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John Riggins Apple-bidding is hot on ebay (Merged)


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wow!!!! that is all I can say. I was listening to the show when they started this. I really find it hard to believe that someone paid 36k for an apple core supposedly from Tiger Woods. at least we know that this apple is legit. Would never bid on something like this, but wow!

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Somebody must have slipped some crack into that apple, for that idea to come to his mind. BUT, somebody will buy it.

For those who don't know yet, they came up with this idea after talking about Tiger Woods' apple core going on ebay for 36k. They did this as a fun gag and are donating any proceeds to Riggo's charity. It's not like it's just Riggo thinking he's so special that he can do this, it's a fun gag that'll get some charity money. I thought it was a funny idea.

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Here is part of the auction description and pics for those that haven't checked it out. :doh: :laugh:

"I mean this is an apple that John Riggins ate half of...John Riggins...the man who owns the most famous Super Bowl Moment of all time!!! Imagine the possibilities!...You can use this 1/2 man 1/2 beast's DNA to create a clone. We're talking mega millions in today's NFL!

We have plenty of pictures below to prove that Riggo did indeed take a couple of man-sized bites out of this apple during his radio show on 730AM, 92.7 FM, and 94.3 FM on Wednesday, June25th(MASN also has video). And...as you can see...the apple is being preserved in an air-tight bag...or close to an air-tight bag!"



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