf or duckpin bowling.

I understand that football is a physical game and the game can get heated at times; however, these guys are professionals and Moss knows better than to take a swing at a CB. Everyone on here would be crying foul if another WR had taken a swing at Rogers, Springs, Smoot, or Hall. However, I don't think Moss should be suspended for his actions, if he wasn't kicked out against Seattle, then that's the refs fault for not catching it when it happened.

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Maybe he will be, maybe he won't. I'd lean towards yes at this point. Be that as it may, it's not something that bothers me that much. We've all had our moments, and for whatever reason, Santana had his. **** happens. Don't like it when those moments happen, but accept the fact that we're all human and as result, emotions can get the better of us at times. BFD. :yawnee:

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Moss was lucky that the ref didn't see him punch Wilson. It was a stupid move, and if the ref had caught it, Moss would have been tossed from the game. It doesn't matter if the player has a squeaky clean rap sheet, if any player is dumb enough to throw a punch out on the field, he should be ejected from the game.

They saw it, the ref just put his flag away. That's fine, he hardly caught his facemask anyway. Although you can't throw punches. This is a civil game. I imagine he'll get slapped with a 5,000 dollar fine at least but if the ref is letting them play and Tana was getting held beyond the five yard point as they did show he's pissed. Maybe he should have punched the ref:applause:

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They saw it, the ref just put his flag away. That's fine, he hardly caught his facemask anyway. Although you can't throw punches. This is a civil game. I imagine he'll get slapped with a 5,000 dollar fine at least but if the ref is letting them play and Tana was getting held beyond the five yard point as they did show he's pissed. Maybe he should have punched the ref:applause:

I thought the one official was standing behind Wilson and didn't have a clear view of what Santana did. Isn't there a rule in the league if a player throws a punch they are automatically ejected from the game?

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Im sure we can all understand getting that way during a game if you have played any contact sport but you still have to control yourself. I agree, a fine and a sore hand should be punishment enough. I was actually laughing at him for being dumb enough to hit a guy in the helmet.

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I'm pretty sure if Santana had wanted to punch Wilson, he would have swung underneath the facemask, which it kind of looked like he did from the angles I've seen. That being said, he didn't connect, and I find it hard to believe he will get anything more than a fine for that.

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