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Is Zorn Sleeping at Redskins Park?


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Does it really help the body if one sleeps at work on a bed or at home.

This post is a fail.:doh:

I think what he is trying to do is gauge Zorn's dedication and work ethic, to a degree. In a sense, "sleeping at Redskins Park" would imply at least dedication.

All I can say is that it'll be hard to beat Gibbs record at Redskins Park. I hope he is staying a little longer and doing a little more than Spurrier did though :)

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This is one of the things that I said in the offseason would be a measuring stick for how well he performs. I read the article about him being a guy who likes to climb mountains and stuff and wondered if he had too many outside interests to really commit to success in the NFL. And as 'fun' as it sounds to go on a bike-ride with the President of the United States, that doesn't sound like the Gibbs mentality of sleeping in the office.

I think Zorn's a very smart guy and I think he has the ability to figure out how to be successful in the NFL, but I wonder how committed he is and how much energy he's putting forward.

I'm not drinking the kool-aid on either side (for or against the guy), but I'm in more of a wait and see approach. And he was dealt a blow with his offense not being successful in week 1.

How will he respond? Could he wind up being a Norv Turner who can put up good offenses but can't motivate his team? Or a Brian Billick, who's supposed to be an offensive guru but can't seem to teach his team to complete a forward pass? Maybe he'll be a Martz - putting up great numbers on offense, but at the expense of the defense?

There are so many possible outcomes, I just hope for a winning season - but even more I hope that we can start to build something to be successful for year after year. I just hope Zorn knows what he's doing and isn't just trying to wing it cause he's getting paid.

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If anyone watched him on Redskins Nation this week, he didn't look too well rested and mentioned game planning at the park at night.

That said, shortly after he was hired he was asked this same question. "Are you going to put in long hours?" He responded that sleeping at the park or even staying at the park really late was not necessary. Maybe he has changed his mind about that :whoknows:

Also it's notable that Bugle said they start the day much earlier than they did when Gibbs was coach and that he found that preferable.

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He was asked this question around the time he was hired. He said he had no plans in sleeping at the office. He's believes he doesn't need to sleep at redskins park to be dedicated. He will get his work done and go home to sleep. So to answer your question, no I don't think he is.

But you never know down the line he might....I'm sure Gibbs didn't start out his career promising to sleep at the office everyday. It's just something you decide to too when you realize it's 3 in the morning and there's no point in going home since you gotta come back early the next morning.

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He was asked this question around the time he was hired. He said he had no plans in sleeping at the office. He's believes he doesn't need to sleep at redskins park to be dedicated. He will get his work done and go home to sleep. So to answer your question, no I don't think he is.

But you never know down the line he might....I'm sure Gibbs didn't start out his career promising to sleep at the office everyday. It's just something you decide to too when you realize it's 3 in the morning and there's no point in going home since you gotta come back early the next morning.

Not to mention the technology today is greater. It would be easier for him to take work home and review film(DVD, MPEG, etc) at home than before. But I'm sure if things get tougher, he might end up a night or two there.

I don't care if he is at Redskins park for only an hour a week as long as we win games.

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Gibbs was successful and he did...

My point being Zorn needs to be burning the candle at both ends right now. Gibbs may not have needed to, but he certainly wanted to and it probably made him better. I don't care for the "9-5" approach, especially when brand new and as unprepared and unmotivated Zorn looked a week ago.

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Not to mention the technology today is greater. It would be easier for him to take work home and review film(DVD, MPEG, etc) at home than before. But I'm sure if things get tougher, he might end up a night or two there.

I don't care if he is at Redskins park for only an hour a week as long as we win games.

Good point. No need for him to really sleep at the park.

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