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What was your favorite moment in the first half?


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I'd say Week 4 beating Dallas because that was the game where we all were like "holy crap, we're good".

The best part was that my roomate is a huge Cowboys fan and was talking soooo much crap. So when I got back from the bar, to see the look on his face was priceless.

You guys?

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For games, two come to mind:

1) The 4th quarter against the Saints: Down by 9 with 9 to go and at our own 9 and facing 2nd-and-22, you could see us slipping to 0-2 and then who knows what happens. But JC completes a pass to Cooley for the first and then later throws the bomb to Moss to give us the lead. After we had seen JC throw INTs at the end of games last year, to see him finally get that signature win was cool.

2) Coming back at Philly: After the big Dallas game we are getting hammered in the first quarter in Philly and it looks like a long day. But we hung in there and ground out the win. Very impressive.

Outside of games, there's nothing that comes close:

Lockerroom, after the Dallas game: HIP HIP HOORAY!

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Portis going back in the game last week after looking like he was pretty hurt.

Hey SoCal,

I don't mean this to be a call-out post by any means, but I just wanted to get your thoughts on JC to this point. I know you were one of his most vocal critics and I was wondering if he's where you want him to be at this point. Let me know your thoughts!

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Hey SoCal,

I don't mean this to be a call-out post by any means, but I just wanted to get your thoughts on JC to this point. I know you were one of his most vocal critics and I was wondering if he's where you want him to be at this point. Let me know your thoughts!

He is playing amazing. I didn't think he would get it done, but he has been fantastic along with Zorn. It also shows up all of the people posting that we need to give the offense time to gel, that this is a rebuilding year, that the skins are not an elite team etc.

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He is playing amazing. I didn't think he would get it done, but he has been fantastic along with Zorn. It also shows up all of the people posting that we need to give the offense time to gel, that this is a rebuilding year, that the skins are not an elite team etc.

I definitely agree. I didn't think the offense would click this fast (albeit there is still room for improvement, especially inside the 20), but I definitely didn't feel it would be a rebuilding year. We were a playoff team with Collins at the helm and I had felt JC would, with time, play better than what we had with TC.

I'm definitely glad things clicked for Campbell. Along with his immense physical talent, he's a hard worker and an all around good guy to have on our team.

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For me there are really too many to name, but I have to go with beating Dallas in their house on the final game we played at Texas Stadium. And for it being Zorn's first and final time there helps. Then the story about Rock dancing on the star. And we can't forget the fact that no one gave us a chance. Ok, I'm done.

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He is playing amazing. I didn't think he would get it done, but he has been fantastic along with Zorn. It also shows up all of the people posting that we need to give the offense time to gel, that this is a rebuilding year, that the skins are not an elite team etc.

I like how Jason just goes out there and gets the job done. He's not a flashy, vocal guy with the media, and that's just how I like him. Another true, "blue collar" Redskin.

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I believe it was the game against the Cardinals..

The play where JC scrambled and made the TD pass in the redzone but it called back via Casey Rabach.

If you're talking about the TD to ARE that was called back, then that was against Dallas.

As for the question, it said "favorite moment," so I'll go with the TD to Moss against NO. But the favorite game was against Dallas; I couldn't wipe the grin off my face for several hours!

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If you're talking about the TD to ARE that was called back, then that was against Dallas.

As for the question, it said "favorite moment," so I'll go with the TD to Moss against NO. But the favorite game was against Dallas; I couldn't wipe the grin off my face for several hours!

Haha yes, that was the one - my mistake, usually while watching games I've had a couple drinks so sometimes it's hard to make these recollections. But yeah, that was a beautiful play IMO.

My least favorite make my heart stop please don't let this happen moment was at the end of the Lions game when Portis went down. Ugh..

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The all around solid game against the Cowboys was such an incredible feeling for me. They were undefeated at the time (I believe), and we were coming off two wins.

At this point in the season both teams look great and this win, in their house, put us ahead of them in the standings; a movement they still haven't been able to reverse.

Coming back from 14 down against the Eagles ain't nothin' to forget about either!

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I have 2 favorite moments so far....

1) Beating the Cowgirls in Dallas ofcourse! Two reasons for this, we beat them in the last game the Skins will ever play in that stadium...that had to hurt their feelings a little. And just because we beat the Cowboys!

2) Santana's catch to put us ahead for good vs. the Saints. I liked this play because it reminded me of the 2005 season with the game against Dallas. Our offense had been struggling pretty bad that season, then Santana caught those 2 TD's to win the game and our offense started clicking after that big play. I felt like after that big TD to Santana vs. the Saints this year, our offense really gained confidence and took off from there. Hopefully this will lead us to the playoffs like it did in 2005...I think this team is much better than that one.

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When the onsides kick went out of bounds against the Cowboys and it was official that the Redskins beat the Cowboys in Dallas! :cheers:

AMEN...That game tops any play so far for me. I hate Dallas so much more this year than in years past. I got extremely tired of all the hype around them earlier in the year. To beat them in their house this season to move to 3-1 was one of the best feelings I've ever had as a fan.

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