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Are there any Extremeskins musicians?


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Several years of classical piano training as a kid, up through about age 15. Even had the privilege of 2 years of intense training from the "leading concert pianist in Chile" ... until I made the mistake of asking her if she'd work with me on an adaptation of Ohio I was trying to put together.

Coincidentally, that's about the time I moved on to guitar lessons. :)

Self-taught drummer staring late in high school.

Played in a classic rock band named Threshold in college (VT). Started out with 2 drums a la Alman Bros ... I played what I called "second throne." Plus I'd jump up and play rhythm guitar on about half the tunes. We dumped the second drum set soon after discovering that not many frat houses and/or local bars were really equipped to handle two full sets, and I went guitar / keyboard / vocals full time.

Fact is I was by far the least accomplished pure musician in the group ... so I tried to make up for it by writing a fair amount of our original stuff, and also did my level best to shield the other guys from all the scantily clad coeds who were constantly throwing themselves at us. I felt they were distracting from and detrimental to our art, you know?

Hey I was nothing if not selfless.

Today ... the "real" drummer from our band remains my best (non-Extremeskins :) ) friend in the world, and our families get together several times a year. Inevitably, we end up in outrageous drum circles both stirring the old blood and infusing the young with the love of sharing rhythms.

Music. Ain't nothing like it.

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Thanks for the compliments guys!:cheers: :cheers:

Code, price depends on features and stuff, but I'm very reasonable, since i do it for love more than money. Generally, it'll run anywhere from $800 to $1800, depending on things like electronics, etc. The general rule is parts plus $500, which since I make everything by hand, which means I earn about $1 an hour. I actually have a website, but I'm not sure if the admins are okay with me pasting the link.

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Riggo, why the P-90? Seems to me with the resonator cone you might want a humbucker of some type?

Not that it matters, I love all the old gibson soapbar pickups myself.

I play guitar and bass -- ska, rocksteady, northern soul, skinhead reggae.

Mostly stick to teles these days -- if you play long enough, seems like you end up on one at the end of the day. The stay in tune and do what you ask of them.

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The only problem anybody here has ever had with people posting links to their sites has been when someone shows up out of the blue, advertises like hell for a couple days, then disappears again.

You are a valued and respected poster here, and have been for some time. I think I speak for admins and members alike in saying ... post that sucker.

And be prepared for some traffic. :)

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Thanks for the compliments guys!:cheers: :cheers:

Code, price depends on features and stuff, but I'm very reasonable, since i do it for love more than money. Generally, it'll run anywhere from $800 to $1800, depending on things like electronics, etc. The general rule is parts plus $500, which since I make everything by hand, which means I earn about $1 an hour. I actually have a website, but I'm not sure if the admins are okay with me pasting the link.

Please post your website or at least PM it to those of us that are interested... That's very impressive that you are talented enought to do that sort of work...:cheers:

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Can't believe I missed this thread until now.

I play trumpet, guitar and some (not much) piano. I'm in a band that plays a few gigs a month. Hoping that will be my fulltime job one day, but right now I'm just practicing as much as I can and doing the 9-5 thing. I'm into jazz more than anything, and that's how I became interested in the piano. It's the best tool available for teaching jazz theory.

I've been playing trumpet for about 12 years now. I also play occasionally in a couple jazz big bands, not to mention, your Redskins' marching band for the last 2 years.

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Originally posted by SkinsThug

Riggo, why the P-90? Seems to me with the resonator cone you might want a humbucker of some type?

Not that it matters, I love all the old gibson soapbar pickups myself.

The guy I built it for wanted that, and I have to say, it sounds sweeet! It's a Rio Grande, and they make great pickups for vintage bluesy sounds.

It will probably be a few weeks before I get pics of my guitar models up, but in case anyone is curious:

Jeppson Guitars

There's a lot of technical info there too, and if any of you extreme posters are interested in learning to build a guitar yourself, I'll be happy to answer any questions. Thanks, OM.

