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Llamas— What Can’t They Do?


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Llamas— What Can’t They Do?

Llamas—the shaggy, gangle creatures of the Andes—can keep the coyotes away better than any lazy old sheep dog. Llamas come in a variety of colors and textures and are reputedly way friendlier than their cousins: the spit-happy, cantankerous camels. Mittens can be made from llama wool. Songs about llamas are catchy. Llamas are multi-purpose. There are some llamas in a pasture near the bike/walking path that leads west from Oregon State University. While waving my arms at them and yelling, “Hey stupid llama! Come here, stupid llama—I wanna pet you!” I often wonder if their luxuriant eyelashes and blasé looks might belie a deep cunning. I mean, llamas seem to know what it’s all about, don’t they? Will we humans someday be enslaved by ruthless llama overlords?


Now there is something else we can add to the list of miracles that llamas can perform: the ability to detect caffeine! In an effort to find an easy, portable way to detect caffeine in liquid beverages, researchers went straight to the llamas.

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Llamas are funny, interesting animals, and alpaca fur makes the softest, most awesome sweaters in the world.

When I was dating a girl while I lived in Oregon, I found all these catalogs of prize llama "studs." Apparently, her family raised and bred llamas, which was very popular in the central Oregon/Three Sisters area, to my surprise. It was just very amusing seeing all these picture of championship competition llamas.

And that's my llama story.

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