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Everyone, CALM DOWN


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-We're still 6-3 going into the bye (would anyone've thought that?).

-Our only losses: @ the defending Superbowl Champs; at home vs. a better-than-their-record St. Louis team, and at home vs. a possible Superbowl contender

-Our remaining games: the 3 division foes AT HOME; and @ 2-6 Seattle; 1-8 Cincinnati; 2-6 SF; and a technical-but-not-really away game @ Baltimore

Barring a fluke, let's say 9-7 AT WORST (should be 10-6 or better). I remember I would settle for 8-8. So calm down people.


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The team, from Zorn to Campbell, needs to use this as a learning experience. Then we can continue on the road to excellence.
:applause::applause::applause: THAT'S how you look at this. As a learning experience.
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the bye is coming at a perfect time because the last four games we've played have been fairly unimpressive so at this point zorn needs to address what happened last night and whats been happening the last month and come out firing against dallas. i solid win in dallas could put this team right back on track. and carlos rogers.... he has to get someone in to teach that guy to catch.

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i agree...honestly, if we win the games we SHOULD (cincy, SF, seattle) and split the tough games (dallas, philly, baltimore, NYG) then we still end up 11-5....

when I went through the schedule at the beginning of the season I had this penciled in as our 5th or 6th loss (as did a lot of people)...

I figured, at best, given our schedule, we would be 3-6 or 4-5 at the bye and would need another late season surge to make the playoffs...

the fact that we are 6-3 is gravy....its not a common opponent or conference loss for the other wild card potentials....

really, beyond falling 2 games behind the giants, this game was meaningless...i was mad Zorn left the guys that have had injury issues in as long as he did....

and if you're upset about that (falling 2 games behind the Giants) you really need to re-examine if you had us challenging for the division in August in that stretch of pre-season games...cause if you did you are either a liar, crazy, or an oracle

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i agree...honestly, if we win the games we SHOULD (cincy, SF, seattle) and split the tough games (dallas, philly, baltimore, NYG) then we still end up 11-5....

when I went through the schedule at the beginning of the season I had this penciled in as our 5th or 6th loss (as did a lot of people)...

I figured, at best, given our schedule, we would be 3-6 or 4-5 at the bye and would need another late season surge to make the playoffs...

the fact that we are 6-3 is gravy....its not a common opponent or conference loss for the other wild card potentials....

really, beyond falling 2 games behind the giants, this game was meaningless...i was mad Zorn left the guys that have had injury issues in as long as he did....

and if you're upset about that (falling 2 games behind the Giants) you really need to re-examine if you had us challenging for the division in August in that stretch of pre-season games...cause if you did you are either a liar, crazy, or an oracle

lol.. really? as an eagles fan ill take gaining a meaningless game on you clowns every sunday, er or monday. lol. its nice 2c the optimism from your squad.. the real teams from the NFC EAST represented and f'kd the steelgirls UP. combined 13 sacks and like 2 or 3 picks, and couple forced fumbles.. and we won without westbrook, curtis, reggie brown, shawn andrews. redskins have been getting exposed since the rams/browns/lions games.. and finally a respectable team sealed the deal on primetime television. you guys will b extremely lucky if u make the playoffs this year..

how many weeks before i will be asking u clowns how it feels 2not be playing come january? lol, jason campbell is a joke.. and he is obviously not the answer. come playoff time he will fold like a lawn chair against good defenses

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:applause::applause::applause: THAT'S how you look at this. As a learning experience.

as cliches go...this is one of the less useful ones.

it's also become a worn out excuse. we hear it from every unorig nimrod following every loss. it would appear the pupils have pronounced learning disabilities.

last night was embarrassing....nothing more...nothing less.

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To Imaneaglesfan-- I know without a doubt we will make the playoffs. JC learns with every tough team he faces. I think the guy with the pension to fold like a cheap tent in a low gust is your man McNabb...remember the SB??? If that was not the ultimate lawn chair moment then I don't know one in sports.

Blah blah blah Imaneaglesfan...you are talking cheap trash with nothing to back it up chump.

Lets talk after the Redskins, Philthy Philly game ok?

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.. the REAL TEAMS from the NFC EAST represented and f'kd the steelgirls UP.

As opposed to the un-real team from the NFC EAST that went in to said "REAL" teams house in Week 4 and TOTALLY kicked their ass? :doh:

Welcome to the logic of the Neanderthal man, more commonly known as a Philly fan.

See you December 21 for your sweeping. ;)


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at least in this time of distress, embarrassment, poor play, horrible fan support, and true exposure as a pretender fans can unite in their loathing of division rivals. your not making the playoffs this year. lol with what offensive line? with what defensive line? with what qb throwing touchdowns? your team is highly overrated in your eyes because they are 6-3.. newsflash, it wont be long before i will be tlaking ALOT more ish on these boards.. im counting 6 days before we are tied with u clowns at 6-3.. keep jacking off 2your wins over dallas/philly in the beginning of they year because come january that will all u have 2beat off 2.

dec 21st.. yeah jason campbell will be much improved by then.. clowns. healthy brian westbrook does wonders. and when we beat the giants like u couldnt guess who will be the new talk of the town? we started slow and injured.. teams who finish the season are the only real contenders..

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I'm thoroughly disgusted to come on here after a loss to a really good team, and see people wanting Campbell benched, blaming Los, questioning the Zorn hiring. All this garbage it's ridiculous.. Is there a way to add people to a list that prevents them from posting for 24 hours, that would only be activated after a loss? The entire first page is disgusting. I feel dirty even reading some of this crap and that's what it is crap.

A lot of you should feel damn ashamed of yourselves this morning. You don't know how ****ing good you've got it. We're 6-3 going into the bye.. Comparing to recent history, do you know how awesome that is?! Grrrr.

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at least in this time of distress, embarrassment, poor play, horrible fan support, and true exposure as a pretender fans can unite in their loathing of division rivals. your not making the playoffs this year. lol with what offensive line? with what defensive line? with what qb throwing touchdowns? your team is highly overrated in your eyes because they are 6-3.. newsflash, it wont be long before i will be tlaking ALOT more ish on these boards.. im counting 6 days before we are tied with u clowns at 6-3.. keep jacking off 2your wins over dallas/philly in the beginning of they year because come january that will all u have 2beat off 2.

dec 21st.. yeah jason campbell will be much improved by then.. clowns. healthy brian westbrook does wonders. and when we beat the giants like u couldnt guess who will be the new talk of the town? we started slow and injured.. teams who finish the season are the only real contenders..

NEWSFLASH, whether you make it to the Superbowl or not (which you won't), but even if you did, you're SB trophy case will still be empty by the beginning of Feb. Funny how the trash talks comes out when Philly starts playing well.

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