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Suggest a Name for my new dog.


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Meandering thoughts on dog names:

Romophobe? Sounds more like a hound dog's name. Naw, who's afraid of a Romo sits to pee?

Cooley-for-six or Portis-for-six (kind of borg-ish and differentiates it from all the other Cooley's and Portis's)

Draw-play (Two syllables, easy to learn, don't know why I don't see this enough)

Vinny or Danny (you won't feel as bad when you have to whack it with a newspaper for pee-ing on your carpet)

Bugel (especially if it's so ugly you can't help but love it)

O-Line or D-Line (you may add "that darn" in front of these for added emphasis)

Dog (It's what 70% of the players call each other as in "Tsup, Dog?", and it's accurate in this case)

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