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Redskins and Steroids: If It Happened, How Would You React?


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With the current handful of players being suspended by the NFL for testing positive for banned substances, how would you react if we found that one or more of the players on the current Redskins roster were tested positive for illegal performance enhancing drugs? Even if said players were stars on the team, would you still support them?

I'm sure most of you would agree that we'd be very disappointed if we found out a Redskins player was knowingly taking banned enhancement drugs. This current roster was built around Gibbs' philosophy of getting high-character, hard-working players, and it would be tragic and quite frankly a slap in the face to him if a player he hand-picked chose to go that route. I would like to think Zorn wishes to keep that same type of mentality when choosing players. I'm very proud of this organization in that the Redskins name is never mentioned when a news story breaks regarding players or teams breaking some league rule.

Now the current players under scrutiny play for New Orleans, and so far they all believe that their supplements were tainted with an unlabeled ingredient that was banned by the NFL. Ok, I can buy that. But for sake of discussion, what about players who KNOWINGLY take an illegal substance, and get caught?

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But for sake of discussion, what about players who KNOWINGLY take an illegal substance, and get caught?

Like you said, I would be disappointed, but if they owned up to it and not try to hide anything, take the punishment and agree to be tested regularly it would not be much of a deal breaker for that person. People make mistakes. Now the 2nd time or trying to cover the use up would be far worse.


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I would agree that it would be very dissapointing. As far as I would be with still supporting the player, it would depend on the situation, and if it had been proven by the league. Lets just hope something like this doesn't happen to our skins.

That being said :steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu

and as always...:dallasuck:eaglesuck:gaintsuck

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I'd be willing to bet that there are players on the redskins right now who are juicing. But you're not allowed to ask me why.

I second that also. I'm willing to go out and say there's at least one person on every team who has taken some form of banned performance enhancing substance this season. The injury recovery benefits from some of those substances are just too alluring to pass up.

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Guest sith lord
Like you said, I would be disappointed, but if they owned up to it and not try to hide anything, take the punishment and agree to be tested regularly it would not be much of a deal breaker for that person. People make mistakes. Now the 2nd time or trying to cover the use up would be far worse.


I'm really not a fan to the old "if he owes up to it, then everythings OK." It's easy to owe up to something after you've been BUSTED. And how is it a mistake when you willingly cheated to get an advantage? To me, a mistake is an accident.

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Guest sith lord
This just in:

Moss juices up.

That's why he's so big and tall.

One thing we've learned is that you don't have to be big and muscular to be on steroids.

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Well Jon Jansen got in hot water a few years ago when he said something like 20% of the league uses steroids to Bob Costas on HBO. And Jansen has only been on one team in the NFL in his career: the Redskins.

I'm not sure on Jansen's exact percentage or exact quote, but I remember him saying something close to that and getting some backlash for it.

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If it was roids, I'd be disappointed, but I would live. If it was HGH, my opinion is more along the lines that that substance should be further studied for adverse affects and if its as relatively healthy as it appears to be, it should be legal for athletes anyway. I don't know, I guess I'm sort of indifferent about performance enhancers because I feel like the ones that don't kill you in ten years don't help that much and if you really want to throw your life away to be a superstar for a decade and then spend the rest of your short life in and out of hospitals, I don't really have a problem with that so long as its out in the open and not being done illegally and secretly; in other words, I would be one of the few who would be reluctantly accepting of certain substances being legal for athletes. I'd have less respect for the ones who took, but I wouldn't think that they deserved some sort of punishment. There punishment will come as they age.

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If it was intentional Id be a bit disapointed but thats all. The FDA doesnt really regulate the supplement industry so things can get in that will raise flags on tests, that isn't the fault of the player. The media won't tell you that because it gives them a better story to say someone is juicing.

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It should be noted that the most recent "steroid cases" in the NFL are not for positive steroid tests, but instead for positive tests for something used as a masking agent, to disguise steroid use. Moreover, the dietary supplement containing this agent, which is used in a particular type of weight loss pill, is not listed on that pill's packaging (though the pill is also, of note, not on the NFL's list of approved substances either).

My attitude with banned substances is that I don't want Redskins using them, but I also like to know all the facts about their usage before drawing conclusions about the player's character.

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I'm willing to bet my life that many people use steroids in the NFL, but just do so without getting caught. Hell, I know a few players here on the football team that are juicing. (including our punter) Nobody's been caught yet because they are given heads up when tests are coming around.

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I second that also. I'm willing to go out and say there's at least one person on every team who has taken some form of banned performance enhancing substance this season. The injury recovery benefits from some of those substances are just too alluring to pass up.

I remember having a debate with a friend who insisted that Sylvester Stallone was not a steroid user. It's sort of like, hey, he just is man. Don't ask me to explain it.

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That would explain his recurrent injury situation. It seems he's so fragile, and maybe that's the reason why.

Springs was suspended by the league back in the late 90s for use of PEDs. Coming out of Ohio State, he bench pressed 225lbs 29 times. I sure everyone knows some guy who can do that, etc., and he's not juicing because blah blah he's just such an honest guy... Dude, its like, yeah ok. Next question.

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Sure, there probably are, and there probably are on every single team in the league. With that said, I would think the Redskins have less players that do it than most teams but that is like having 2 people with herpes and the one is feeling superior to the other because at this point in time he doesn't have herpes on his face.

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Sure, there probably are, and there probably are on every single team in the league. With that said, I would think the Redskins have less players that do it than most teams but that is like having 2 people with herpes and the one is feeling superior to the other because at this point in time he doesn't have herpes on his face.

Wow. That was the most revolting analogy ever.


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