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Obama's Voting Record Complicates His Shift to Center


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July 8 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is trying to claim the political center, following in the footsteps of previous nominees including Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980. Yet the Illinois senator has a higher hurdle than most: a consistently liberal voting record.

In recent weeks, Obama said he supports gun-ownership rights, backs legislation giving immunity to telephone companies that participated in an anti-terrorism surveillance program and would consider cutting corporate taxes. On July 3, he said he would ``continue to refine my policies'' on the Iraq War.

Barack Obama in the center??:laugh: He's alot closer to a hammer and sickle than he is to the center in the politcal world.
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I've always had a hard time believing that he'll "reach across the aisle" when he votes the way he does.

He will reach across the aisle in the same manner the Dem congressional leaders have....not at all.

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