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Vatican official attacks U.S Democrats as "party of death"...


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It's pretty funny the vatican is attacking American Catholics in Office who disagrees with it. The Catholic church can pretty much attack most American Catholics on that point.


Vatican official attacks U.S. Democrats as “party of death”

Vatican officials seldom single out political leaders who differ with the Church on issues like abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research. But now that the Vatican’s highest court is led by an American, the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, we can expect things to get more explicit in Vatican City — at least when when it comes to U.S. politics.

Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.” He then attacked two of the party’s most high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.

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If the Vatican believes that a public figure has misrepresented the Church's view on any issue, including abortion, it should speak out. There is nothing wrong with clarifying its doctrine in this context.

As far as jumping into politics, its probably not going to help.

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By all means speak out on the death penalty, war, greed, classism, and the rest of it as well. It's absurd how abortion has been used to hijack Christianity and politics. We ignore all the stuff Jesus actually talked about that will damn so many souls in order to champion causes not specifically spelled out in the bible. If you believe Jesus was God and you believe the bible is the word of God - than why do you believe that he forgot to specifically mention abortion if it was to be such a consuming issue of his church?

Think about it, what single issue determines the political support of the vast majority of Christians. How long has this been the case? You really think God, the all knowing all powerful creator, would have left this issue of such supreme importance out of his book? Would instead have included it in riddle form about life leaving it to human opinion?

Someone has to grab these "leaders" and shake the sense back into them.

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By all means speak out on the death penalty, war, greed, classism, and the rest of it as well. It's absurd how abortion has been used to hijack Christianity and politics. We ignore all the stuff Jesus actually talked about that will damn so many souls in order to champion causes not specifically spelled out in the bible. If you believe Jesus was God and you believe the bible is the word of God - than why do you believe that he forgot to specifically mention abortion if it was to be such a consuming issue of his church?

Someone has to grab these "leaders" and shake the sense back into them.

The Vatican doesn't subscribe to sola scriptua so that doesn't apply.

They are opposed to war and the death penalty, but not in principle - it is a "problematic" for the Church but they have never been pacifist, and they do believe that in certain circumstances the death penalty may be applied (insufficient means of incarceration and very likely to kill again are two of the prerequisites, I believe), although they never specifically sanction its use or sanction a war.

Abortion is always wrong for them (yes, even in cases of rape/incest :rolleyes:)

And they will always throw the numbers game at you - the number of abortions performed in a single the U.S. far exceeds the number that died in Iraq on both sides for the entire conflict.

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Think about it, what single issue determines the political support of the vast majority of Christians. How long has this been the case? You really think God, the all knowing all powerful creator, would have left this issue of such supreme importance out of his book? Would instead have included it in riddle form about life leaving it to human opinion?

I'm pretty sure murder's in there somewhere.

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