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Thinking about joining the Air Force...need some advice


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I was having lunch with my family today and the topic of what I am going to do after I graduate came up. I said that I really didn't know. My father mentioned the Air Force and I figured I would do some research on it.

I will graduate this spring with a bachelors degree in Political Science. I would definitely want to go to OCS and become an officer. I'm just looking for any advice from any people who have served. Thanks.

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What do you want to do?

DO NOT go in unless you go the officer route. I say this not because being enlisted is all that bad, but with your education that is no reason to not get soem butter bars

I would definitely go the officer route, how difficult is it to get into officer school.
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As for what I wanna do I really don't know. My degree will be in political science.

It is kind of an unfair question to ask someone of your young age what you want to do. Many of us have no idea even when we get to my age. ;) Reason I ask is that it always helps to be able to at least have a direction of what you want to do in the Air Force,(or any branch of the Military), so that you can go in with a specific job in mind or career direction. I'd recommend getting as much info as you can online as well as going to a recruiter,(just bear with it and you'll get some info you need). I believe the Air Force OCS/OTS has a site you can visit to get info. Personally, I think there are worse things you can do for a job for a short time or a career. I had no problem being enlisted and know that had I stayed in, would have done well in that area. But the chance to get some shiny stuff on the shoulders is one to take advantage of. No matter if you're in short term or long term.

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If I were you, I would avoid the military like the plague. It is filled with retardation the likes of which you have never experienced . . .

When I see posts like yours, I am sooooo glad we don't have the draft

On the other hand, I like projects with attitudes like yours

You would have my personal attention. Each and every day:)

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As for what I wanna do I really don't know. My degree will be in political science.

Look towards what will translate to the outside. Look at what's going on in the world right now. Learn arabic and be a translator. Go into intel. Go into Air Traffic or one of the medical fields

PM me and let me know what a recruiter tells you too. Just do it before the first week of Nov

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Look towards what will translate to the outside. Look at what's going on in the world right now. Learn arabic and be a translator. Go into intel. Go into Air Traffic or one of the medical fields

PM me and let me know what a recruiter tells you too. Just do it before the first week of Nov

Any reason I should talk to them before the 1st week of November. Also, how hard is it to get into OCS?
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Eh, life, period, is filled with "retardation the likes of which you have never experienced..". I don't really think it's military-exclusive. IMHO.

Uh . . . hell no. There is nothing quite like military retardation. Just the incredible amounts of stupidity that goes on are, frankly, unimaginable.

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OCS shouldn't be that difficult to obtain especially if your degree translates into something the Air Force can use. Basic and OCS is combined so no worries there.

I'm with Sarge, go for something with intel or linquist anything that will get you a TS(top secret clearance). You can take a TS to the outside and make killer money.

You'd probably get more money going the army route with all the bonuses they pay but unless you're uber gungho go with us, the Air Force. No one will treat you better than us. If anyone tells you different they're just hating. Not trying to be a smartass just telling you the truth.

Hey Sarge, going to the FSA next month and should put on my diamond 7 November. Kind of nervous but I feel I've done all I can do in CE so it's time for a change. Not to mention the 87% promotion rate to SMSgt upon returning to my career field isn't bad either.

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Hey Sarge, going to the FSA next month and should put on my diamond 7 November. Kind of nervous but I feel I've done all I can do in CE so it's time for a change. Not to mention the 87% promotion rate to SMSgt upon returning to my career field isn't bad either.

Sorry for your luck :old laughy:

Just kidding of course. Well, a little bit. I got to caryy the "Shirt Book" a few times during my final few years when the Shirt needed a break




The stuff you find in some kids rooms

It wasn't bad overall. The worst were the wife smackers. That **** boils my blood and I was especially notorious on base for dealing with them in my own, special way:mad:

Good luck with that and the promotion bud. Senior is an awesome stripe. Treated almost like a god, but don't have the Chief responsiblities

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