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NYr: Preparing the Battlefield (against Iran)..


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Seymor Hersh is an American Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist. He's broken such national stories as the My Lai Massacre and cover up during the Vietnam war, and the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse story in Iraq. He along with Bob Woodward or the Washington Post are likely the two most respected investigative journalists in the country.

In 2006 Hersh reported on the US military's plans for Iran, which allegedly called for the use of nuclear weapons against that country

In his latest New Yorker article he discusses how the Bush administration with the Support of Democrats in Congress are preparing the ground for a war with Iran...


Preparing the Battlefield

The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran.

by Seymour M. Hersh July 7, 2008


Operations outside the knowledge and control of commanders have eroded “the coherence of military strategy,” one general says.

Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources. These operations, for which the President sought up to four hundred million dollars, were described in a Presidential Finding signed by Bush, and are designed to destabilize the country’s religious leadership. The covert activities involve support of the minority Ahwazi Arab and Baluchi groups and other dissident organizations. They also include gathering intelligence about Iran’s suspected nuclear-weapons program.

My Synopsis of Hershes long article, which is very worth the time to read, But which I have been asked to cut down.........

We (Democrates in Congress and Republican Administration) are spending 400 million dollars a year on funding covert operations in Iran since last year, a significant increase. We are kidnapping Iranian officials off the streets of Iran, as well as paying surrogates to bomb and murder these Iranian government officials inside Iran. Among the anti Iranian groups which we are funding is the Baluchi a fundamentalist Sunni organization which beheads their victims on vidio tape, and which has serious overlap with Al Qada.. ( Baluchi hate infidels, in this case the suni Baluchi are happy to use our money to fund killing Shia Moslems who they also consider infidels/heritics )

Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni fundamentalists.

In addition to this we are replacing American General officers who only offense is they disagree with military action in Iran. The Bush Administration is also blurring the line between what are intelligence operations and what are military operations and thus cercomventing our laws. Intelligence operations have to be reported to congress, military operations accountability to congress are not as stringent.

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Seymor Hersh is an American Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist. He's broken such national stories as the My Lai Massacre and cover up during the Vietnam war, and the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse story in Iraq. He along with Bob Woodward or the Washington Post are likely the two most respected investigative journalists in the country.

In 2006 Hersh reported on the US military's plans for Iran, which allegedly called for the use of nuclear weapons against that country

In his latest New Yorker article he discusses how the Bush administration is preparing the ground for a war with Iran...

Ugh I just graduated college, I feel like I'm going back reading that novel..could I get a summary please :silly:


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Ugh I just graduated college, I feel like I'm going back reading that novel..could I get a summary please :silly:


I guess he didn't get the memo on excerpts. :laugh:

The short version ;)

We are running covert ops against Iran(directed by Bush,authorized by Congress)...some people like it,some don't.

Naturally this prize winning writer is trying to expose national secrets :rolleyes:

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Ugh I just graduated college, I feel like I'm going back reading that novel..could I get a summary please :silly:


We are spending 400 million dollars a year on funding operations in Iran since last year, a significant increase. We are kidnapping Iranian officials off the streets of Iran, as well as paying surrogates to bomb and murder them, including suicide bombers. Among the anti Iranian groups which we are funding is the Baluchi a fundamentalist Sunni organization which beheads their victims on vidio tape, and which has serious overlap with Al Qada..

Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni fundamentalists.

In addition to this we are replacing American General officers who only offense is they disagree with military action in Iran. We are also blurring the line between what is intelligence operations and what are military operations and thus cercomventing our laws. Intelligence operations have to be reported to congress, military operations accountability to congress are not as stringent.

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You better hope diplomacy or covert acts work


Iran ready to strike at Israel’s nuclear heart

Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv

Iran has moved ballistic missiles into launch positions, with Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant among the possible targets, defence sources said last week.

The movement of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an estimated range of more than 1,250 miles, followed a large-scale exercise earlier this month in which the Israeli air force flew en masse over the Mediterranean in an apparent rehearsal for a threatened attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. Israel believes Iran’s nuclear programme is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons.

The sources said Iran was preparing to retaliate for any onslaught by firing missiles at Dimona, where Israel’s own nuclear weapons are believed to be made.

Major-General Mohammad Jafari, the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, told a Tehran daily: “This country [israel] is completely within the range of the Islamic Republic’s missiles. Our missile power and capability are such that the Zionist regime – despite all its abilities – cannot confront it.”

BTW--- ;)

Sy Hersh Says It’s Okay to Lie (Just Not in Print)


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JMS--please don't post so much text again, and editing this would be my suggestion. Post even a long excerpt if you wish, but use some discretionary judgment based on both the rules and what is customary on the board. And by customary I mean "commonplace", not "But I saw Tommy do this once and and Bobby did it too." Thank you. :)

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You better hope diplomacy or covert acts work

Libs are going to whine no matter what we do.

Bomb them? Oh hell no.

Sanctions? But that affects the chiiiiiiiiiiiiiildren

Talk to them? Bush is negotiating with terrorists

Just take out their military and be done with it

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The long and short of it.

