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well, all that aside, Len Pasquarelli and other self-acknowledged NFL experts (no playing, coaching or front office experience of course) look at Modell as a sports pioneer and icon while Dan Snyder and other 'new age' owners that want to pay their own way and not create a hardship for their communities are considered vermin fit only for extermination. <br /><br />I don't even read that fat putz's column anymore.<br /><br />Whenenver there is Redskins' news it is either off target, unbalanced or too full of the 'unnamed sources' which inevitably turn out to be people at the Washington Times, the Moonie daily, who are upset they don't get to sit at the feet of the emperor like the WP folks.<br /><br />Aw, there now, there now........it will get better little Moonies!. Maybe Snyder will forgive you in oh, say 20 years <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: bulldog ]</small>

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Unbelievable article! <br /><br />I'm with you guys on this one. This is outrageous behavior by a man of means who SHOULD know better. Inexcusable!<br /><br />All of this in a city which can't even afford to but new text books and computers for its public schools. The term robber baron was created to describe heinous acts of selfishness far less egregious than this.<br /><br />Modell is certainly an arsehole of the first order par excellence. His arrogance, unmitigated gall, and hipocrisy(sp) make me want to defecate loads of foul excrement directly into his lying mouth!!<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: BallCoachSpurrier ]</small>

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Ok, let me get this straight. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" /> These guys are arguing for right to continue to pay a $1 a year lease to the city. Not only is Modell bringing in money from all the sources mentioned in the article, but doesn't he have a deal involving parking and stadium concessions that's bringing in more money? <img border="0" alt="[cuss]" title="" src="graemlins/cuss.gif" /> I mean really. This guy is yelling about Snyder paying Lewis more money? Actually, it kinda 'splains things there.<br /><br /> Didn't the citizens find out the details of the deal to bring the Browns/Ravens into Baltimore only after the deal was done? "Good corporate citizens". <img border="0" alt="[doh]" title="" src="graemlins/doh.gif" /> Yea. Something about the courtesy of a reach around comes to mind. Yikes

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WOW:doh: That is unreal. Baltimore should put the padlocks on the practice facilities gates right now. If Baltimore is lucky Modell is warming up the Mayflower trucks as I type. Snyder is the corporate villan? How come we havn't heard this in the mainstream? Redundant question.

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Should one of us try to forward this to someone at SI or a feature writer. Certainly, this deserves more publicity. I was disgusted with Glendenning when the deal was made years ago. I feel no better today, knowing that the result of the extraordinary benefits given by Maryland and Baltimore to the Ravens financially are being so casually abused by Modell and family. A modest level of fairness and reciprocity should occur, shouldn't it?

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My absolute fave:<br /><br />"We undertook a fairly sizable endeavor to move here, and everybody should live up to agreements." <br /><br />No no no. That man CAN'T be complaining about how much money the organization LOST by moving to Baltimore. That's such brazen, open, call-me-a-liar chutzpah I almost admire it.<br /><br />Forget the fact that the city already honored the sweetheart $1 deal when they apparently didn't have to. Its the RAVENS who now want to renege on their agreements. What a model owner.

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