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Music Mixing Program


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So basically.....you have song ideas that you want to record and mix?

Some people already mentioned it, Pro Tools is here for that. Read up on Reason (latest is 4.0) and FL Studio too, even though it'll take a lot of use to get good.

One combination that's really great is Gearbox and Cubase.

http://line6.com/toneport/.....this is the site that'll give you details about Gearbox. Gearbox is the software that you install on your computer, and there's a piece of hardware that comes with it called TonePort that you run your guitar into.

But this isn't a recording program, what you need after that is Cubase which you can record and engineer songs in. Gearbox and Cubase will go hand in hand once you've got them both on your computer.

How much money are you looking to spend?

Btw, you must've been stoned as hell when you made this thread because the OP was basically a bunch of jibberish:laugh: .

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Well if in fact you are not trying to do what I was thinking and essentially remixing songs, then there are a ton of options you have with software and hardware. There are several options depending on your computer. If you have a Mac, there is Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic, Nuendo, Digital Performer, Audacity, Reaper. On the Windows side of things you have Pro Tools, Cubase, Nuendo, Audacity, Reaper and Sonar. There are probably a few others, but these are just some.

Firstly, Pro Tools is the industry standard for digital audio editing. It is pretty good software, obviously. The downside is that you must have their hardware to use the software. I do not particularly care for this because I feel that their M Box line is subpar with other competing devices. But that is just my opinion. Regardless of my feelings, that is a great choice if you just want to get into recording and fooling around.

Cubase is another amazing cross platform DAW. You can do almost anything in it. Cubase, similarly to Logic, really excels with its MIDI capabilities. Cubase is not hardware dependent like Pro Tools is, so you can use it with practically any audio or MIDI interface of your choosing.

If you want to go the lesser expensive route, you can go for Audacity or Reaper. Of the two, Reaper is hands down better than Audacity. It has a very small price tag, but it is well worth it.

If you are looking to do remixing and stuff, any of these programs would be great for it. If you are trying to get into making beats or something, Fruity Loops (FL Studio) is definitely worth a look as well as Reason 4. Reason's new sequencer is a lot better than what it was, so it can be used more as a stand alone application now.

Hopefully this helps a little.

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Is there I program I can get to where it allows me to take a instrumental from a song and get the verses and mix them together to make one song? Provided I have the verses and instrumentals.I have gotten some really good ideas and I wanna try them out.

I don't know of any program that can extract instruments from voices. That would be a really hard problem. If you're just looking for a mixing program there are a ton, ranging from some freeware like Garage Band to dropping a couple hundred on Pro Tools.

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