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Disrespect in Green Bay


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I went to Lambeau last year. I was livid after we lost that game. However, one really great thing about being there, other than just the surrounding aura of Lambeau Field, was seeing Sean roam back at free. One of the most impressive displays I've seen from a defensive player live. In the category with when I saw Urlacher and Ray play. Just on another level awesome.

Anyway, the Packer fans were very gracious. A lot of them saw that I was pissed but a few guys said essentially the same thing, " If you guys had more # 21s out there, no way we win that game."

They all seemed to be gushing about how awesome Sean was. It was def a notion of pride I felt by having this player on MY team while other teams fans were expressing such praise. Anyow, point is, there are a-holes everywhere, you seemed to have happened to meet one that was a Packers fan. However, my experience in Green Bay tell me that they seem to be few and far between.

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GB has one of the most tolerable stadiums for away fans in the NFL... the fact that you encountered the 5% rule on the night BEFORE the game at a BAR is unremarkable...

I can name about 30 bars in DC that would be much worse if a guy wearing a Romo sits to pee jersy was strolling about the night before a dallas game..

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I'm gonna take a guess that the guy probably meant to say.."I'm glad we don't have to face Sean Taylor on the field anymore because he was a great player and a game changer on Defense, etc. " I doubt he meant that he was glad he was dead.

The bad thing is that because Taylor has passed away no one can really express that thought without coming across being disrepectful.

Yea, I'm sure that's EXACTLY what he meant...:doh:

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Problems with this story:

You wore a football jersey out on a Saturday night

You almost overreacted to a comment made about a man you presumably have never met

Even after sobering up, you thought this would be something worthy of a new thread here

People, Sean Taylor, though a phenomenal athlete and sure-fire star-in-the-making for the Redskins, was not our friend/family member. It was tragic FOR THOSE WHO KNEW HIM when he passed away last year, but let's let the man rest in peace and let those who knew him as more than just a good safety do the mourning.

I think of Sean as a friend regardless, Sean was everything I wanted to be as a football player and he showed that you can turn your life around. He also bacame a Chrstian during the last years of his life. I cried when he passed not because the Redskins had lost their best player, but because he had become one of the most influential people in my life. So I don't think it's right to say that I can't mourn Sean because I didn't know him on a personal basis... there's just so much more to it than that.

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