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Some Random Thoughts Tonight


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Kid and wife are asleep on a Saturday night. Our fun night was doomed when the power went out a few hours ago -- demoted to lots of beer with the neighbors.

Some random thoughts:

- There were some seriously great power ballads in the 80s. It's very impressive, actually.

- But the lead singer of Toto was just incredibly ugly. He looked like a toad.

- Hot farts smell so bad because they aren't just swallowed air like cool farts. They're gas produced by bacteria breaking down food in your stomach. The exothermic reaction explains the heat.

- I think I'm in love with Anna Faris. I think I have been ever since "Scary Movie," actually. She's not the best in Hollywood at any particular thing, but she's so damned passable at most of it. Textbook girl next door, and not ruined by Hollywood.

- 3D graphics are pretty fun to make. It's incredible how far you can go with a few very basic ideas.

- "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" seemed is a good motorcycle trip with way too many words in the middle.

- The PS3 controller could be a little bit better, for people with large hands. To hit Select or Start, do you do an end run above the analog sticks, or do you do an end run below them?

- I have a cat that weighs over 20 pounds, but he can leap up onto a countertop with very little difficulty. I think he might be a small lynx that painted itself white and gray.

- His brother is only about half that size. And knows how to bury his poop.

- A 20+ pound cat's poop isn't really that much smaller than dog poop. And it smells just as bad, when it sits uncovered in a plastic box inside your house.

- It'll tear the corneas right off your eyeballs if you let it get out of control.

- I was getting gallons of water in my basement every time we had a hard rain. Then I dug a small hole in my front yard with my bare hands a couple of weeks ago, and that fixed the problem. I love it when a plan comes together.

- The New Kids on the Block were more talented than the ****cat Dolls, but they didn't have vaginas. Except that one silent, sullen New Kid. I think that kid might have had a vagina.

- Have you ever gotten baby poop forcibly injected underneath your fingernails? I have. There are some places a fingernail brush just can't reach.

- The same 3 fingernails I once got simultaneous half-inch pine splinters under, actually. That's weird. I just thought of that. That hurt really, really badly.

- I really like royal blue and white. They look so good together. Regal.

- "WAX Or The Discovery Of Television Among The Bees" permanently damaged me. I'm not sure I ever came out of the hypnotic state it probably put me in.

- Why do some people hate Cat Stevens so much? Many of his melodies are gorgeous. He had an incredible talent.

- The hippie-era song "Sky Pilot" has the same name as a ride that was at Kings Dominion for a while in the late 80s/early 90s. Kings Island in Cincinnati had the same ride, but a drunk lady passed out and fell out of it while her little flight pod was upside-down, dying when she hit the concrete below. And yet, I've never seen hippies portrayed as big beer fans.

- Aging ex-hippie-wannabes are a different story.

- Not sure what games to get for this Nintendo Wii that's sitting here. Wii Sports is a hoot, but I think a golf game and maybe some kinda Star Wars thing might be it.

- Never trust a man in a bowtie. He probably molests.

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Double cheeseburgers from Mcdonald's might be the best drunk food out there.

I'm glad I don't have a car in Morgantown, driving here absolutely sucks ass.

Freshmen suck ass. (cept for girls)

Why the hell is my roommate sleeping on a mattress with some random girl right in front of the front door?

Being sick sucks ass, especially on a day of a home game.

I hate one of my roommates.

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Well I got screwed over and got stuck with a roommate I didn't know before I moved in and it turns out this kid is ****ing insane.

Kid is reckless, for the past three days he's been hopped up on valium, codeine, and alcohol which he mixes together. Oh and I've had to call the ambulance on him earlier this year for alcohol poisoning.

I always try to avoid him by just hanging out in my room or going over to a friends place. I'm going to try and move out of my apt.

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I hate crickets. I really do. Effing loud as hell and one seems to be stuck in a place where the noise gets amplified (underneath the stairs just outside) and I can't find it

Very hard rain sucks when you are talking to a potential customer outside of his house

This 495 expansion is going to be huge, huge huge. And they are moving quite quick with it

I think one of the coolest things in all of sports is to see a team improve each time it goes out there and plays

I think one of the worst things in all of sports is seeing your team get worse each times it goes out there plays

I really can't wait till Ramadan is over this year. 14 hours daily fasts are taking its toll on me

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I agree about the Cat Stevens part: "Tea for the Tillerman" is a very good album. Also, Eric Burdon and the Animal's "Sky Pilot" is fine as well. The entire "Twain Shall Meet" album is quite good with some rocking songs, especially under the proper influence.

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I hate crickets. I really do. Effing loud as hell and one seems to be stuck in a place where the noise gets amplified (underneath the stairs just outside) and I can't find it

I feel ya SHF. I'm going to personally make it my mission in life to kill every cricket I come across (except for the one who posts on here :)). I don't think i've had a solid night of sleep in 6 months.

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Hmmm... naaah. :)
I'm with you man. Freshman really do suck, all they do is complain.

"WAHHHHHHHH, we have to write a 3 page paper on any topic we choose."

STFU, I had to write 10 pages on the competing schools of international economic thought, and that is just the 1st paper of the semester, I also have research papers to write.

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