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that is a beautiful piece of work. I love resonators. I used to have an old National with a pickup in it, but it was stolen after a gig:cry:. Man I miss that guitar.

I've been playing guitar for about 25 years. I actually started on drums, but my Mom couldn't take it so she swapped out my drums for a guitar. Played professionally (rock, funk, reggae, blues, and jazz) for about 7 years in the 90's, but I gave it up b/c the lifestlyle was too much after a while. I'm working on a new project now with my 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son, but we don't sound very good yet. :laugh:

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Guitar mainly. Self/family/friend/idol taught. Fiddle around some on the Mandolin. Trying to teach myself a little keyboard.Got a couple acoustic/electrics (Fender/Washburn), and a electric Gibson. (Howard Roberts Fushion) Played rhythm/lead vocals/harmony vocals in a local cover band for about 8 yrs. Played a little of everything. Country/Rock/Oldies. Whatever got'em dancing. Not a day goes by that I don't pick up the guitar. Even if it's only for a few minutes.

PS-What do you call someone who hangs around musicians?

A drummer.

Just kidding of course. We used to terrorize ours all the time.

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What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend?



How can you tell when a drummer is at your door?

The knocking keeps speeding up.


How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, they have machines to do that now....


What's the difference between an elephant in a pickup truck and a trombone player in a car?

At least the elephant might be on his way to a paying gig :silly:

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Originally posted by Om

What do you call a drummer who renders moot all jokes about drummers?

Billy Cobham.

So there. :)

Just in case Art, Kyle, or LarryBrown might be reading this thread.

“Did the phrase a moot point originally mean ‘a debatable point’?

Nowadays it seems to mean ‘an irrelevant point’ or even ‘a point so irrelevant it’s not worth debating’. Some actually have taken to referring to it as a mute point. What’s the history here?”

Moot point is one of those phrases that once had a firm and well-understood meaning, but no longer does. It was just as you say: a matter that was uncertain or undecided, so open to debate.

It comes from the same source as meet and originally had the same meaning. In England in medieval times it referred specifically to an assembly of people, in particular one that had some sort of judicial function, and was often spelled mot or mote. So you find references to the witenagemot (the assembly of the witan, the national council of Anglo-Saxon times), hundred-mote (where a hundred was an Anglo-Saxon administrative area, part of a county or shire), and many others. So something that was mooted was put up for discussion and decision at a meeting—by definition something not yet decided.

The confusion over the meaning of moot point is modern. It is a misunderstanding of another sense of moot for a discussion forum in which hypothetical cases are argued by law students for practice. Since there is no practical outcome of these sessions, and the cases are invented anyway, people seem to have assumed that a moot point means one of no importance. So we’ve seen a curious shift in which the sense of “open to debate” has become “not worth debating”.

The mute spelling is a development that has come about because moot is now a fossil word, usually encountered only in this phrase; there is an understandable tendency to convert the unknown into the known, and mute seems to fit the new meaning rather better.

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What do you call a drummer with half a brain?



Why to bands need Roadies?

To translate what the drummer says.


Two drummers walk into a bar...

which is funny because you would have figured the second one would have seen the first guy do it.


A new customer walks into the new store on the block that sells brains. There are three glass cases, each containing a nice wet quivering grey brain. The first one says "Astrophysicist", and it costs $10. The second says "Avon Salesman" and costs $1000. The third says "Drummer" and costs $10,000. The customer is confused, and questions the salesperson.

"I don't get it...why would I want a drummer's brain for $10,000 when I can get an astrophysicists' for $10?".

The salesman replies, "Because it's never been used."

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  • 3 months later...


Awesome bass line, very nice tone!

What kind/brand of pickups do you generally use? I've been building guitars for several years, and I've just started getting requests for basses. I can recommend certain electronics for guitars, but really don't have any great knowledge when it comes to bass. Do you play primarily slap bass lines?

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