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NYr: Preparing the Battlefield (against Iran)..


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Here's the deal. I don't give two ****s how we go about taking Iran down, as long as we get along with it. If digging up Saddam Hussien would help, I'd do that. The end goal is to keep a radical islamist regeime from acquiring NUCLEAR WEAPONS

Use who you have to. Kill who you have to.

Just get it done

Well you likely will be living those words about Sadam. It's been the belief of many in the 80's and 90's that if Saddam did not exist we would have to invent him to rule Iraq. Now that he doesn't exist, it's likely we will re-invent him. A sunni strong man to run roughshot over the Shia in order to make sure Iran's influence in the Middle East does not grow out of control.

( So much to our, and your commitment to democracy.)

Oddly enough your motivation against Iran is the same motivation which moved us against Iraq.

And that's not where the similarities end..

The request for funding came in the same period in which the Administration was coming to terms with a National Intelligence Estimate, released in December ( 2007 ), that concluded that Iran had halted its work on nuclear weapons in 2003.


Six months ago.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 — A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains frozen, contradicting judgment two years ago that Tehran was working relentlessly toward building a nuclear bomb.


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So that makes all Baluchi's AQ and since AQ is Sunni that makes them all AQ and since they are Muslim that makes all Muslim's Al Queda?....OK ;)

By your link Gen Fallon says Iran has supported Al Queda in Iraq,so we can include the Iranian Shia as AQ supporters too as well.

Regarding the role played by Iran’s leaders, he said, “They’ve been absolutely unhelpful, very damaging, and I absolutely don’t condone any of their activities. And I have yet to see anything since I’ve been in this job in the way of a public action by Iran that’s been at all helpful in this region.”

Fallon made it clear in our conversations that he considered it inappropriate to comment publicly about the President, the Vice-President, or Special Operations. But he said he had heard that people in the White House had been “struggling” with his views on Iran. “When I arrived at CENTCOM, the Iranians were funding every entity inside Iraq. It was in their interest to get us out, and so they decided to kill as many Americans as they could.

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But both of those groups are sunni. I thought sunni's didn't associate with AQ? At least that's what everyone says :rolleyes:

The enemy of my enemy............................

For someone who spends every waking second ****ing about the Middle East and liberals, I would think you would at least have some basic knowledge about the area you wish was underwater.

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Opps. Can't keep my minor islamic terrorists groups straight

Opps. Said terrorists and islamic in the same sentence

Can't keep my minor religion that can't be spoken poorly of insurgent freedom fighter groups straight ;)

Still, the enemy of my enemy..................

Yep. Just like how we teamed up with, funded, trained, and praised Bin Laden.

Excellent point you make. You always make great points. If only we all understood right?

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I don't believe we gave them money directly, Bin Laudin was in Afghanistan fighting Russia so he likely got US aid in the early 1980's.. But that was before he decided to start killing Americans in responce to the 1990 operation dessert sheild to protect the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Please correct me if you believe otherwise.

I believe it's significant news we are giving cash to AQ, 2007-2008.

I meant more the way the SA government funds the charoties that fund AQ and how we still do plenty of business with them despite this.

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About your NIE bit,what do you think now?

The U.N.’s chief nuclear watchdog, Mohamed El Baradei in an interview with Al-Arabiya TV, said, quite explicitly, that Iran will be able to produce a nuclear weapon in six months to a year


Does the UN's man on the ground lie?(about this ;) )

added transcript

Interviewer: Excuse me, I would like to clarify this for our viewers. If Iran decides today to expel the IAEA from the country, it will need six months...

Muhammad ElBaradei: Or one year, at least...

Interviewer:... to produce [nuclear] weapons?

Muhammad ElBaradei: It would need this period to produce a weapon, and to obtain highly-enriched uranium in sufficient quantities for a single nuclear weapon.

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For someone who spends every waking second ****ing about the Middle East and liberals, I would think you would at least have some basic knowledge about the area you wish was underwater.

So very sorry for the slip :rolleyes: I only help keep track of about a thousand of these groups every day.

You do what to keep the country safe?

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I don't preach killing and bombing people. :)

When families get killed, people get mad and want revenge.

Then they should get off their asses and depose the *******s running their country

Or not live near a nuke facility

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Well lets be fair. There are a lot of countries where the populace has very little chance of overthrowing the government no matter how much they want too. Iraq was a perfect example. I think its safe to say that the population of that country had no shot to overthrow due to his success at stomping those movements out with a combination of brutal terror and brute force.

