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Post your ideas for MSF's sig here


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Don't know if we want to make this the official thread or not, but I'd like to see some people ideas for MSF's sig once he loses this bet. Because let's be honest, I don't think anyone on this site is taking his side on the wager. So let's have some of those signature ideas.

Since this would be useless without pics, I took an image from the Maddox website and modified it slightly. I'd like to see MSF carry this for a week or so, since he doesn't like kids, and especially not kids professing affection for him while a rainbow comes out of their ass.


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I can't see DMH's middle one....and I'm not so sure the swastika isn't in poor taste. I understand it's history as a hindu symbol, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's being referred to here.

No one liked the Rainbow-ass child?

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I can't see DMH's middle one....and I'm not so sure the swastika isn't in poor taste. I understand it's history as a hindu symbol, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's being referred to here.

No one liked the Rainbow-ass child?


Or just Google Image Search "communism" its a hammer and sickle with "Communism Is Our Future" on it.

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Ah, I see MSF has found the thread, I would love to hear his opinions on some of these.

BTW, really enjoyed the unicorn one. Anything with a rainbow in it is going to make me laugh, imagining it underneath his posts.

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Ah, I see MSF has found the thread, I would love to hear his opinions on some of these.

BTW, really enjoyed the unicorn one. Anything with a rainbow in it is going to make me laugh, imagining it underneath his posts.

my vote is either for the kid crapping a rainbow or the unicorn.

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I can't see DMH's middle one....and I'm not so sure the swastika isn't in poor taste. I understand it's history as a hindu symbol, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's being referred to here.

No one liked the Rainbow-ass child?

Agreed. The Hindu symbol is when it's on its side whereas the Nazi symbol is where it is rotated.

You can't joke about some things.

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I have poor photoshop skills but a very vivid imagination. Is there anyway someone can photoshop a picture of an immigrant child riding a rainbow into the United States, saying "Thanks for the support MSF, I love you!" Maybe even build upon this?

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Mad props Phoward...this is one funny thread! :applause:

Perfect for the doldrums of a Wednesday.

I say anyone on the list can submit one for a mod to give him per week until the next season starts! I have a feeling we'd see less of him, though, which is not a good thing necessarily. :D MSF, although I disagree with him 99.9% of the time, brings some interesting stuff to the table.

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