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NFL Live Chat: Goodell Says He Is A Skins Fan!


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Well he use to be a Baltimore Colts fan and I guess when they moved he become a Skins fan. But now he says he is fan of all 32 teams.

  • Michael Bidwell, Chattanooga, TN
    02:15 PM ET
    I was just wondering what the current status is with the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement? Could there be a possibility of a strike within the next few years? Quick question....What was your favorite NFL team when you were a kid? By the way, you are doing a fantastic job, and i wish you the best.
    Commissioner Roger Goodell, NFL.com

    This past May, the owners exercised an option to not to extend the CBA beyond the 2010 season. I expect negotiations will begin over the next year on a variety of issues. The good news for you as a fan is there is no risk of a work stoppage before 2011. I am hopeful that we will be able to reach an agreement that will be fair to both the owners and the players and that will be good for the fans.
    I was a Baltimore Colts fan initially and then became a Redskins fan. Now I'm a fan of all 32 teams! Thanks for your support.

There are some other good questions brough up in this chat. click on the link to read them: http://chat.nfl.com/front/archived_chat/42


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