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Cowboys not much better than Redskins


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I think it's correct to state that the Cowboys aren't that much better than the Redskins. The Redskins did go 10-6 last year and have some good players dispersed throughout their roster. The only thing I would argue here is that many fans tend to sell both the Cowboys and Redskins short.

For example, there is a lot of Cowboys bashing that goes on here. That is to be expected. Some fans just need that hater's fix, for whatever reason. But, if as fans, all we can do is look at things as they appear on paper for right now (i.e. pre-training camp), then if you are being honest, you have to give the Cowboys credit for building up a talented roster with depth at most positions.

Likewise, I see a lot of Skins fans sell their own team short as well. The Skins have already proven how resilient they are. Lots of high character players with good leadership qualities. Sure, on paper and comparing them to the Cowboys on paper, the Skins have more question marks right now. But that's all they are...question marks.

We'll see what happens, but I think it's a safe bet that if both teams can stay healthy, they will probably be in this thing until the end. You can count the Giants and Eagles will have plenty to say about it as well. It's going to be a tight NFC East race this season, IMO.

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Wait, Jerry Jones is a problem because he has only won 3 Super Bowls?

I wish we could say the same for Snyder.

Wait, SMG likes Jerruh!

What a surprise!

Jerruh hasn't won a playoff game in a dozen years. Even Bill couldn't overcome Jerruh's incompetence.

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The problem is only redskins fans believe that Dallas will NEVER win a playoff game again and you'll get to a playoff drought in our faces EVERY offseason.

Well, there is that NFL record of one-and-dones.

But, golly, I guess you don't want to talk about that do you?


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The entire problem with this post is that you choose the date to go back to that simply fits your agenda of wanting to post something negative about Dallas. Why stop at 1996? Why not go back to 1992 and lay out the same stats? How about all the way back to the merger. This post is no different than me coming on here and saying Dallas is way better than the skins because they have 3 superbowls and many more playoff wins since 1992. See, I just picked an arbitrary date that would help prove my agenda in that case.

I like how puke fans gloss over that dubious NFL record of one and dones...that's not ancient history...it's quite recent.

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Compare the rosters.

Look at Vegas' odds.

It's not even close.

Yeah, and what I love most about football season is getting a bunch of cold beers, some spicy wings, putting on my Skins jersey, turning on the tv...and then watching a bunch of guys comparing rosters and looking up Vegas odds then declaring the game's winner based on both.

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Parcels did for the Cowboys what Gibbs did for the Redskins. They each took a team that was in disastrous free-fall and made them respectable again. They solidified their team and brought pride back to the organization and made their team feel like they could win again. They each laid the foundation for their successors to do really well and take the next step.

And I don't think that either coach gets the credit that they deserve.

This is so damn true :applause: ...I was thinking of starting a thread asking "Who did better in their 4 year return: Gibbs or Parcells?", but your post nailed the answer.

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Why is everyone upset? Being a long-time Cowboys fan-I can honestly say we're NOT THAT great. Talented and pretty good, yes-but we nonetheless have some holes.

BTW-the STACKED talented team in the league is the SD Chargers.

I love how good the "STACKED" teams are from year to year, Dallas :doh: , Chargers :doh: , even the Pats seemed to be very stacked and :doh: again.

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You haven't cleared up **** but I'm glad you said "on this board" because that's the only place the redskins are a better team than The Cowboys. You're not even following the OP's attempt dog but nice try. :(:rolleyes:

Just stop being stupid and recognize that Redskins > Cowboys. It's not that hard.

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Compare the rosters.

Look at Vegas' odds.

It's not even close.

Vegas odds are not entirely based on the chance to make the playoffs or win the Superbowl. A lot of it has to do with money being laid down on the future bets.

Dallas is about a 6-1 favorite, while the Redskins are 30-1. The sports books look at who has a better chance to win and how much money they would lose.

Many people bet on their favorite team and historically, the Cowboys see a lot of action place down them. Teams like the Redskins, don't have the same amount of action on the futures bets, so, they get higher odds to help get people to place a bet on them.

The odds get adjusted all year long, due to many considerations such as injuries, W-L records, and HOW MUCH MONEY IS PLACED ON THAT TEAM. The more money placed at a particular odds line will inherently cause the line to drop. This is done to offset the losses that a sports book may experience.

If the Cowboys experience a losing streak and have a record of 4-8 at week 12, even though they would still have a chance to win the Superbowl, do you think they will remain a 6-1 favorite?

Last year, if the redskins stayed at 30-1 and won the Superbowl, the books would have taken a bath. The line was lowered to around 12-1, to offset the possibility of losing money.

If there were no betting allowed, i think you would find the odds a little more realistic.

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Just stop being stupid and recognize that Redskins > Cowboys. It's not that hard.

Prove it and I'll shut up. We're not in the 4th grade so try backing that statement up with more than "because I said so." Also try putting the personal insults aside attempting to get me to retaliate. You're above that and I expect more.

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Gee, if it wasn't even close, then you should have swept us, right? :laugh:

What does that have to do THIS year or the fact that any team can beat another on any given day let alone a rival? This is precisely why it sucks to try to have a logical discussion with SOME skins fans.

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Here's a little known fact:

Any team that loses it's home playoff game after going 13-3 and earning homfield throughout aint ****.

just to play devil's advocate, the 96' broncos did just that and then won the super bowl the following year with much of the same roster.

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Just stop being stupid and recognize that Redskins > Cowboys. It's not that hard.

Now that is funny!!!!!!!!!........so many threads on this board end up with "the cowboys suck because they have not won a playoff game"...."or if the boys dont win the superbowl this year it will be a let down season" or "it does not matter if you were 13-3 last year or if you were 6-10 the bottom line is the best team is the team that wins the superbowl" or "there is one winning team and 31 losing teams every year"...................so by going with the redskin theory of winning superbowls are what makes you a great team then we all know Dallas is better than the skins due to the number of superbowls they have won

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Prove it and I'll shut up. We're not in the 4th grade so try backing that statement up with more than "because I said so." Also try putting the personal insults aside attempting to get me to retaliate. You're above that and I expect more.

Shall we start with most recent playoff wins...?

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