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Zorn's 1st quarter review


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So I like most redskins fans walked away from the TV on opening night with a sickening feeling in my stomach. Had it really turned to this. Did the Redskins really look that bad? and against a NY team that did not play well either. I dreaded the thought of going to work the next day. (I work with 2 NY Giants fan 2 Dallas fans and 2 Steeler fans). I had already begun to ignore the text messages, and prepared for the long season to come.

Week two lifted my spirits, but the mistakes were evident, we squeaked by in that one. Week three and a small light shown in the darkness. The Dallas game approached one of the two biggest football days of the year, and in my house neither of those days are superbowl sunday. Suddenly I was excited again. I watched with glee as the redskins not only won but dominated what every sports commentator in the country was calling "the best team in the NFL".

I sat on my hands as we fell behind in philly. But then we began to kick field goals. As halftime came around my freinds were grumbling and groaning at what would to them be an inevitable loss. And then it hit me. I turned to the group I was watching the game with and said "you know Jim Zorn has made amazing half time adjustments!" I refuse to make any of the comparisons that are now popping into everyone's heads at this point in my diatribe. But it has been a long time since I have had felt like the Redskins were good at making halftime adjustments.

With that thought in mind, How would you grade Zorn's first quarter perfromance?

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Don't know if I'm being too optimistic or not .. But I can forgive the coaching staff for the first game due to them making adjustments/corrections for their problems and also continuing to do so.

But starting out the season winning 2/3 of the division games on the road deserves a great deal of credit.

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since the opener the Redskins have scored 29, 24, 26 and 23 points.

Zorn's work with Campbell and his playcalling is what has accounted for those extra 7-9 points per game that the Redskins are scoring in 2008, and that is the margin of victory.

Last year the Redskins were scoring around 17-18 points a game.

At that clip the Redskins might be 2-3 instead of 4-1.

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Zorn and Blache get an A- for the 1st quarter

3-1 @ the quarter mark is better than i originally thought we would end up. We have had an incredibly tough schedule against some of the best offenses and defenses in the NFL. Both Zorn and Blache have done impeccable jobs calling plays and motivating our players to succeed. My only complaint on offense is i would like less field goals and more touchdowns. With 3 games left in the 2nd quarter against weaker teams i can only hope that Zorn and co can keep our guys motivated and focused.... 7-1 would be beautiful.

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Solid A-

I'm amazed at the coaching staff's ability to adjust during the game. Even the giant's game, our D adjusted and kept them off the scoreboard. What I'm also amazed about is the individual skill sets of players which comes from great coaching. Great open field tackling, blocking from the running backs and recievers, 2nd 3rd and 4th option recievers stepping up and going with the game. I'm always in wonderment about the adjustments that Bugel makes in his blocking schemes. And it seems seemless with the play calling which tells me that him and zorn are brain melding. Blache does an awesome job of adjusting his schemes. Overall I haven't seen the Skins this in-sync since the Gibbs I era and I'm enjoying the ride every minute of the way

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I have to give it an A. I would have never guessed we would be seating where we are at right now. I agree with some, we need to score more TD's and less FG's. I'd like to see Thomas, Davis, and Kelly(if healthy) get some playing time these next 3 weeks. Be nice to have them playing right come time to play the NFC East at home.

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Speaking of quarters, I remember watching Zorn in an interview state how he breaks down the season into quarters.

Can anyone here enlighten me on how the schedule breaks down Zorn-style :o?

Uhh... its pretty easy man. You just take the 16 games and divide them into quarters. 4 games at a time. :rolleyes:

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Given all the circumstances, I'd give him an A+. And no, I don't feel like I'm being a homer at all by saying that.

Prior to coming to Washington (as the OC), Zorn had ZERO previous experience running an offense or even calling a play. He then comes to Washington, where he was supposed to be the OC only and the main reason he was hired was to develop Jason Campbell. Not only that, but he also has to create + install a whole new system that almost none of the guys on the current roster had previous experience in.

He eventually gets hired as the HC. Now not only does the guy have to worry about developing a young, inconsistent QB in Campbell in a new system, create his playbook/plays, and install his variation of the WCO (which I don't think the Skins had ever employed), he had to take on all the extra duties of a HC, being held accountable of the team, and the extra media/fan bull****.

What does the guy do? He makes a once inconsistent, frustrating QB with potential play at a Pro Bowl level. He successfully installs his brand new offense. He changes the entire atmosphere of the team and the players. He plays to win (rather than not to lose), makes gutsy calls to finish games off, and great halftime adjustments.

You can't for ask for much really. And what makes this all amazing is his previous lack of experience. This team looks more confident and physical than ever. They play their best football in the 4th quarter of games, come from behind to win and finish teams off with long, phsical, time consuming drives, where in previous years the team would suck in the 4th quarter, go 3 and out on O for basically the entire second half of games, and end up blowing countless leads. Oh he also inherited a team that had lost their best overall player (Offense or Defense) last year, and any extra motivation the team had to play in his honor ("Lets win this one for Sean") is pretty much over with.

Zorn's 1st quarter has, IMO, been nothing short of spectacular.

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