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Your Majesty LIVE (from my basement)


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Hey guys,

If you're from the area most of you know that DC101 is holding a contest for the privledge of opening for Coldplay at Verizon Center on August 3rd. My band and I decided to enter it for fun. Hey, why not try? Opportunities like this don't come around often!

I was hoping you'd guys just have a casual listen to the video we submitted! It's a song that I wrote just a couple weeks ago actually, and one of the few that features myself on vocals. I'm also on guitar, though I wrote the song on piano. The song is called 'Lookin', and if you like the blues, rock, or blues rock, you should dig. Please check it out!


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A small room with no acoustics will do that yea. Not bad otherwise Kevin

Thanks, man. I actually think it's more because we were using a normal video camera and trusting it to pick up drums, bass, piano, vox and guitar, and EQ them all accordingly. All things considered, I think it sounds pretty good.

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I can see some Radiohead mixed with blues in there....cool man. When you play the song live, you should extend the solo time and really go to town.

Thanks man. That British rock (Radiohead/Muse) hybrid with blues is exactly what I was aiming for when I wrote it. It makes me glad that it shines through.

As for extending the solo, I think that would work better if the solo was more towards the end of the song. To extend a solo, and then have 2 minutes of music following it is a little anti-climactic. Plus I already have a few extended solos in our set. :)

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Hey ... just be careful. Read the fine print for the contest. I remember hearing that the contest kinda screws you if you win ....

I read it on www.perezhilton.com:

Coldplay and their record label are giving undiscovered bands the chance to 'open' for the group in San Jose, Chicago, Philly, Hartford, Washington D.C. and Boston by entering an online contest.

To enter, bands need to submit an original song performance via YouTube.

For those of you who are considering the contest — read the contest rules and fine print closely.

You could see your YouTube performance being used in ways you're not happy with and you won't be able to do anything about it!

There's even a line in the rules that says that Coldplay's record company can place your band's song on a compilation album and they wouldn't be required to pay up for usage.

It gets worse.

By submitting your bands' performance of an original song, Coldplay's record people have the exclusive option to sign your band to what appears to be a crappy record deal.

Is playing with Coldplay really worth giving up even an ounce of control over your original material?

Think about it hard!

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