We are going to invade and occupy Iraq under false intelligence, we will take that fake intel and have one of our best sell it to the World to justify it. We will then have a small number of companies who have worked closely with top ranking members of our executive branch, make lots of money for themselves and do as they please.

We will then use our occupation as a jump point to assist us in creating more wars, for the same people. Our CIA will get it all started and nobody will know. Even if they did, nobody will believe it.

The country who we have the most financial ties with over there, SA, will have some of their radical people, who are funded by the government through charitable organizations attack us here on American soil and then everything will happen and we can use our connections in the media to fuel our fear campaign. It'll be easy, nobody reads anymore, they'll believe the news. It's entertaining baby.

From day one of shock and awe, I felt the main reason to invade Iraq was to become more prepared for other wars. It's truly sad that this is what America has become.

We are better than this.

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JMS--please don't post so much text again, and editing this would be my suggestion. Post even a long excerpt if you wish, but use some discretionary judgment based on both the rules and what is customary on the board. And by customary I mean "commonplace", not "But I saw Tommy do this once and and Bobby did it too." Thank you. :)

Done... sorry.. :)

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Libs are going to whine no matter what we do.

First of Sarge, Libs control the congress, and so the Libs are neck deep in this issue. The article makes the point that the Democrats were willing to fund these Presidential actions because they were covert, and thus wouldn't come back and plague them with their anti war constituents.

Sarge if you read the article it says we are funding Al Quada.. We are giving money to Al Quada..( Baluchi)..

I don't think that falls under the catagory of "no matter what we do".

I think that falls under the catagory of WTF!

Robert Baer, a former C.I.A. clandestine officer who worked for nearly two decades in South Asia and the Middle East, told me. “The Baluchis are Sunni fundamentalists who hate the regime in Tehran, but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda,” Baer told me. “These are guys who cut off the heads of nonbelievers—in this case, it’s Shiite Iranians. The irony is that we’re once again working with Sunni fundamentalists, just as we did in Afghanistan in the nineteen-eighties.”


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Sarge if you read the article it says we are funding Al Quada.. We are giving money to Al Quada..( Baluchi)..

I don't think that falls under the catagory of "no matter what we do".

I think that falls under the catagory of WTF!

We've been giving money to AQ one way or another for a long time. Just because they've attacked us, you feel that maybe it's bad policy?

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We've been giving money to AQ one way or another for a long time. Just because they've attacked us, you feel that maybe it's bad policy?

I don't believe we gave them money directly, Bin Laudin was in Afghanistan fighting Russia so he likely got US aid in the early 1980's.. But that was before he decided to start killing Americans in responce to the 1990 operation dessert sheild to protect the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Please correct me if you believe otherwise.

I believe it's significant news we are giving cash to AQ, 2007-2008.

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First of Sarge, Libs control the congress, and so the Libs are neck deep in this issue. The article makes the point that the Democrats were willing to fund these Presidential actions because they were covert, and thus wouldn't come back and plague them with their anti war constituents.

Sarge if you read the article it says we are funding Al Quada.. We are giving money to Al Quada..( Baluchi)..

I don't think that falls under the catagory of "no matter what we do".

I think that falls under the catagory of WTF!

But both of those groups are sunni. I thought sunni's didn't associate with AQ? At least that's what everyone says :rolleyes:

The enemy of my enemy............................

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"but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda,” Baer told me"

You could also describe Hersh as a traitor

You could also describe Obama as light in the loafers

Wouldn't make it true...but close counts right? :silly:

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But both of those groups are sunni. I thought sunni's didn't associate with AQ? At least that's what everyone says :rolleyes:

The enemy of my enemy............................

Al Quada and the Baluchi are sunni extreamists..

Iran is run by Shia extreamists. The Shia and Sunni extremists hate each other.

It's like the KKK and Aryan nation ganging up to kill Catholics. The KKK and Aryan nation still don't represent the views of most protestant Christian groups.

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But both of those groups are sunni. I thought sunni's didn't associate with AQ? At least that's what everyone says :rolleyes:

The enemy of my enemy............................

I thought it was the opposite - most of the 9/11 hijackers were Sunnis, as is Bin Laden himself. It was the Shia that didn't like AQ.

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"but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda,” Baer told me"

You could also describe Hersh as a traitor

You could also describe Obama as light in the loafers

Wouldn't make it true...but close counts right? :silly:

.” Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni fundamentalists.


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Al Quada and the Baluchi are sunni extreamists..

Iran is run by Shia extreamists. The Shia and Sunni hate each other.

It's like the KKK and Aryan nation ganging up to kill Catholics. The KKK and Aryan nation still don't represent the views of most protestant Christian groups.

Opps. Can't keep my minor islamic terrorists groups straight

Opps. Said terrorists and islamic in the same sentence

Can't keep my minor religion that can't be spoken poorly of insurgent freedom fighter groups straight ;)

Still, the enemy of my enemy..................

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Is our enemy.

So much for "the war on terror"...

Here's the deal. I don't give two ****s how we go about taking Iran down, as long as we get along with it. If digging up Saddam Hussien would help, I'd do that. The end goal is to keep a radical islamist regeime from acquiring NUCLEAR WEAPONS

Use who you have to. Kill who you have to.

Just get it done

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