Realistically had we not overthrown that regime, the Iraqis would have had an long reign of huessein family rule to look forward too. Something tells me that their nuclear ambitions would be just as big a concern as Irans in the next few years as well.

This type of very probable, but hypothetical view at what could have been, shows some of the major advantages of preemptive action as opposed to reaction.

Some times a well informed leadership structure has to make the tough decisions of small cost now or potentially huge cost later. And make this decision with the history and potential for these small costs to cause significant damage and hurt I am not saying that this will be the eventual outcome from Iraq, but I hope it proves to be true in the long run.

Me personally I dont really care or want to know what measures the president and his staff are taking to engage our enemies across the world. Because if I know then meets anybody else could too. I know that our government has crossed the moral and ethical line many times. But I also believe that their success has caused much greater upside.

I trust the morality of of our secret services far more then the many they are fighting against across the world. Which means I am inclined to give them the freedom and privacty they need to win....to a point.

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So that makes all Baluchi's AQ and since AQ is Sunni that makes them all AQ and since they are Muslim that makes all Muslim's Al Queda?....OK ;)

Iran doesn't fund AQ. AQ hates Iranians as much or more than they hate Americans.

Iran funds the Shia militia's like Sadder....

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Iran doesn't fund AQ. AQ hates Iranians as much or more than they hate Americans.

Iran funds the Shia militia's like Sadder....

But your link said Fallon said they fund ALL the groups in Iraq to kill Americans

and he ain't alone in that accusation.

They seem friendly for enemies ;)




On Iran, by contrast, the report concludes that al Qaeda's relationship with Tehran and its client, the Hezbollah militant group, was long-standing and included cooperation on operations, the officials said. It also details previously unknown links between the two, including the revelation that as many as 10 of the Sept. 11 hijackers may have passed through Iran in late 2000 and early 2001 because Iranian border guards were instructed to let al Qaeda associates travel freely, sources familiar with the report have said.

Commission and government officials emphasize that they have found no indication that Tehran knowingly helped in the plot. But the commission report will cite evidence that Iran allowed al Qaeda members into the country even after the attacks.


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Isn't that called treason?

By fascists it is. By freedom loving americans that realize this country was supposed to be run according to the will of the people it's freedom of the press doing what it's supposed to. Imagine that... the press telling the people things they need to know in order to effect self rule.

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By fascists it is. By freedom loving americans that realize this country was supposed to be run according to the will of the people it's freedom of the press doing what it's supposed to. Imagine that... the press telling the people things that are classified and tipping off our enemies.

Fixed that for you

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By fascists it is. By freedom loving americans that realize this country was supposed to be run according to the will of the people it's freedom of the press doing what it's supposed to. Imagine that... the press telling the people things they need to know in order to effect self rule.

Oh, the naivety. :doh:

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I didn't call him naive. I did call him a traitor.
By fascists it is. By freedom loving americans that realize this country was supposed to be run according to the will of the people it's freedom of the press doing what it's supposed to. Imagine that... the press telling the people things they need to know in order to effect self rule.
Oh, the naivety. :doh:
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The U.S. may be able to elect the majority of its leaders democratically. It sure does not get to conduct geopolitical strategy based upon popular vote. Not unless we start providing every member of the american public with all the information gathered by our intelligence agencies. This whole idea of the public running the country is naive and unrealistic.

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Oh, the naivety. :doh:

You are mistaking a belief in what this nation is supposed to stand for with "naivety". I'm well aware of what it's become in the hands of people constantly looking for a reason to cut back on the dream because of the latest boogyman.

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Fixed that for you

Not much of a fix. You see who our enemies are and how we respond is something Joe America should have a say in. I really don't trust those constantly looking for reasons to lie to americans to make those decisions with no public input.

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By fascists it is. By freedom loving americans that realize this country was supposed to be run according to the will of the people it's freedom of the press doing what it's supposed to. Imagine that... the press telling the people things they need to know in order to effect self rule.


Destino, how niave can you get. It's like you think the founding fathers wrote for the establishment of an indepenent and free press in the very first ammendment of the Constitution. #1, not burried down at #25 with such trivia as removing a President and VP from office.

After all why should the people be bothered with what our tax money and loan vouchers are paying for when the administration tells us what we need to know. It's almost like you think the government should be accountable to the people who put it into office and not the other way around.

It's like you actually think our Soldiers and Polititians swear an pledge to protect the Constitution, our values as a nation, rather than the actual lives of it's citizens; because the founding fathers placed those values codified in the Constitution as more important than the lives of it's citizens..

You are truely an out of touch individual... civics is more complicated than can be tought in schools.

What possible other explaination could there be.

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