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NYP: The O Jesse Knows (Obama / Jesse Jackson)


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From the mouth of Mr. "HYMIE-TOWN"-

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.

Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.


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Whew. Good thing Jesse isn't running this year.

By the way, it's interesting to see people who think that Jesse is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about --- suddenly find themselves sure that Jesse knows exactly what he is talking about and can predict Obama's foreign policy.

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Whew. Good thing Jesse isn't running this year.

By the way, it's interesting to see people who think that Jesse is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about --- suddenly find themselves sure that Jesse knows exactly what he is talking about and can predict Obama's foreign policy.

Now sure how you conclude this but I think it's humorous given his history and "hussein's" Muslim connections.

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by "Muslim connections" do you mean his middle name and the trip to Kenya where he met with all major parties including Odinga?

He doesn't mean anything in particular.

If he mentions any specific item, then it will be torn to shreds by the Tailgate factcheckers, who have already thoroughly debunked any suggestion that Obama is Muslim.

So he will be settling for the general insinuations. He is just "concerned" about Obama's background. Who is the "real" Obama? Don't we deserve to know everything? What are they trying to hide?

You know - the usual.

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Jesse Jackson is rapidly catching up with Al Sharpton as one of my least favorite black "leaders". Given how tight this race is, I have to wonder if he's on the GOP payroll since this is the second time he's said something potentially damaging to the Obama campaign. OTOH it probably has more to do with something Jackson values more than mere cash-media attention.

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Jesse Jackson is rapidly catching up with Al Sharpton as one of my least favorite black "leaders". Given how tight this race is, I have to wonder if he's on the GOP payroll since this is the second time he's said something potentially damaging to the Obama campaign. OTOH it probably has more to do with something Jackson values more than mere cash-media attention.

I think Jesse Jackson really resents that Obama has supplanted him as the "voice" of the African-American community. Which is why he wants to "cut Obama's nuts off."


Jesse wants to fight the battles of the 1960s forever, with himself as the spokesman. Obama wants to move on, with Jesse as... well, nothing.

Jesse hates this and he hates Obama.

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Agreed SHF. However, the time to bring that up is not before the election. To do so would be political suicide since it would hand FL over to the other side with a big bow on it.

No doubt it would have an impact. Shame "America First" isn't a consideration for either party when it comes to this particular topic.

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Agreed SHF. However, the time to bring that up is not before the election. To do so would be political suicide since it would hand FL over to the other side with a big bow on it.

Yeah, let's just hide our real intentions until AFTER the election. A fine examle of the "change we need". :doh:

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Dont hold your breath SHF. Anything he does that helps muslims will be viewed with utmost suspicion. Most Muslims realize this, and are not looking forward to an Obama presidency.

I agree with your first assertion but not the second one. Probably 98 percent of Muslims that I have spoken to are 100 percent for Senator Obama

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Yeah, let's just hide our real intentions until AFTER the election. A fine examle of the "change we need". :doh:

Note that I didn't say this is what Obama is or should be doing. Rather, it's my personal opinion based on what I think is best (meaning a lasting M.E. peace) for our (meaning the U.S.) interests. The only way that happens is for us to be less biased in our approach so that we have enough credibility with both sides to tell them things they don't want to hear.

However, for either candidate to favor such a policy prior to the election would be political suicide....not unlike specifically stating which programs they plan to cut or that they'll raise taxes even though we all know there's about a 90% chance that's going to happen no matter which of them is elected.

Great job reading into it what you wanted to hear though. ;)

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Note that I didn't say this is what Obama is or should be doing. Rather, it's my personal opinion based on what I think is best (meaning a lasting M.E. peace) for our (meaning the U.S.) interests. The only way that happens is for us to be less biased in our approach so that we have enough credibility with both sides to tell them things they don't want to hear.

However, for either candidate to favor such a policy prior to the election would be political suicide....not unlike specifically stating which programs they plan to cut or that they'll raise taxes even though we all know there's about a 90% chance that's going to happen no matter which of them is elected.

Great job reading into it what you wanted to hear though. ;)

Except it would be nice if the "new , different kind of candidate" did this kind of stuff. Was honest and leveled with the American people. If either of the candidates is really different than the rest of them(and they both so they are) they should be campaigning on what they are really going to do...not what they think will get them elected.

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On Farakhan and his ministry, Mrs Obama told API that it was unfortunate that Mr Farakhan came out the way he did supporting her husband openly before the elections was over. That was not wholehearted support but one that was calculated to convince the American people that my husband will support the growth of muslim faith if he became the president, adding “even if my husband was able to prove that he is not a Muslim, he will not be believed by those who have come out strongly to destroy his chances of being the next President. Do real people expect someone to deny a religion when 80 percent of his relatives are Muslims?; Mrs Obama asked.


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Except it would be nice if the "new , different kind of candidate" did this kind of stuff. Was honest and leveled with the American people. If either of the candidates is really different than the rest of them(and they both so they are) they should be campaigning on what they are really going to do...not what they think will get them elected.

In particular with the Israel issue. If he was able to change the campaign dynamic about our relationship with Israel, my respect and admiration would be sky high for the man

I have no clue if he will actually re-examine our relationship with Israel or not. I really wish it wasn't so ambiguous

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I think Jesse Jackson really resents that Obama has supplanted him as the "voice" of the African-American community. Which is why he wants to "cut Obama's nuts off."


Jesse wants to fight the battles of the 1960s forever, with himself as the spokesman. Obama wants to move on, with Jesse as... well, nothing.

Jesse hates this and he hates Obama.

perfectly said.

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